SOF to Intel Agencies

I think the most important message that people should get from all this is that there is very little gunslinging done outside of the military or contracting community. If you think you're going to run around with a suppressed pistol as a case officer in exotic places around the globe. Think again.

I don't think like that... Well at least I try not to. Because I know NOTHING about this, I tend to envision where I "could" be and what I "could" be doing.

For me, I wanted to know what kind of opportunities are out there so I can match/use my desires and God-given gifts and abilities to the maximum capacity. And I believe that to be a significant asset to any team, I'll need to bring to the table tremendous amount of valuable experiences and skills which I am trying to attain day by day.

So, How can I be like that highly trained ninja assassin from Taken?! :ninja:

Okay I'm done. :-)
Well... Long story short(very), I'm getting married next month and my fiance asked me if we could stay here for a year before enlisting.

She told me she needs some time to prepare her heart. I fully respect her and so I said okay.

I know God has a plan for me. :-) We're both praying about it.

This may be a little off topic, but you're going to have to decide what you want. Neither you nor your fiance have any clue about what you're getting into with this and I, as well as others here, can tell you that a marriage or relationship is rarely prepared for a high OPTEMPO. The DoD or any three letter agency isn't really going to give a shit about your marriage and whether or not they are keeping you too busy. Hell, even in just the Fleet Navy I spent damn near as much time out to sea as I did at home. And even at home you are busy with training and a million other things. If you want to do it, then you might as well just go for it.
This may be a little off topic, but you're going to have to decide what you want. Neither you nor your fiance have any clue about what you're getting into with this and I, as well as others here, can tell you that a marriage or relationship is rarely prepared for a high OPTEMPO. The DoD or any three letter agency isn't really going to give a shit about your marriage and whether or not they are keeping you too busy. Hell, even in just the Fleet Navy I spent damn near as much time out to sea as I did at home. And even at home you are busy with training and a million other things. If you want to do it, then you might as well just go for it.

Yes. We probably don't have any idea on what's ahead of us. It's not a problem for us though. We KNOW our relationship is as strong as rock and will always support one another no matter what and more importantly, it is God-centered.

Okay this is really going off topic now! I'll stop here.
This is an awesome thread for people like me who have aspirations to get into Intel work. Just want to thank everyone for putting out some info on the subject.:thumbsup:
Yes. We probably don't have any idea on what's ahead of us. It's not a problem for us though. We KNOW our relationship is as strong as rock and will always support one another no matter what and more importantly, it is God-centered.

If this is the case, you have no reason to wait a year.
Family has got to come first. No matter how far you go in it and no matter how long you stay in, one day you have to leave the community. If you do it right, your family will always be there. Moreover, you'll be a hindrance to your team if you're distracted by domestic issues. Get right with your wife before you sign on, or it could be a painful road. Lots of folks work through it, but if all she's asking is a year, and then she'll fully support your decision to go SOF, it could work out.
Family has got to come first. No matter how far you go in it and no matter how long you stay in, one day you have to leave the community. If you do it right, your family will always be there.

My hat is off for every one of you guys putting your life at risk and at the same time, having a family.

I became a husband and a father rather late in my life. The change was tremendous for the rather reckless “wherever I am, is my home” type of guy that I was.

I hate missing even a few days of my daughter growing up , not weeks and months or even a year, like most of you do when deployed.

And “fear of dying” acquired a meaning it did not have for me, not by a long shot, until she was born.

Respect for your guts, your sacrifice and your selfless patriotism.

End of hijack
I think the most important message that people should get from all this is that there is very little gunslinging done outside of the military or contracting community. If you think you're going to run around with a suppressed pistol as a case officer in exotic places around the globe. Think again.

Dknob, I don't care what Goon says about ya, but you're ok in my book. Note to the lurkers: this is 100% true statement right there.

that's right. A lot of intel work is report writing.

Again, spot on.

Rest in Peace Mike.

Family has got to come first. No matter how far you go in it and no matter how long you stay in, one day you have to leave the community. If you do it right, your family will always be there. Moreover, you'll be a hindrance to your team if you're distracted by domestic issues. Get right with your wife before you sign on, or it could be a painful road. Lots of folks work through it, but if all she's asking is a year, and then she'll fully support your decision to go SOF, it could work out.

You do realize that to become a 15, you must have civilian warzone time, two failed marriages to hot foreign chicks under your belt, at least one unauthorized book pubished, and a short stint in a rehab facility?
Then what do PMO's do differently compared to Case Officers?

Just a thought but quick check of CIA.GOV may be a big help.

But in reality, PMO's usually bang the hot COs. :thumbsup: I've seen it the other way around too...wasn't pretty but saw it nevertheless. Homebrew will NOT make you go blind no matter what they say on "Moonshiners". :nerd:
Reading this thread, all I could think was "those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know..."

And to go with that...

2) If you disagree with the above statement, you probably don't know what you're talking about.

3) If your knowledge consists of "word on the street", "I heard", "a quick check of...", or "a friend of mine", then it's probably wrong.

I say apply for the job and let the chips fall where they may. Quit trying to game the thing.