The Trump Presidency 2.0

Trudeau's a good Socialist, never let a good crisis go to waste. He's whipping up the hate, just like he did with the truckers. Using this to drum up support for his party and the smooth brains are lapping it up, forgetting all the shit he's caused.

I was at the grocery store yesterday and these 3 old white women, were criticizing my cart because I had American products in it. They were talking about how when they were kids, fruit in the winter was apples... sure, life expectancy was also 10-20 years less when they were likely hatched from the Cunt tree.

Donald Trump is not joking about making Canada the 51st state, Justin Trudeau warns in hot mic comments
The left has been going hard in the paint to destroy Donald Trump since the morning after he stole the election from Bill Clintons wife.

For the better part of two years, every 24 hour cycle started with breaking news about Adam Schiff telling us he finally had the smoking gun.

For the better part of the last ten years the left has twisted every possible narrative into a braid trying to undermine and impugn Donald Trump. They have hidden, fabricated, buried, and misrepresented so many bits and pieces for evidence about Donald Trump that it is hard to even imagine some of the red herrings they have held in reserve "for an emergency"

If they had enough to smear him with innuendo - they'd have used it in 2020. If they had enough PDF dirt to add it the other 34 felony charges levied against him - they would have.

They had four years of letting a bumbling octogenarian distract the public from the apparatchiks in the democrat party building an absolutely airtight Epstein/Trump collusion smear to keep him from stealing the election from Doug Emhoff's wife...
...and yet, nothing surfaced.

The dissidents on the left side of America tried their very best to use evidence of a consensual relationship with an adult film star to smear Donald Trump - and there wasn't enough there to raise more than a handful of eyebrows.
...not when they would have had to simultaneously defend Bill Clinton sodomizing a government clerk with a cigar, or Tara Reade's accusations against Biden, or god forbid - try to evade discussions about Willie Browns Party Girl

I'm just not buying it. If there was concrete evidence that Donald Trump had a PDF deal with Epstein, that shit would have been leaked years ago. Hell, lets be honest; it would already be getting taught in public schools during US History classes...
...right after drag queen story hour
I'm just not buying it. If there was concrete evidence that Donald Trump had a PDF deal with Epstein
I don't think they have any pedophile shit on Trump, but the left doesn't eat their own. Anything involving Bill Clinton is off limits. And I'm not convinced that Trump wouldn't cover for his rich friends. But, we'll see how this goes
I don't even think it is Trumps "rich friends" being protected - stand by while I put on my foil hat...


The folks being protected are not just rich friends - more impactful than rich friends - the people being protected are world leaders that will destabilize the global economy if and when they are finally outed.

Those god damned French folks will riot at the tip of a hat...
youth protests
university protests
Bastille day riots
May Day riots
Yellow vest movement
Farmers protests
...then give them an Epstein's Island level scandal that they can protest

Then there's our good friends to the North - you think that truckers protest was a doozy - let CNN and MSNBC run a few breaking stories about their beloved overlords doing some PDF shit in the Bahamas

Just in 2024:
-Peaceful protests over pay cuts and tax increases in Papua New Guinea killed over 20 people in January
-Pakistan election protests: 30+ killed in February
-60 more killed in Papua New Guinea during tribal disputes in February
-Farmers and Shepheard’s kill 40 in Chad during a riot
-20+ killed in Chad during peaceful protests related to cattle rustling
-Peaceful Protests in Kenya killed 20+
-Over 1500 peaceful protestors were killed during the “July Revolution” in Bangladesh
-Venezuela, Brazil, Hong Kong...
...give these people a reason to riot and they will provide weeks of entertainment.
...hell, someone might even walk out in front of a fucking tank out of spite

Americans don't have that much fire in their bellies anymore. Not when they can destress over a spirted online gaming session, or an hour in the cross fit box, or 20 minutes on the tread mill listening to the JRE
Americans don't know shit about violent riots. Win a bowl game, do a few bong hits, set a cop car on fire, still make it to work the next morning...
...there are countries around the world that just can't wait for an excuse to riot - because they don't have anything better to do.

No sirree - we are never going to see an unredacted version of that list - because "decent" human beings cant handle the truth about who they are going to see on that list.


Just my own sarcastic two cents - not to be taken (too) seriously.
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The topic of "If they had it they would have used it" is really interesting. I use it as a check on "Could this information be true"?

If the left had proof that Trump led an insurrection on J6, they wouldn't have deleted the evidence, and the committee members wouldn't have been offered a pardon (to be fair, many didn't take it). If the FBI had evidence that the J6 pipebomber was a right wing activist, that investigation wouldn't have been stopped by the DOJ immediately and memory holed. If the two assassins were really republicans that were trying to stop hitler, we would know what's on their cell phones and who supported them. If Trump was dead to rights on the flight list, they would have aired it out. If his sons were raging coke-heads and they violated the FARA act, they'd have published it. If Jared Kushner made billions off of real estate and did so illegally while he was part of the Trump cabinet, they'd bring the charges. If Trump really did say "Very fine people" in Charlottesvlille, they wouldn't need to doctor the clip and not play the next :30 seconds where he completely blows that hoax out of the water. If the Steele dossier had been true, that thing would have been made public with pictures on day 1. If Trump was suffering from mental decline and dementia as bad as Biden (a real narrative for like 2 months!) there would be a litany of doctors lining up to bring him down. The list goes on and on.

