SOF parachute into North Korea

East Germany and West Germany were not as different as NK and SK

You're absolutely right. There are scales of magnitude differences in terms of the geography, the size of the population, and the amount it would cost to get them back together.
That's my favorite part... As the western Germans found with reunification; it's not all it cracked up to be.

Well yeah but there's still the emotional element to it and we all know emotions often trump common sense or the better thing to do.

The Germans have the best economy in all of Europe, I think reunification worked out OK for them ;)

The East of the country is still quite poor compared to the West, though. That's pretty natural I think.
East Germany and West Germany were not as different as NK and SK
The average person in E and W Germany both wanted the wall to come down. N Korea's been isolated for so long, who knows what it's people think.