SOF then Night Stalker

So you can have non-commissioned and commissioned Warrant Officers.

would that Be the Highest WO Grade or (theoretically)could you have two WO 1's and one of them commissioned?(this is getting confusing)
You make E-4 (at a minimum), submit a warrant officer packet, take the flight test (AFAST, I think), go throught WOBC and flight school. Spend a tour flying for a conventional Army unit and submit a packet for 160th. If you make the cut, you go throught their selection process and training. That is a very dumbed down version of what it takes to fly for 160th.

There were at least six former-enlisted-Rangers in my battalion in the 160th, at least three former-enlisted-SF, and one former-enlisted-Delta. All were enlisted in their various SOF units, and later became warrant officer pilots and found their way into the 160th in the manner Rusty described.

Rick, good post on describing the warrant officer system.
Between WO1 and CW2 is a little sketchy... A WO1 (Warrant Officer 1) is a Reserve Officer, but not a commissioned Officer... It's much like a probation type period, actually... and I think a CW2 (Chief Warrant Officer 2) gets Commissioned in the Reserves, I believe.. That's when they are full Warrant Officers

A CW3-CW5 is a fully Commissioned Officer in the Regular Army.

I went to Basic with a High School to Flight School candidate... they sign a WO contract, must fall within certain guidelines, and go straight to Rucker, I believe, after Basic Training. If they fail out, it's up to the Needs of the Army...
Ain't never seen a female nightstalker yet. Female aviators and crew are in the regular army, however. My wife was working on going flight medic, given that she was getting her paramedic cert which civvie off the street can give you a high probability of direct placement to a flight medic position vs TMC pill pusher.

Rotor head straight off the street pipeline:

put together packet upon recuritment
get selected
Basic training
Warrant Officer Basic Course
Aviator school stuff
reg aviation unit
put in packet for 160th
maybe get selected
go to 160th, get trained up, fly blacker than normal choppers.

In the army already route:
At a unit
put in flight packet and all the BS entailed
get selected
Flight School
Reg aviation unit
packet to 160th
get selected hopefully
play with blacker helicopters than normal.
