The Trump Presidency

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@Il Duce, I think that many today mistake managers for leaders and there is a difference -- at least IMO. The administration comes across as being in more turmoil than any I have seen in the last few administrations.

I am generally anti most DNC agendas, but Clinton's and Obama's White House, while far from perfect, was generally pretty disciplined and ran well.
I truly wonder if anyone has had the balls to say to the President, "Sir, please delete your Twitter account and let the marketing/image professionals in the White House do their jobs." Or even "Mr. President, when you're finished defeating the mainstream media via Twitter, could you maybe step into the situation room for a sec?"
LOL nopes.'s pretty obvious Reince wasn't loyal, and Spicer wasn't competent. More or less a bunch of bumbling idiots he accepted as part of patronage. Aka, normal shit.

The Mooch is Trumps new favourite toy and has thus far proven himself to be anything but competent. I mean, the White House Director of Communications allowed himself be on the record as saying Steve Bannon tries to suck his own cock. That is arguably the very definition of a bumbling idiot.

His competence doesn't matter though because he can stand in front of cameras, smile and say the media is wrong, the Democrats are wrong, Trump is right and the shitshow of the last 6 months has been everyone elses fault.

Trump wants loyalty and yes men. Competence is secondary.
The Mooch is Trumps new favourite toy and has thus far proven himself to be anything but competent. I mean, the White House Director of Communications allowed himself be on the record as saying Steve Bannon tries to suck his own cock. That is arguably the very definition of a bumbling idiot.

His competence doesn't matter though because he can stand in front of cameras, smile and say the media is wrong, the Democrats are wrong, Trump is right and the shitshow of the last 6 months has been everyone elses fault.

Trump wants loyalty and yes men. Competence is secondary.
Oh, he's quite a bumbling idiot. I'm just point out that if Priebus was primary leaker you have serious issues. Doing historical patronage in dolling out positions within the White House is crippling this administration...amongst other things.

And Bannon looks like one of those guys anyways...
Alright! The great thing about this dude is fresh optimism. Anyone wanna convince me Kelly is better than Preibus and the Mucc is better than Spicy? I'm all ears.

Oh, and if this administration would see fit, can we please do something resembling policy, movement on national directives, and progress? K thx bai
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