If the left-wing media machine and all their acolytes had the slightest bit of information that could harm Trump, trust me, we would know. Trump- like no other politician in history- has been scrutinized and examined and publicly exposed, and the best they came up with is Trump saying rich dudes can grab women by their genitals and sometimes he drinks water with 2 hands, and an intern wrote the wrong entry on a campaign ledger and that somehow is 34 felonies past the statute of limitations. To see everything they have done and then say "Well, he has this OTHER THING we've been talking about for years and it's just about to break!" is crazy to me.

There is a very real possibility (I think probablilty) that there isn't a "there there". But again, weird stuff happens 10 times a day now, so who knows what's going to happen.
I don't know, which is why they need to release the info. If they don't, at best Trump is covering for people and at worst he's one of them.

Deep State, pedo rings, sex trafficking at the highest levels...all of these tentacles go back to Lolita Island in some form or fashion. We know the FBI carted off truckloads of evidence from Epstein's properties. Ghislaine went to jail, we KNOW Epstein is dirty, so release the tapes. Release the logs, release as much as you can. Screen grabs from the surveillance video, stills, whatever. Release the info. Don't tell us about how we're protecting kids while allowing Epstein's co-conspirators to go unnamed and unpunished.

Otherwise, you look like you're a part of a pedo-run deep state.
Here's a hypothetical- let's say Bondi and Kash release everything. All the logs, all the names, everything you got. My assessment ends up being accurate- he distanced himself from Epstein and then helped in his prosecution.

Do you think the blob (the left wing politicians, news outlets, pundits, corporations) actually give Trump kudos, or do you think they create a narrative that he's hidden his own malfeasance with the help of his own admin? Even if it turns out he's completely clean (hypothetical)- is THAT enough for everyone here on the board, and the larger populous?
Even if it turns out he's completely clean (hypothetical)- is THAT enough for everyone here on the board, and the larger populous?
It will never be enough.
He will always be hiding "something" because the media told me so and by golly - if George Snuffleupagus, David Muir, Rachel Madcow, the entire cast of 'The View' and Joy Reid all say he did it...
...well, for me to admit to anything less would be an admission that I am either STOOPID or I am more easily swayed than a religious cult member full of LSD

The truth of the matter is - I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!
Sooooo...., even if it turns out that he is completely clean - it will NEVER be enough
If Kash Patel is committed to transparency like he claims, is he going to release the Epstein logs and tapes? Trump's innocent, so surely he won't object to releasing info that could send the Clinton's to jail, right?
You do realize his confirmation was delayed by a week right? The powers that be don't want him in place. Seems they need an extra week to put contingencies in order or destroy documentation. My money is on a bunch of computer systems, evidence, and documentation going missing.
Here's a hypothetical- let's say Bondi and Kash release everything. All the logs, all the names, everything you got. My assessment ends up being accurate- he distanced himself from Epstein and then helped in his prosecution.

Do you think the blob (the left wing politicians, news outlets, pundits, corporations) actually give Trump kudos, or do you think they create a narrative that he's hidden his own malfeasance with the help of his own admin? Even if it turns out he's completely clean (hypothetical)- is THAT enough for everyone here on the board, and the larger populous?

Enough? There's never enough, they will find something, invent it, whatever.

He still has an obligation to release the info. We'll never see eye-to-eye on this topic, I understand. I think that Trump and Kash have talked about pedo Joe (which his kiddie-hair sniffing ass is), transparency, protecting our kids from Trans everything (which they should), and on and on.

They need to release something.

You do realize his confirmation was delayed by a week right? The powers that be don't want him in place. Seems they need an extra week to put contingencies in order or destroy documentation. My money is on a bunch of computer systems, evidence, and documentation going missing.

Good post. I learned a lot of shit I neeevvvveeerrrrr thought about.

Good post. I learned a lot of shit I neeevvvveeerrrrr thought about.

Thanks! Figured I should mention it, cause others reading the board might get the impression Kash was already confirmed and holding back on releasing evidence. Cause he's not and when he gets his position people are gonna be reeeeeeing.
Enough? There's never enough, they will find something, invent it, whatever.

He still has an obligation to release the info. We'll never see eye-to-eye on this topic, I understand. I think that Trump and Kash have talked about pedo Joe (which his kiddie-hair sniffing ass is), transparency, protecting our kids from Trans everything (which they should), and on and on.

They need to release something.

Good post. I learned a lot of shit I neeevvvveeerrrrr thought about.

We see eye to eye on it- release everything. All of it, no matter who it burns. We agree that showing up on a flight log 25 years ago isn't the same as taking international trips 25 times and having your picture on the pedo sex island.

Where we disagree is the end state, which you highlighted in your answer- it won't be enough. Release it, don't release it, he's on it, he's not on it- it's the "turning your pockets out" meme IRL.

Orange man bad, and no amount of releasing the truth will change that, IMO. Nothing he does will ever be enough, because it's him. Then we just move the goalposts for "what he has an obligation to do" and whinge about that. It's tiresome.