The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

Wow. Is it because of government subsidies? How else could it be so much cheaper?
Heck yeah, it's from subsidies.

Obamacare is going to COST this nation 2 Trillion, and we have no idea how we're going to pay for it.

It's terrible for the nation- along with every other freebie and subsidized program we don't have the money for. I can't blame people for accepting it, as it's going to get handed out anyway to somebody somewhere, but in my mind, this program along with all the other unfunded programs that have been ramrodded through a worthless, corrupt, look-the-other way Congress are ultimately going to destroy this nation. Unless someone understands economics far better than I do, and can explain to me how racking up trillions of dollars in new debt every year is going to work out, Obamacare is just one more gigantic, unfunded giveaway program that will no doubt boost some of the Left's voting numbers, but eventually bankrupt us all.
Awesome governmental "cost reduction" in action. Is anybody surprised? Anybody? Look at this:

... So, let’s do the math on that: In 2009, we were told it would cost $848 billion to insure 31 million people. That’s $27,000 per newly insured person. Now we’re told it will cost $2.004 trillion to insure 25 million people. That’s $80,000 per newly insured person—about a three-fold increase since passage.

$80,000 per person on average after it all shakes out. That's $80,000 per person, from the magic invisible money machine, producing dollars we don't have from revenue we'll never collect.
Awesome governmental "cost reduction" in action. Is anybody surprised? Anybody? Look at this:

$80,000 per person on average after it all shakes out. That's $80,000 per person, from the magic invisible money machine, producing dollars we don't have from revenue we'll never collect.

Fear not. When we are all taxed at 70 cents on the dollar, maybe then we can pay for it...
I know that the second my enrollment is up on my current plan I am going to an ACA plan. Unfortunately that isn't until August. It will save us about 300 dollars a month to switch.
Do you happen to be leaving out that you qualify for subsidies?

As far as I know, the only way that it can be THAT cheap, without being "completely free", is because of income qualifying a person for subsidized insurance.
Do you happen to be leaving out that you qualify for subsidies?

As far as I know, the only way that it can be THAT cheap, without being "completely free", is because of income qualifying a person for subsidized insurance.

Of course, I am veteran living off the GI bill. I only "make" 1700 a month, and as far as .gov is concerned I don't even make that. Because that doesn't need to be claimed as income.
Of course, I am veteran living off the GI bill. I only "make" 1700 a month, and as far as .gov is concerned I don't even make that. Because that doesn't need to be claimed as income.

If you were in Alabama, you'd be eligible for Medicaid, and you wouldn't get the choice of subsidy or Medicaid (no state exchange). You'd have to choose between VA, Medicaid, or nothing. At least, that's how some ACA sign-up expediter explained it to me.
If you were in Alabama, you'd be eligible for Medicaid, and you wouldn't get the choice of subsidy or Medicaid (no state exchange). You'd have to choose between VA, Medicaid, or nothing. At least, that's how some ACA sign-up expediter explained it to me.

Those are shitty choices.
Those are shitty choices.

The woman wasn't particularly clear whether Medicaid over subsidies was a state eligibility issue or a feature of the federal plan. So, if I were you, I'd look long and hard. What with the money your HH6 has coming in, that ought to put you out of range of eligibility for Medicaid, but you better make sure.

That would really suck if you got slam dunked into "Shit Lite."

ETA: According to Kaiser Family Foundation's FAQ, as well as several others I've seen, my situation is not unique. In fact, if your state took the Medicaid expansion and you make up to 130% of federal poverty level(state exchange OR federal), you don't get subsidy, you get Medicaid. I'll post links either later tonight or tomorrow, when I'm not on my phone. So I can't stress enough, do your research before you feed your information to the exchange.
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I know this is going to be unpopular but why should taxpayers be paying subsidies so people can get healthcare? Because I make poverty level + X? You mean the terminally unemployed or lifetime poor didn't have the same opportunities to improve their lifestyle, standard of living, etc?

Everyone just couldn't cut a break (had bad luck), was unable to serve in the military, use GI Bill to attend school, and get a job...keep a job...and advance in their career? Poor folks are just unlucky? They are victims of circumstance?

