The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
Last year's was so damn weak. I need you to step up. The board needs you to step up. If your A game sucks, may I suggest Security Forces or Cav Scout.

Remember, there are winners and there are Nickelback fans.
Cav Scouts are the Army's stepchildren, so yeah, we even take Nickelback fans.

Any group that accepts Nickelback fans deserves to be loaded into a cannon and fired into the sun. Muzzle, not breech, fuck y'all. Take the rod.
Wait...I've got another hour of hitting myself on the head with a hammer...then I'll be primed for the festivities.
Over 30 years ago, my major competition as moderator (whose name I cannot yet recall) did something very, very bad to me. I don't know when, where, or what exactly, but it was BAD. So bad, in fact, that I can no longer remain silent about it. Or something.

Not to worry though, when it becomes politically expedient for me (i.e. if I start slipping in the election polls), I will name him/her/them. And when I do, I expect the all-while, all-male Admins who make up the patriarchal judicial cabal that runs this site to immediately take me at my word and to delay the entire moderator election until I receive unspecified justice. At a minimum this will include complete ruination of my political opponents... (er I mean victimizer(s)) and the appointment of more mods with sexually-ambiguous nicknames. This will, of course, specifically (and exclusively) include me. Anyone who disagrees with this is some flavor of "-ist," afflicted with some variety of "-ism," and will also be "#HimToo'd."

You're welcome for my service, thank me for your support.

I’ll run, with the sole focus being on enraging the masses and playing off their fears to enrich both myself and my family. I will admit, I have done nothing to actually help this board. In fact, I received deferments from prior election threads for a bone spur... not sure which ankle but it was there... I had the best bone spurs, they were huge, just tremendous spurs. Speaking of spurs, Let’s talk about the cav scouts.... they’re criminals, they’re rapists- some of them are good soldiers, I assume. Most of these people here who run against me, they didn’t get elected in prior elections- they think they are heroes because they ran.... I like people who weren’t losers. Also this will be my first election, and no one has ever won on their first go (don’t fact check that). This will be a tremendous campaign, Mainly because the options are so terrible that I actually look electable. Let me be clear- there will be no collusion with @amlove21 to interfere with this election. Yes I have several business interests in his AO, and he may or may not have a video of me being the recipient of a golden shower... which did not happen and the dossier does not exist... but I can assure you I will be the toughest moderator the admins have ever seen. DASBOOT 2020...I mean... 2018.
What do I get for my vote...and how much tetracycline will I need to get rid of it?
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