The Trump Presidency 2.0

I like that he called the dems out " no matter what, you won't stand and clap with me." Both sides play this game, but refreshing to hear it pointed out.
I’m telling you. The ‘new president’ line and the image of sitting democrats is going to be a thing for like a week. 76% approval across America.

Just remember who called that one early (it was me WITNESS ME). Kidding it’s not hard for see this stuff these people are all retarded.
We were down to 60% manning, including one supervisor and one who is about to PCS back to the states in a few weeks because her husband has orders. Our previous Deputy knew we had vacancies but held the job certs on her desk for a year. Since she left, we have worked hard to prioritize getting bodies here. Sadly I looked at it from the wrong lenses at the time as I took the what’s best for the enterprise approach. That meant my teams got filled last. Well guess who is the only Division now that has hiree’s frozen?

TLDR: don’t always think one level above you.

I’m stepping off my soap box. Cuts are good but I don’t think this was the right cut given how many organizations are already undermanned.
I understand the frustration with the hiring freeze. We're under one up here and the wife's department let to many transfer out and now they're filling 24 hour shifts for other jobs. The difference is our government isn't doing anything to find waste and reallocate funds where it's needed. I think both of our governments for the past few years have gone spend crazy on bullshit and let critical areas get near failure.
It seems like all you need to do is tag Musk on X with major issues and he'll bring it to Trump. Maybe some of you need to utilize whistleblower protections and start spamming X.

I'm not a Democrat or Republican.

The fact that the cunt pigs couldn't even stand for a kid that beat cancer displays the absolute hatred they have in Trump, in fact, I dare say, anything wholesome.

God will judge each and every one of us, especially those hoodlums that refused to honor a kid that beat cancer, all because, orange man bad.

I'm not a Democrat or Republican.

The fact that the cunt pigs couldn't even stand for a kid that beat cancer displays the absolute hatred they have in Trump, in fact, I dare say, anything wholesome.

God will judge each and every one of us, especially those hoodlums that refused to honor a kid that beat cancer, all because, orange man bad.

The best part about Trump's speech was his calling them out on this.
The best part about Trump's speech was his calling them out on this.
Remember in 8 Mile where B. Rabbit opened his final freestyle by painting Papa Doc (who later went on to be a PJ and then Captain America, blessup) into a corner by making fun of himself, breaking the 4th wall and telling the audience he couldn't actually rap if he didn't have anything to say about Rabbit? And Papa Doc froze? "Everybody from the land of the free, put your hands up and follow me! Notice while these dems sit tough, notice not one had their hand up!"

That's what the president did. He painted the Dems into a corner by telling America "they won't stand for anything good I do because they hate me, and by extension, they hate YOU."

Then, he paraded objectively good things time and time again- and when that camera had the faces of democrats sneering at cancer survivors and grieving mothers, the American public could see who these people are.

My feelings on the SOTU aren't changed, it's all a show- but this was the Trump show.

"Fuck this speech, I'm outtie... now take to CNN and complain to 23% of the country about me."
Remember in 8 Mile where B. Rabbit opened his final freestyle by painting Papa Doc (who later went on to be a PJ and then Captain America, blessup) into a corner by making fun of himself, breaking the 4th wall and telling the audience he couldn't actually rap if he didn't have anything to say about Rabbit? And Papa Doc froze? "Everybody from the land of the free, put your hands up and follow me! Notice while these dems sit tough, notice not one had their hand up!"

That's what the president did. He painted the Dems into a corner by telling America "they won't stand for anything good I do because they hate me, and by extension, they hate YOU."

Then, he paraded objectively good things time and time again- and when that camera had the faces of democrats sneering at cancer survivors and grieving mothers, the American public could see who these people are.

My feelings on the SOTU aren't changed, it's all a show- but this was the Trump show.

"Fuck this speech, I'm outtie... now take to CNN and complain to 23% of the country about me."

This... this is a masterpiece. It's as if someone put together the best snark, satire, and pop fiction references of Box and AWP, took out the Nickleback, and produced... this.

queue reaction s GIF
So apparently President Trump threatened Hamas again recently?

I mean, I'm all for it. Give back our hostages or our military is going to start doing house calls.

But don't say things like this, unless you mean it.
