Oh yeah and what's your master plan?
Oh yeah and what's your master plan?
Good luck "dealing" with that problem. Those caves will hold off anything short of another nuke- and that might be a bit counterproductive.
I've bet we have contingencies for New Zealand,
But I also kind of wonder if it might be worth it to go ahead and get it over with now ("now" as in "for the next 25 years or so") than continue to let this problem fester and grow.
... a NK with a significant stock pile of nuclear ICBM's and a psychopath leader like Kim Jung Un is wholly unacceptable. It would cause permanent instability in the region, for us and the rest of the world.
Whelp, looks like the Chinese are gonna try and fuck us. Saw a story on their main news agency saying that the trouble with the DPRK is due to the statement by our POTUS and make us out to be the antagonizers in this debacle.
“If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime, and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so,” reported the Global Times, a daily Chinese newspaper controlled by the Communist Party.
I know I'm a nobody here, but I think the presidents remark is right on here. I honestly don't believe that the American public really understands the existential threat that nuclear armed rouge states like NK and Iran pose to us as a species. Trumps rhetoric, while not the most eloquent, is how we should have responded to NK posturing years ago. Due to political bickering, pettiness, and weakness on a global front, we are now having to deal with the resulting fallout of international and domestic weakness that led us here. I'm going to be completely blunt here, but the American public is quite frankly retarded when it comes to acknowledging that other countries loathe us to the point of nuclear annihilation. Heck, the rest of the 1st world is even more retarded and often coddles the same enemies that would see them and the USA burn.
To hastily and maybe incorrectly quote Free, "jesus buttfucking cinnamon titty christ". The way I see things, if it weren't for rouge puppet states run by mental patients (like NK, Iran, & Pakistan for starters) we'd have orbital elevators and all kinds of cool stuff. But no, instead we've let this cancer on our species fester and spread. Now we are left off cleaning up China's friggin mess, which they are going to leverage in some way to try and screw us over. But hey, if you try to explain this conundrum to the rest of the free world they'll say, "oooh...dancing with the stars is on" or "I'm like, trying to watch Justin Beiber... lol". I dunno, I just doubt that the majority of people are going to understand, much less read, the epic prose that SecDef Mattis released or grasp how world events affect them.
China pledges neutrality - unless US strikes North Korea first
Pretty awesome state of affairs. Taken at face value, we sit here and hope NK doesn't use the bomb or go to war with China to prevent its use?
The trick then is for NK to toss the first frag. Maybe a page out of the Gulf of Tonkin and we cover our ass with the PRC.
We've invaded countries over less and with less evidence....