We see eye to eye on it- release everything. All of it, no matter who it burns. We agree that showing up on a flight log 25 years ago isn't the same as taking international trips 25 times and having your picture on the pedo sex island.Enough? There's never enough, they will find something, invent it, whatever.
He still has an obligation to release the info. We'll never see eye-to-eye on this topic, I understand. I think that Trump and Kash have talked about pedo Joe (which his kiddie-hair sniffing ass is), transparency, protecting our kids from Trans everything (which they should), and on and on.
They need to release something.
Good post. I learned a lot of shit I neeevvvveeerrrrr thought about.
Where we disagree is the end state, which you highlighted in your answer- it won't be enough. Release it, don't release it, he's on it, he's not on it- it's the "turning your pockets out" meme IRL.
Orange man bad, and no amount of releasing the truth will change that, IMO. Nothing he does will ever be enough, because it's him. Then we just move the goalposts for "what he has an obligation to do" and whinge about that. It's tiresome.