I think the most important message that people should get from all this is that there is very little gunslinging done outside of the military or contracting community. If you think you're going to run around with a suppressed pistol as a case officer in exotic places around the globe. Think again.
I don't think like that... Well at least I try not to. Because I know NOTHING about this, I tend to envision where I "could" be and what I "could" be doing.
For me, I wanted to know what kind of opportunities are out there so I can match/use my desires and God-given gifts and abilities to the maximum capacity. And I believe that to be a significant asset to any team, I'll need to bring to the table tremendous amount of valuable experiences and skills which I am trying to attain day by day.
So, How can I be like that highly trained ninja assassin from Taken?!

Okay I'm done.