The ACA/ Obamacare Website Fiasco Thread

I said military...not Navy. But fair enough. ;-)
I'll be the first to admit that the military has plenty of advantages if you're willing to put up with the bullshit that goes know, the same bullshit that goes on in the civilian sector as well. But that is a whole 'nother discussion.
I pay $2,073 a month for myself, wife and 2 children. That's 80/20 with $4000 deductible on each person. $32,000 max payout a year.

It's insane.
I pay $2,073 a month for myself, wife and 2 children. That's 80/20 with $4000 deductible on each person. $32,000 max payout a year.

It's insane.

So, by the definitions they had in ACA, if it's an employer based plan, you'll have a "cadillac plan" after the rate increase next year and get to pay another 40% on top of it.

Rather than simply repealing the old tax structure, the Obamacare solution is an additional tax, a penalty imposed on “Cadillac” or very high cost health plans. It calls for a 40% excise tax on employer-sponsored plans spending more than $10,200 per employee (or $27,500 per family). This number includes employer and employee-paid premiums and employer contributions to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). There will purportedly be some adjustment for areas where healthcare is more expensive and for employees in high-risk jobs, but the regulations have not yet been promulgated.


How's it feel Mr. Rich Guy? :D

Seriously, this is the problem with the whole idea of obamacare. If you have to accept everyone at the same rate, younger, healthier people end up subsidizing us old guys. Let me add some perspective. My plan is employer based 80/20 1500 deductible and 6k max out of pocket for in-network. out of network is 70/30, 3000 deductible, 12000 max out of pocket. (family is 12k/24k max out of pocket). For this I pay a total, including the company portion, of less than $750 for individual or about $1800 for family. Why the difference? Because employer based healthcare is still competitive and not governed by the ACA (yet).

And yet, even with the higher premiums and lower benefits (from your point of view), the insurers are unable to make ends meet and are dropping out of obamacare. What does that tell you?
@compforce- I guess I'm thankful I'm on an individual policy not employer.

What happens in Alaska when no company wants to offer any insurance because they lose so much money?

"The picture became particularly grim in Alaska, where the number of insurers offering plans to individuals is set to drop to one for 2017."

Alaska scrambles to prevent Obamacare collapse

I must have said something a bit wrong. My whole point was that individual plans are much worse than employer plans because of obamacare.
I must have said something a bit wrong. My whole point was that individual plans are much worse than employer plans because of obamacare.
What I got from your post is that the employer plans will soon be "Cadillac plans" and subject to an additional 40% fee.

I wish my employer offered a better plan. They offered me a comparable plan but for $2800 a month.
What I was saying is that if your plan goes up just a tiny bit, it will be a cadillac plan even though the benefits are significantly lower than my employer plan, which is cheaper
I was blown away when I found out how much people pay.

My 2 sisters own their own businesses....and are paying $2000 to $3000 a month for Obamacare....:wall:
I was blown away when I found out how much people pay.

My 2 sisters own their own businesses....and are paying $2000 to $3000 a month for Obamacare....:wall:
Your sisters are self employed ladies....

Seriously, ACA was the first step towards a national healthcare System that will be as capable/efficient as the VA.
We have had serious discussions, in-house, regarding removing all employer sponsored health plans due to the employer shared responsibility penalties & cadillac tax. To us, with the significant increase in price, and being moved by insurers from composite to age-rated premiums, it's no longer a benefit or something we can use to recruit or retain people since the premiums significantly increase for those over 45 and the fixed dollar employer contribution doesn't offset them much. (I fucking hate this age-rated shit....). In my benefits letter I urge folks to look at several sites and compare rates because they might find a better individual plan/rate than what we're able to offer under our group plans.

Thanks to the penalties, fees & taxes it's the Damocles sword of financial liability to a small business if they do try to offer insurance so we're at the point of not offering if it we're not legally required to.