The Moderator Election and "Safe Space" Smacktalking and Smear Campaign Thread

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Coming from a run of the mill, non-AARP, Middle America voter, the following are some ideas on what the candidates might address in their delusive rhetoric:

- "Blood coming out of (rival candidate's) wherever."
- Stories of extensive foreign policy expertise because President Putin flies over your airspace
- Whether or not voters get free cell phones (Non-Apple stuff preferred.)
- Video of you screaming into a microphone during your speech after the Iowa caucases
- Steps to stop the decades of insurgent conflict and dangerous LDA crossings in Free Pineland

Okay...I have to report something. It's icky...but it has to be said...last night I was doing research on a few of the candidates, and I found something quite disturbing. One candidate was up very late last night, posting and deleting in this thread. It was always the same picture, but he kept deleting it. Fortunately I was able to get a screen capture of it and have displayed it below.

I would submit to you that not only has @Deathy McDeath outed himself as a bleeding hearted liberal, a liberal-liar who has dishonored our beloved Corps by accusing thousands of fellow Marines of having AID's.
You know what a red tag means in the Marine Corps? It means they've got AIDS!
And why? Because they have the courage to do what he will not. Stand under a hovering helicopter and secure cargo nets of water and mail to our boy on the front lines! DEATHY McKILLJOY MOCKS THOSE WHO DELIVER YOUR MAIL AND FRESH WATER!

It was Deathy McLiberal who did NOT 'like' my cigar post encouraging votes for the Marines on the board.

It is Deathy McLike who has 19.2% more likes "given" than any other member on this cannot buy friends here comrade!

It is Deathy McSidekick who has publicly aligned himself with current known liberal Admin @TLDR20

It was Deathy McCurious who 'liked' my comparison of him to Donald Trump, but DID NOT "like" my comparison of him to Bernie Sanders. Interesting, who do you REALLY see yourself as Deathy McConfused?

And finally this...I found this on this very site...Deathy McTraitor is afraid of guns...Deathy McAirsoft has gone so far to align himself with someone so vile I literally deleted this post 3 times before having the stomach to "send".

This is the Picture that Deathy McKodak posted numerous times but then deleted!!!


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Mara doesn't support the 2nd Amendment. He even came out and said confiscation was the goal.

Oh no you didn't. OH NO YOU DIDN'T result to meme warfare. Meme warfare was banned by the ShadowSpear Convention of 2006, after the "scorched earth" campaign between Freefalling, Pardus, and me. After that election, we all took a solemn vow on our ShadowSpear coins to adopt a policy of "no first use" of meme warfare; the consequences were far too terrible to consider.

Up to this point I have run a completely clean and honest campaign, with no memes. But now, regrettably, it is on...

The electorate calls on @Marauder06 and @Deathy McDeath to release all corespondence sent and received via SS PM.

Additionally, because @Marauder06 uses this site to pump writings of others sites, he should detail any financial dealings with aforementioned sites for the sake of transparency.

What are you two hiding? What did you write and when, if ever, did you RIGHT it?
The electorate calls on @Marauder06 and @Deathy McDeath to release all corespondence sent and received via SS PM.

Additionally, because @Marauder06 uses this site to pump writings of others sites, he should detail any financial dealings with aforementioned sites for the sake of transparency.

What are you two hiding? What did you write and when, if ever, did you RIGHT it?

Hm, doesn't look like I ever PM'd Deathy on SS (Facebook and email work fine). No matter, I'll just make something up:

Deathy McDeath: "Mara, you're the greatest former mod of all time. OF ALL TIME. Join me and together we can rule the land of ShadowSpear!"

Marauder06: "Get thee behind me, Satan!"

Deathy McDeath: "Oh come on, why not?"

Marauder06: "...because I love America. Hippy."

Oh and @lindy the only "financial dealings" I've had lately have been with... YOUR MOM!! (ooooh, sick burn!)

your mom sends me care packages.jpg
@Marauder06 is ineligible. He is an officer. We don't take too kindly to your type around here, boy... I mean... Sir...

@Deathy McDeath is a man of the people, a revolutionary of the the masses, the consigliere of the E-4 mafia (which doesn't exist, nothing to see here...). He will redistribute the wealth from the capitalist officer oppressors and insure a 1000 year reach of the enlisted man. (I know i just tossed communist and fascist talking points out at the same time but I do what I want).

Oh no you didn't. OH NO YOU DIDN'T result to meme warfare. Meme warfare was banned by the ShadowSpear Convention of 2006, after the "scorched earth" campaign between Freefalling, Pardus, and me. After that election, we all took a solemn vow on our ShadowSpear coins to adopt a policy of "no first use" of meme warfare; the consequences were far too terrible to consider.

Up to this point I have run a completely clean and honest campaign, with no memes. But now, regrettably, it is on...

View attachment 15855
Noooooooooo! Russian hackers got into my private server and released my campaign mêmes early. Oh well, my publicist says that any publicity is good publicity.

I fully support the ENTIRE LGBT community, especially gay lesbian transsexual tyrannosaurus ISIS members (there's gotta be at least one on the board). Yes, I said it. I support ISIS, because why the hell not? They are just sexually confused and can't be blamed for all the carnage their guns cause.

I heard that mara took a job in upstate NY to be closer to small children...
I officially call on all candidates to post their most recent PT scores.
People in SOF take PT tests? HUH!?! I hereby submit my last legitimate PT score, dated a lot ass time ago. Also note my excellent oral skills. These are the kinds of skills that will MAKE SHADOWSPEAR GREAT AGAIN.

I will have the most TRANSPARENT moderatorship in the history of ShadowSpear.
I'm heartened to see this thread FINALLY make some strides. Ima let you finish Shadowspear, but @Marauder06 and I are the best campaigners OF ALL TIME.

People are probably wondering "how will the Admins vote?" Wonder no more comrades.

@AKkeith A Marine. He lives in Alaska and can see Russia from his house. FAIL

@Deathy McDeath A Marine and a goddamned Communist. He'll "redistribute" your post count. FAIL

@Florida173 Can this board tolerate more staff members from FL? Nope. FAIL

@Marauder06 Is he a chick? A man? Funny? (No) Witty? (No) He's an officer and in MI. FAIL

@Marine0311 Seriously Marines? Another one? FAIL

@metalmom Y'all know this is a chick, right? SJW's to the rescue! FAIL

@moobob Who is this guy? One of the Chik-Fil-A cows? Keyser Soze?

@pardus This cunt again? FAIL

@Ranger Psych He could kill me with one punch. I have nothing bad to say about him. FAIL

@Red Flag 1 The first veteran of the Spanish-American War to use a computer. He's a vampire and not one of those sparkly Pulse-goers. He's Vincent Price in a badass suit. FAIL


@Totentanz Another officer coming to save you lowly enlisted scum. FAIL

I'm going nowhere. Y'all be fucked. WIN
On the practical side, I am an American in Europe, so I can provide a non commie traitor / Euro presence at odd hours. Vote moobob!
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