Syria Thread

Any of you isolationist/non-interventionist types wanna way in on 1,500 more troops to Saudi Arabia? The president said it was to ‘stop endless wars’.

He isn't going to stop endless wars in an area of the world that has known war for its total existence. That is simply his opinion and it isn't worth much in that arena. But, that's just my opinion which is only worth about one chunk of coal in todays market....
So...ISIS won’t reform as a force on the ground, they learned their lesson. They will now be a insurgency, and be more of a problem for us and the west......just...awesome...
So...ISIS won’t reform as a force on the ground, they learned their lesson. They will now be a insurgency, and be more of a problem for us and the west......just...awesome...

But wasn't that inevitable anyway regardless of present circumstances? I remember this being discussed when we first sent assets to join the war on ISIS. That once we killed the targets in the open they'd run for the shadows like cockroaches when the kitchen light comes on.

Doesn't seem to me that there was ever much of an option for them. Stand your ground and die...or play hit and run to keep the dream alive.
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For context (from CNN):

The Pentagon said Friday that the deployment to Saudi Arabia will include two fighter squadrons, one air expeditionary wing, two Patriot batteries and one Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system. Defense Department officials said they had sent 200 troops in September and 1,000 troops earlier in October, plus an additional 1,800 being sent Friday. Initially, officials had said "about 1,500" troops would be sent before clarifying with the higher number.

Actual Pentagon press release:
DOD Statement on Deployment of Additional U.S. Forces and Equipment to
But wasn't that inevitable anyway regardless of present circumstances? I remember this being discussed when we first sent assets to join the war on ISIS. That once we killed the targets in the open they'd run for the shadows like cockroaches when the kitchen light comes on.

Doesn't seem to me that there was ever much of an option for them. Stand your ground and die...or play hit and run to keep the dream alive.

It was, it is just a shame that so many of them who were captured/surrendered to be able to leave the camps.
We've been itching (and the KSA has to a certain extent) to put forces back in Saudi for some time now. Iran's just given us a reason.

Hell, at least we aren't concocting stories of WMD this time around (the day ain't over...).

At least we’re not “in the land of the two holy mosques.” Oh wait...shit. I think Zawahiri just tweeted:

“@Abu, fucking told ya they’d be back! You owe me a Chik-fil-A.”
I dunno about anyone else, but I'm getting the feeling this debacle might be fortunate for us. Before heads explode hear me out. The Russians and Syrians joining with the Kurds to deal with the remnants of ISIL might be a good thing, due to the following reasons.

- Our pullout washed our hands free of ISIS families and war criminals.
- Draws an overextended Russian military presence into Syria (hopefully for years) keeping the Turks in check.
- Creates increased social/political dissent, due to Edrogans inept leadership, in Turkish political circles.
- Leaves the messy cleanup of ISIS in the hands of the Turks, Syrians, and Kurds.
- Allies the Kurds with Syria and Russia, hopefully checking spreading Iranian influence in the region.
- Draws in our enemies and frenemies into a hotly contested location where they can waste blood and treasure.
- Keeps our hands relatively clean and in a position to safeguard our interests in the region.
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