The Trump Presidency

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Rhetoric aside, he did manage to get his UN team to get sanctions against NK with a 15-0 vote. That's really no small task.

Nikki Haley has been one of the standout performers in the Trump Administration. However, her work isn't made any easier when her boss comes out sounding like Kim Jong-Un with an American accent and dodgy hair.
Next time I say something stupid to someone at work, I am going to tell them, "That was improvised." Not "I misspoke", or "My b, didn't mean it that way." Just, "It was improvised."

I mean, it's not like President Trump's comments were directed at a nation state with nuclear weapons or ICBM's that actually work or anything. And I am SURE that the Pres is ready to lob a couple tactical nukes over at NK, just like he threatened- anything less would weaken our perceived will in the international geopolitical realm.
NK has demonstrated ICBM capability, and they have detonated nuclear weapons. That doesn't mean they have a nuclear tipped ICBM. That being said, I'm not a fan of a psychopath Kim Jung Un having the ability to send nukes anywhere and everywhere. I think, although it will be nasty, it's time to deal with that problem. And I won't be shocked if it happens within 6 months. About 3-4 years ago, the talk was that the government believed NK was about 5 years away from having a Nuke tipped ICBM. It's also the policy of the US Government that NK never be allowed to achieve that. The UN security Council voted unanimously to sanction NK's exports of raw materials and sea foods by a third, unless they disarm and stop their tests, etc. This is effectively NK last chance to come to the table and get right.

As for Trump and his BS comment's. Don't let him grab you by the emotional pussy like that...:-":p:D
As for Trump and his BS comment's. Don't let him grab you by the emotional pussy like that...:-":p:D
LOL, smartass.

Well, 6 months ago we were saying they didn't have ICBM capabilities either. So let's not be so cavalier about being sure what one does/does not have.

As far as being emotional- I know who is being emotional in this equation, it's the dude that sounds like a bad anime video game villain when he goes off script.

Even his body language was total beta male. Arms crossed, over the top posturing, threats that are nearly incapable of follow-through. He literally sounded like a little kid threatening some other little kid with a fake older brother. I mean, he realizes we dropped 2 nuclear bombs right? Like, do we have a nuke that the world hasn't seen before? Is there more "fire and fury" somewhere we've just been waiting to unleash?
Good luck "dealing" with that problem. Those caves will hold off anything short of another nuke- and that might be a bit counterproductive.
Is there more "fire and fury" somewhere we've just been waiting to unleash?

Maybe it's a specialized STD to bring their ladies to their knees and their soldiers to the drip line....oh wait, "fury" not furry. Shit my bad.

Yes Trump needs to knock off the BS outlandish comments and tweets. I just don't think is going to do that. I think he feels that he was elected on his use of "call it like it is" outlandish style. In reality he was elected because the dems put crooked Hillary Clinton as their nominee.

Hopefully Trump will heed the advice of the amazingly qualified DOD heads and General officers he has placed in key positions.

I still think we attack NK within 6 months, but I've been wrong once before.:hmm::-":sneaky:
We blasted "rightfully so IMO) a president for setting a red line in the sand and then doing nothing. I'm curious to see where this situation goes.

The horror of nukes aside, I love the irony of the US/ Russia or PK/India nuke issue where everyone expects one or the other to use them, but now we're reduced to the US/ NK as the new hotness (pun intended).
Marine love/worship of the good general aside, I feel like Mattis is the only adult in the room.

So much for Kelly being able to reign Trump in and "control" him a bit.
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No one should be able to "control" the President of the United States.

That said, I wish he'd control himself a bit better...
No one should be able to "control" the President of the United States.

Okay, poor choice of wording on my part. But my hope/expectation was that General Kelly would have a strong enough personality that President Trump would respect/listen to him when Kelly gave him advice/thoughts about backing off the tweeting and almost "king-like" off the cuff pronouncements.
Fire and fury. Shock and awe. much rhetoric.

No one, I mean NO ONE, wants a nuclear-armed NK, hence the 15-0 UN SC vote. I bet the more G2 that comes out about the state of their program the more serious other countries are going to get.
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