Back when I was a kid, people looked up to the rich people in town and wanted to emulate them. Now we demonize them for being rich and require them to pay their "fair share". Being on food stamps back then was embarrassing.

Wouldn't it make more sense that unhealthy people, regardless of income, pay a higher premium and healthy people would receive incentives (lower rates) for smart choices?

The government needs to stop playing Robin Hood.
I know this is going to be unpopular but why should taxpayers be paying subsidies so people can get healthcare? Because I make poverty level + X? You mean the terminally unemployed or lifetime poor didn't have the same opportunities to improve their lifestyle, standard of living, etc?

Everyone just couldn't cut a break (had bad luck), was unable to serve in the military, use GI Bill to attend school, and get a job...keep a job...and advance in their career? Poor folks are just unlucky? They are victims of circumstance?

Back when I was a kid, people looked up to the rich people in town and wanted to emulate them. Now we demonize them for being rich and require them to pay their "fair share". Being on food stamps back then was embarrassing.

Wouldn't it make more sense that unhealthy people, regardless of income, pay a higher premium and healthy people would receive incentives (lower rates) for smart choices?

The government needs to stop playing Robin Hood.

Dude. Where have you been for the last ten years? This is the new normal.

If you're a failure, you're a victim.
If you're a success, you're a thief.

The letter from this physician in this article illustrates very well what I was attempting to explain in regards to what should be a simple billing process for doctor's offices.

Dear Congressman Brooks,

As a practicing family physician, I plead for help against what I can best characterize as Washington’s war against doctors.

The medical profession has never before remotely approached today’s stress, work hours, wasted costs, decreased efficiency, and declining ability to focus on patient care.

In our community alone, at least 6 doctors have left patient care for administrative positions, to start a concierge practice, or retire altogether.

Doctors are smothered by destructive regulations that add costs, raise our overhead and ‘gum up the works,’ making patient treatment slower and less efficient, thus forcing doctors to focus on things other than patient care and reduce the number of patients we can help each day.

I spend more time at work than at any time in my 27 years of practice and more of that time is spent on administrative tasks and entering useless data into a computer rather than helping sick patients.

Doctors have been forced by ill-informed bureaucrats to implement electronic medical records (“EMR”) that, in our four doctor practice, costs well over $100,000 plus continuing yearly operational costs . . . all of which does not help take care of one patient while driving up the cost of every patient’s health care.

Washington’s electronic medical records requirement makes our medical practice much slower and less efficient, forcing our doctors to treat fewer patients per day than we did before the EMR mandate.

To make matters worse, Washington forces doctors to demonstrate ‘meaningful use’ of EMR or risk not being fully paid for the help we give.

In addition to the electronic medical records burden, we face a mandate to use the ICD-10 coding system, a new set of reimbursement diagnosis codes.

The current ICD-9 coding system uses roughly 13,000 codes. The new ICD-10 coding system uses a staggering 70,000 new and completely different codes, thus dramatically slowing doctors down due to the unnecessary complexity and sheer numbers of codes that must be learned.

The cost of this new ICD-10 coding system for our small practice is roughly $80,000, again driving up health care costs without one iota of improvement in health care quality.

Finally, doctors face nonpayment by patients with ObamaCare. These patients may or may not be paying their premiums and we have no way of verifying this. No business can operate with that much uncertainty.

On behalf of the medical profession, I ask that Washington stop the implementation of the ICD-10 coding system, repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with a better law written with the input of real doctors who will actually treat patients covered by it.

America has enjoyed the best health care the world has ever known. That health care is in jeopardy because physicians cannot survive Washington’s ‘war on doctors’ without relief.

Eventually the problems for doctors will become problems for patients, and we are all patients at some point.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Marlin Gill of Decatur, Alabama
As I was saying.
Obamcare Sign-Up Fairs held at Mexico Consulates
Biden: Illegal Aliens are "already Americans"

We have no chance of unwinding it anymore, in my opinion.

Once you give away free things to people (or ridiculously inexpensive subsidized versions of things), you can't take it away from them again. If you do, NPR will report on it night and day calling it As "austerity", and the Left will orchestrate massive demonstrations which usually turn into molotov cocktail festivals and street riots- per Europe.

