The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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"Yo mama" jokes are reserved only for AWP, Amlove, and Pardus. Pardus has been a complete no-show this year, I thought it might be because he's tired of losing to me every year but it's probably because he's sitting in an ICE black site on trumped-up immigration charges that they're using to hold him until he War Crimes Tribunal convenes in the Hague. Amlove is doing... whatever Air Force SOF guys do when they're not SOF-ing. So that leaves AWP... such as he is. I mean, there's really not much left. It's sad to see the state of the man. Good thing Das Boot is there to step up.
You guys suck.....

@Marauder06 you are an old has been maybe at best who dwells on the fact that he was part of something special one day but became too good at power point and was pushed out of greatness!!!!:ninja:

@DasBoot bro I voted for you cause you came strong but still you are a RANGER, you are and always will be a support guy....I think its cute how you act tuff but hit me up when you have over 15 deployments.....:ROFLMAO:

@RackMaster there is nothing bad I can say about you other then the North remembers! I want bacon air drops from now until I say otherwise!!!!O_o

@x SF med you are too old, I mean shit you were Joshua's medic when he marched around Jericho. You are a legend but need to step down! I feel like you would better serve the community taking donations at the ABN SOF Museum Downtown Fayetteville....I mean I'm sure you sewed the first MFF parachute.....:-o

@Ooh-Rah cool video but really that was like 8th inning shit when you are down by 4 touchdowns and your goalie is hurt! A true Vikings fan..........;-)

@NavyBuyer get your ass to the chapel for sexxx underway!:-x

@policemedic you are a motha f'n legend in my opinion.....I voted for that perfect ass of yours.....but if I have anything badd to say about you its you need to post more pics of you doing crics and chest tubes....I wanna see broken ribs and ovaries and .shit..:thumbsup:
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You guys suck.....

@Marauder06 you are an old has been maybe at best who dwells on the fact that he was part of something special one day but became too good at power point and was pushed out of greatness!!!!:ninja:

@DasBoot bro I voted for you cause you came strong but still you are a RANGER, you are and always will be a support guy....I think its cute how you act tuff but hit me up when you have over 15 deployments.....:ROFLMAO:

@RackMaster there is nothing bad I can say about you other then the North remembers! I want bacon air drops from now until I say otherwise!!!!O_o

@x SF med you are too old, I mean shit you were Joshua's medic when he marched around Jericho. You are a legend but need to step down! I feel like you would better serve the community taking donations at the ABN SOF Museum Downtown Fayetteville....I mean I'm sure you sewed the first MFF parachute.....:-o

@Ooh-Rah cool video but really that was like 8th inning shit when you are down by 4 touchdowns and your goalie is hurt! A true Vikings fan..........;-)

@NavyBuyer get your ass to the chapel for sexxx underway!:-x

@policemedic you are a motha f'n legend in my opinion.....I voted for that perfect ass of yours.....but if I have anything badd to say about you its you need to post more pics of you doing crics and chest tubes....I wanna see broken ribs and ovaries and .shit..:thumbsup:
Dafuq? Did the commo guy just say Rangers are support? You mean the unit leading OFS? You mean one of the only units still going out? Go figure out how to change the battery on your 117G... oh wait big army doesn’t have those yet oh... well... go fuck yourself, non-runner.

Dafuq? Did the commo guy just say Rangers are support? You mean the unit leading OFS? You mean one of the only units still going out? Go figure out how to change the battery on your 117G... oh wait big army doesn’t have those yet oh... well... go fuck yourself, non-runner.

This is hilarious for so many reasons that I can't go into.
You guys suck.....

@Marauder06 you are an old has been maybe at best who dwells on the fact that he was part of something special one day but became too good at power point and was pushed out...:thumbsup:

Way to be late, light, and lost to the party this year. Tell me again where your name is on this year’s ballot?

Shhhhh... the grownups are talking.

Go figure out how to change the battery on your 117G... oh wait big army doesn’t have those yet oh... well... go fuck yourself, non-runner.

Is a 117G the radio you use to listen to Nickelback?

You rite though, at the 146th Airborne Sanitary Squadron (ASS), we always get everyone else's shit! Next month we are going to Tuscon to dig out some F4 Phantoms and remove their radios so we can upgrade our inventory. I'll send pics if my Unit has enough AOL minutes leftover!


Way to be late, light, and lost to the party this year. Tell me again where your name is on this year’s ballot?

Shhhhh... the grownups are talking.

"A Cav Scout, Security Force and Nickelback fan walked into the Bar....Bartender said Hi Marauder!"

Intel, the only people that are wrong more then the weather people and still keep their jobs.....calm down I voted for both you guys!

wait - did we ever establish a partisan divide for this election?

imagine the horror if someone voted for the wrong party
The winners of the 2018 Smack Talking thread:

Best Gratuitous Usage of Meat: @RackMaster
Best Old Grumpy Bastard Yelling at a Cloud: @x SF med
Best Commercial: @Ooh-Rah
Best Guy We've Already Forgotten: Um, whoever's not here.
Best New Anal Starlet: @DasBoot
Best Boring Ass Campaign No One Will Remember By Lunch: @policemedic
Best Butthurt Whinging Gender Fluid Candidate: @Marauder06
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