The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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So before we are officially done... I will say that every last one of you suck, except of course for the ones who won... those guys were great!

That said, I will dog the fuck out of everyone as usually. Welcome!

Welcome back my Canuckistanian friend!
I'm done talking smack for another 12 months. This will be the last post I make in this thread.

I really enjoyed this year's mod election. I give DasBoot credit for the best smack talking by a candidate. It reminds me of Amlove from back in the day. Especially posts 55 and 67.

Ooh-rah, that video was GOLD. Best we've ever had on the site. And that "swift boat" move in post 250? OMG. Just... wow. Well done. It literally made me LOL.

AWP recertified his place as "chief instigator."

But what I appreciated most about this year's mod election was that all of the smack talking was done good-naturedly, like it's supposed to be. Last year we had members who tried to use the election thread for passive-aggressive petty score-settling and undermining the staff as a group. It was a bitch move, and appropriate action was ultimately taken. This year we didn't have any of that. The staff works hard to keep our little corner of the internet a family. I'm glad that continued this year.

ShadowSpear is, AFAIK, the only comparable site that gives its members a chance to step up into positions that have a genuine impact on the site. Most other sites are run by cabals that, being permanent and unaccountable, become complacent and, ultimately, dictatorial. I have a lot of respect for anyone who puts themselves out there and tries to assume greater responsibility on behalf of the site. I hope we have even more people run next year.

I'm one of the original members of the site (2006) and have been a member of the staff most of the time since. I know I talked a lot of smack about how I'm always the top vote-getter and this year I was, but that's usually not the case. In fact this might be the first time I placed first, I don't recall. But at any rate you can look at the vote tallies and see how close this thing really was. If it went on a little longer, there's no telling what the final results would have been.

The numbers are also telling. We have thousands of members, but many if not most prefer to lurk. I don't have a problem with that. We only have a hundred or so of what I consider regular, active participants. So around 80 of them voted, which is a pretty good proportion IMO. But only 55 of those voted for me. So what that tells me is that the rest (about a third of voters) either don't know me as a member of the staff, or they dislike the way that I present myself on the site. Either way, I'm going to think about that and see how I might make some improvements going forward. It's hard to be "popular" and be a good leader, because it you're doing it right you're going to make some tough decisions which, while the right call, still piss people off. But leaders also need to be accountable to the people, and these annual elections help ensure that.

And with that. I'll take my first-place finish in the mod election and as this smack talking thread and...

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your post.....

I must say, the smack-talking this year was so much like a team room or platoon room I missed from the past, it gave me warm fuzzies (that doesn't give you people license to make a move on me). Last year was just uncomfortable, and mean-spirited.
Congratulations to all the Wieners.

I was saving this for Pardus...


But since he ain't here


Seriously, well done all, even you losers had me choking on my own dribble. Very entertaining campaign this year.
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Congratulations, fuckers 👍

While I didn’t win—something that defies logical explanation and will have right-minded site members puzzled for years—I can honestly say the men who did are upstanding, level-headed professionals who will do a yeoman’s job for the site. Well done, boys.
Congratulations, fuckers 👍

While I didn’t win—something that defies logical explanation and will have right-minded site members puzzled for years—I can honestly say the men who did are upstanding, level-headed professionals who will do a yeoman’s job for the site. Well done, boys.

How much did they pay you?
Congratulations, fuckers 👍

While I didn’t win—something that defies logical explanation and will have right-minded site members puzzled for years—I can honestly say the men who did are upstanding, level-headed professionals who will do a yeoman’s job for the site. Well done, boys.

Anything you say can and will be used against you next year.
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