Some Ranger Pix


“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton

Rangers Lead The Way!












Ranger leaders participated in a two week Ranger Marksmanship Instructor’s Course. The training consisted of M9 pistol firing drills and M4/SCAR marksmanship that included alternate firing positions, recoil management, barricade, and Close Quarters Marksmanship.

Rangers of 3rd Platoon, C Company, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment train in England in 1987.

This photo comes courtesy of former 1/75 Ranger Stephen Wilson.


Rangers from Weapons Squad, 1st Platoon, B Co., 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment deployed to Egypt during Operation Bright Star in 1993.

Front Row (left to right): PFC Rimes, PFC Albertson (the current 1/75 CSM) and PFC Wilcoxson.
Back Row (left to right): SSG Bielich (the current 75th Ranger Regiment RSM), SPC Hovey, PFC Olson and PFC McDevitt.

This photo comes courtesy of former 1/75 Ranger Justen Hovey.
Then and now.


Jan. 11, 2012: On this date, Command Sergeant Major Rick Merritt, the 14th Regimental Sergeant Major of the 75th Ranger Regiment, relinquished responsibility to Command Sergeant Major Nick Bielich, the 15th Regimental Sergeant Major of the 75th Ranger Regiment, in a Change of Responsibility Ceremony held at Fort Benning, Ga. The ceremony was officiated by the Regimental Commander, Col. Mark W. Odom, and attended by Rangers past and present, family, and friends.

Rangers of 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment prepare for a night combat operation in Afghanistan, in March 2013. Since October 2001, Rangers of the 75th Ranger Regiment have been continuously deployed to combat, fighting the enemies of our country. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Ryan S. Debooy)


A Ranger from C Company, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment scans for enemy insurgents during a night combat operation in Logar Province, Afghanistan, Feb. 27, 2013. (Army photo by Spc. Stephen S. Cline)

I honestly belive that the current photo stream is a lot better PR machine than a saturation by a shit ton of literature.
that's more like it....old school pics. 107's, Ranger Rolls, Black Berets and BCGs......fuckin' A.

This is shooting training of polish military unit Agat(our equivalent of rangers). This is only my assumption but the dude in multicam(with no headsets and M4) is(or at least looks to be) a Ranger. According to our SF command 75th RR sent some instructors to help our guys.
Speaking of I'm wondering. AGAT was created for two reasons: 1) no idea what to do with Paceks MP SOF, and 2) as a sorta heavy weapons support for the three main SOF units (GROM, Regiment and Formoza). Still, the idea it self was sorta "BlackhawkDown-ish", as in AGAT was more of a external security when the door-kickers did their thing. The Ranger Regiment, as it was told a milion times before in other threads, went far beyond that.

Now that our guys are doing time with seasoned Rangers, it will be interesting if "Czarny" might wanna go ahead and do the same what Rangers did - make them our military primary raid force.
On the flip side, there are those that would prefer everybody to be inferior to others.
The next few years will be interesting indeed.

Good eye Mack.