Besides that, the Conservatives in this nation have done a terrible job of keeping citizenship as a major topic of discussion. Gradually, the Far Left is succeeding at adding and legitimizing millions of illegal immigrants, giving them healthcare, food and shelter subsidies- which increase with every child they give birth to. And all those millions of immigrants are very soon going to be finding their ways to the voting booths. And when they do, the only thing they're going to hear is that Liberal Candidate A wants to give them more benefits and Conservative Candidate B wants to take them away. Guess who wins those districts?
Those are shitty choices.

I may have posted this a few pages back... but even the folks this is supposed to help, are getting screwed. My sister didn't qualify for health care under the ACA because she is too poor. She also doesn't qualify for Medicaid because our state didn't take the expansion. The letter she received denying her both told her to go to free clinics... no joke.

Even if our state had taken the expansion she would have her choice of free clinics or medicaid but no subsidized health care.

I am curious if she would be assessed a penalty for not having health insurance this year, after being denied by I'll have to research this.
I am curious if she would be assessed a penalty for not having health insurance this year, after being denied by I'll have to research this.

No, they passed an exemption specifically for people that fell into the gap you described.

Who are the individuals Exempt from Paying the Health Insurance Tax Penalty for Not being insured
Any individual who falls within one of the scenarios listed below will not have to pay the Health Insurance Tax penalty, if they do not have a health insurance plan with the “essential benefits”
  • If you are an individual who cannot afford coverage. The term unaffordable relates to a person whose contribution toward minimum essential coverage would be greater than 8% of their annual household income. The monthly contributions are calculated at 1/12 the annual household income. This is used to determine if the individual exceed the 8%.
  • If you are an individual taxpayers with income below the tax filing threshold
  • Individuals who qualify for a hardship exemption. This exemption is available to individuals who are not eligible for Medicaid because their state chose not to participate in Medicaid expansion. Or individuals who have another hardship that prevents them from being able to afford coverage.
  • If you are an individuals who have experience a gap in minimum essential coverage of less than 3 consecutive months within one calendar year
  • Members of religious groups that object to coverage on religious principles
  • Members of non-profit religious organizations where members share medical costs. Often referred as Health care sharing ministries.
  • Prison inmates
  • Non U.S. citizens
  • Native American tribe members
I know this is going to be unpopular but why should taxpayers be paying subsidies so people can get healthcare? Because I make poverty level + X? You mean the terminally unemployed or lifetime poor didn't have the same opportunities to improve their lifestyle, standard of living, etc?

Everyone just couldn't cut a break (had bad luck), was unable to serve in the military, use GI Bill to attend school, and get a job...keep a job...and advance in their career? Poor folks are just unlucky? They are victims of circumstance?

Back when I was a kid, people looked up to the rich people in town and wanted to emulate them. Now we demonize them for being rich and require them to pay their "fair share". Being on food stamps back then was embarrassing.

Wouldn't it make more sense that unhealthy people, regardless of income, pay a higher premium and healthy people would receive incentives (lower rates) for smart choices?

The government needs to stop playing Robin Hood.

“You can’t blame the people living in the inner cities, blacks and latinos, for not having jobs where there are no jobs in the inner cities. You can’t blame them when the schools suck, the hospital sucks, there’s no grocery store, all of their fathers are in jail,” Mediaite reported. The panel’s fellow left-leaning guest agreed.
“You can’t blame the people living in the inner cities, blacks and latinos, for not having jobs where there are no jobs in the inner cities. You can’t blame them when the schools suck, the hospital sucks, there’s no grocery store, all of their fathers are in jail,” Mediaite reported. The panel’s fellow left-leaning guest agreed.

It's not often that conservatives agree with Bill Mahr. He certainly called it for what it was with that little round of "gotcha."
That was an amazing shot at just how Racist Paul Ryan is...oh wait....:-oO_o

Paul Ryan said it was a culture issue and cited Charles Murphy who tried to argue race influences intelligence.

The people on Maher's show argued they were economically disadvantage with poor schools, hospitals, no jobs in the inner city etc.

Believe what you will but they weren't making the same argument.