The Trump Presidency

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Seriously, WTF is going on in the WH?! It's become parody of itself. Nothing is surprising anymore. Guess they're going with a scorch the earth policy.
I've seen a few places reporting Trump Jr. and presidential advisors wanted him to come clean initially about his meeting with the Russians. But, President Trump himself dictated the statement about it being 'only about adoption' - which was proven bullshit when the emails were released. Gets towards that narrative of the cover-up being worse than the crime. Still, I really start to see why the President is shitting his pants over the Meuller investigation. Seems like a strong case to fire the AG and replace him with a recess-appointment that can quash the investigation.

I honestly think the President could survive all the collusion stuff. Even with all the circumstantial and back-and-forth the 'but we're idiots' defense will provide enough cover for Republicans to back the President and he'd be alright. I think the real danger to the President is all the financial stuff they're going to (or already have) uncovered. It's not an accident the President's tax returns are the only secret they seem capable of keeping IMO.
Mebbe, but correct me if I'm wrong, but POTUS isn't legally obliged to reveal his tax return. Not a fan, just playing devils avocado.

That's right, it's not a legal requirement for a candidate or President - just a tradition since President Nixon. However, President Trump has gone to some lengths to ensure his tax returns remain secret. He first claimed during the campaign that he couldn't release them due to an audit but would once that was done - that was a lie, IRS has no such policy he could have released them. He then claimed he would release them after the election as there was nothing to hide, no shady business deals, no relationship to the Russian state. After the election he said he might release them in the future - and has continued to claim nothing shady going on.

Tons of reporting on President Trump's shady business dealings and financial ties to states (in probable violation of the emoluments clause of the constitution) - which tax returns would go a long way towards answering, in addition to a lot of (likely false) claims about charitable giving - which have been documented extensively in reporting on the 'charitable' Trump foundation.

Just my opinion, I don't think adhering to the law is what is keeping the President from releasing his tax returns - and I don't think he'll ever release them willingly, it will require legal action. I think, more than anything else, that's what scares the President about the Mueller investigation. I doubt he's worried about collusion - difficult to prove even with a ton of evidence - I think he's shitting his pants about financial malfeasance.
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You may be right and as you've outlined and is agreed, there's no requirement. As I've said, no fan, just devils avocado. To address one of your previous points, infrastructure takes quite a length of time to get under way due to the size of projects so to cast aspersions is a little hasty. How is that going over there? I ask as I have no news, just strategic announcements. (we do get some news in the antipodes). This would be good for the USA; jobs, an economic fillip and growth, all from The Donalds' playbook, but is it happening, or will it happen in the near future?
I'm not sure what you mean on infrastructure. In the US in order for the government to build things - like infrastructure - money has to be allocated from congress. That requires a bill to be introduced, passed, and signed by the President - so far zero of those steps have occurred.

I think when you look at President Trump's 'playbook' in terms of his history it's an exaggeration to say he's a 'builder' and a 'job creator' - more that he is a marketer, licenser, and skilled at acquiring - the offloading to others - debt. But, that's in business, time will tell in politics.

Given the difficulties with the ACA repeal - which should have been the least controversial legislative item on the President's agenda - I think infrastructure is a long way off. It's much more popular with Democrats than Republicans and the President's ability to reach across the aisle is, I think, pretty weak. Most Democrats would be tarred and feathered for shaking his hand at this point. Part of that is partisanship but a big part is also the President has become pretty toxic through his actions and demeanor to anyone on the left.

However, in terms of the economy it's pretty much going the same way it was under President Obama. Economic and jobs growth is about the same - slow but steady. The stock market and conservative (which is a big portion of business owners and CEOs) confidence in the economy have gone way up - and those are directly attributable to the President (though there is disagreement about their relative value and their impact on the economy). The major changes the President has enacted to the economy through appointments, tone, and executive action are a decrease in regulations, insecurity in the healthcare market, insecurity in international trade agreements, and a decrease in immigration of all types (but most significantly in illegal immigration). I think it will take some time to see the full impact of each of those on the economy - but it's likely to be mixed.

Again though, all of that is in my opinion.
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Across the country, members of the US military were shocked this week to learn that millions of American liberals suddenly find it politically expedient to act like they care about who joins the armed services.

Earlier this week, social media platforms across the country lit up with the news about President Trump’s ill-advised Twitter-borne announcement of a “total ban” on transgendered personnel serving in the US military.

While most liberals (or Americans in general, for that matter) can’t or won’t join the military because patriarchy/colonialism/oppression/whatever, they are suddenly very, very interested in letting other people join. Many veterans we spoke with reacted with surprise to the news that people seem to care about the military again.

“If I would have known this was all it took to make America care about American service members, I would have asked President Bush to do a transgender ban back in October 2001,” said Afghanistan War veteran Bill “Two Stumps” Ferguson, as he attached stubby prostheses to what used to be his legs. “Maybe then the liberal elite in this country would have cared about two major wars we’ve been fighting—and losing—for the last seventeen years.”

So people aren't comparing the President's decision on transgendered personnel to the treatment of ED?
So people aren't comparing the President's decision on transgendered personnel to the treatment of ED?

Is that the core of his 'satire' argument? Just seemed like a typical Alex Jones yelling about stuff. You have to already take the position the world is filled with horrific elitist liberals who condescend to everyone else and are the sole producers and consumers of any news you don't like. Tons of people like that - but it's not really satire, just typical raging.
Christopher Wray appointed FBI Director after confirmation vote of 92-5 today.

No wonder I thought Comey was weird...dude was 6-8, why wasn't he balling on the court or the grid-iron. Conspicuous as hell.
Great read on the reason professed by Donald Trump Jr. for the 'inconsequential meeting' with Russian agents. Again, no collusion, no ill intent, just a good boy trying to help his Pa win an election.

Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee
I prefer this explanation: Kushner: Trump campaign too disorganized to collude with Russia

Basically, Kushner: "We were too stupid and dysfunctional to collude with Russia."
That's a...uh...defense, I guess
I prefer this explanation: Kushner: Trump campaign too disorganized to collude with Russia

Basically, Kushner: "We were too stupid and dysfunctional to collude with Russia."
That's a...uh...defense, I guess

I think the testimony @amlove21 posted shows the very deep financial concerns the Russian government has - and how those are integral to their diplomatic, espionage, and national security activities. I think the collusion angle on election meddling has always been problematic - not least because of what Kushner says, the Trump campaign and now administration can't get organized to do much politically. But, they absolutely can get organized (and have done so since before the election) to enrich themselves. Russia - it's money, resources, contacts, and influence - are likely to be a very significant part of that.
Well! Retweets containing reports of classified information, outright lying about stupid, throwaway phone calls, still no appointees or health care.

Been a busy 5 days or so.
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