The 2018 Moderator Election Smack Talking Thread

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Ooooh, we have Giphy support now? Let's use that to connect with voters. We're original! Just like the other guys!

Let me guess, y'all would advise Hillary to skip Wisconsin. "You totally don't need to connect with voters outside of our metrics. That guy made a movie about that guy and baseball. It works! Trust the process."

Things better than this thread:
- Oma pr0n
- Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials
- The Dallas Cowboys
- A Pontiac Fiero
- Kristen Stewart's emotional range
- Your mom's burned pancakes for breakfast
- Monday
As a group you Mods suck already. Not one of you reached out to me to rig this. Power behind the curtain.
As a group you Mods suck already. Not one of you reached out to me to rig this. Power behind the curtain.

It's hard for me to take someone seriously when their avatar is the poster child for the furby LGBTQ movement.
You know why there's a vote this year? The FBI investigated this thread and found no evidence of actual smack talking.
You know why there's a vote this year? The FBI investigated this thread and found no evidence of actual smack talking.
That's what happens when some of the best smack talkers are made admins and no longer have to pander to us peons for votes.
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