The Trump Presidency

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My feelings too, and I think a lot of people who voted for him expected some of the dignity of the Office to rub off on him. It hasn't and he may well be gone before his term is up.
Negative. I expected none of that. The argument about his behavior behind below the "dignity" of the office is a worn out argument (not directed at you personally, just a general statement). There has not been any dignity in that office for many decades. Scandal after scandal has plagued that office to where it has been nothing more than a show for said circus. Except the circus itself is the public at large and not Washington. Think of Washington as the slowest moving reality TV series known yet, where the season is played out over 4-8 years versus 4-8 weeks. Oh, there have certainly been glimmers of dignity and grace in the office, GWs response to 9/11 and his sincere hurt for losing American troops in battle are just a few examples. However, overall the office has been treated as a mockery of its once former glory. Though, to be fair I suppose it is possible that people felt the same way when FDR, TR, JFK, and other POTUS' have held the office. Personally, I want results, not feel good dressing for turd sammiches.

I find it delicious that the media is getting what it deserves for the last several decades of its bullying methods and tactics. Democracy dies in darkness indeed :rolleyes:, it dies when all integrity is lost and narratives get pushed instead of facts being released and letting the reader decide for themselves. We may not have the POTUS that we want, but we damn sure have the one we need right now. He certainly isn't perfect (tbh his evangelicals concern me), but he is exactly what the media and the public need to balance the ship, for now. Sorry, that last paragraph was more of a venting rant than anything, but slightly relevant lol.

I had my issues with Obama, but for the most part he carried himself as befitting a POTUS.
He indeed did. The king played his part as a king. Doing as he pleased and ignoring the law. :troll:
Negative. I expected none of that. The argument about his behavior behind below the "dignity" of the office is a worn out argument (not directed at you personally, just a general statement). There has not been any dignity in that office for many decades. Scandal after scandal has plagued that office to where it has been nothing more than a show for said circus. Except the circus itself is the public at large and not Washington. Think of Washington as the slowest moving reality TV series known yet, where the season is played out over 4-8 years versus 4-8 weeks. Oh, there have certainly been glimmers of dignity and grace in the office, GWs response to 9/11 and his sincere hurt for losing American troops in battle are just a few examples. However, overall the office has been treated as a mockery of its once former glory. Though, to be fair I suppose it is possible that people felt the same way when FDR, TR, JFK, and other POTUS' have held the office. Personally, I want results, not feel good dressing for turd sammiches.

I find it delicious that the media is getting what it deserves for the last several decades of its bullying methods and tactics. Democracy dies in darkness indeed :rolleyes:, it dies when all integrity is lost and narratives get pushed instead of facts being released and letting the reader decide for themselves. We may not have the POTUS that we want, but we damn sure have the one we need right now. He certainly isn't perfect (tbh his evangelicals concern me), but he is exactly what the media and the public need to balance the ship, for now. Sorry, that last paragraph was more of a venting rant than anything, but slightly relevant lol.

He indeed did. The king played his part as a king. Doing as he pleased and ignoring the law. :troll:

Points well taken. I suppose I'm talking about image rather than substance. And you're right, we've had some deficient people in that high office. Reagan, to me, is a prime example of what a modern POTUS should be like...but we'll never see his sort again.
Points well taken. I suppose I'm talking about image rather than substance. And you're right, we've had some deficient people in that high office. Reagan, to me, is a prime example of what a modern POTUS should be like...but we'll never see his sort again.
I think yes and no. Reagan was certainly a good POTUS, but personally I don't hold him as the deity most people do. He certainly did well in many areas, but he also was lacking in more than a few as well. However, I see what you mean. He certainly tried to hold him self to account. :thumbsup:
I think yes and no. Reagan was certainly a good POTUS, but personally I don't hold him as the deity most people do. He certainly did well in many areas, but he also was lacking in more than a few as well. However, I see what you mean. He certainly tried to hold him self to account. :thumbsup:

No President is perfect. And far from perfect at any time in the eyes of his political opponents. Reagan had his share of controversies...but any administration is going to have those. Its almost like we're forced to judge presidents (and all politicians for that matter), by the fewer scandals and controversies that occur during their tenure rather than for their accomplishments.
No President is perfect. And far from perfect at any time in the eyes of his political opponents. Reagan had his share of controversies...but any administration is going to have those. Its almost like we're forced to judge presidents (and all politicians for that matter), by the fewer scandals rather than for the accomplishments.

Indeed you are correct my Brother! That's why it's incumbent upon us as individuals to argue for their accomplishments rather than their scandals. We all have a circle of influence -- and I for one -- am going to do what I can to influence those around me to use critical thinking and judge our past presidents by accomplishment rather scandal. After all, that's what we have the news for...since they spend more time on scandals than anything else.
President Trump's speech tonight wasn't terrible. We will see how this translates into action and what that actually means, but at least he has a plan and he didn't announce that plan on Twitter.

Baby steps.
I'm getting significantly tired of irresponsible journalist behavior: Trump isn't pro-business, he's pro-'white nationalism': Venture capital co-founder
I'm gonna agree with Thunder, the piece reeks of yellow journalism. It's just disconcerting when the mainstream networks and crazies like Alex Jones start passing the same work off as journalism. I dunno guys, but it's harder and harder to figure out what the heck is going on while being mislead and misdirected. :-/
I have to concur with Salty. This was a political analysis that quotes the opinion of a private citizen. I don't think I agree with the point of view, but I don't think it's irresponsible journalism.

Agreed. Biased as hell and some poor assumptions, but it's basically an op-ed in article format.

I do think the authors of these types of articles have a duty to further elucidate or refute the claims; take them to a logical conclusion. Unfortunately this is what passes as "journalism" these days.
So Antifa is in downtown Phoenix, it's a bit of a problem here as we're an Open Carry State. There's been a group of numpties that had previously marched around the capital grounds in brown shirts and berets. My GF is an attorney with the state and they shut down the downtown government district at lunch.

WTF is wrong with these people?

So glad I live in the burbs.

Also, side bar, I had a free bone-in ribeye from Longhorn Steakhouse tonight and it was delicious.
I had a medium, definitely worth going to, probably something that will run you $100 at Flemings or some such. Worst part was Trump was staying right off the route I was going to take home. Wasn't stupid to get home, but an annoyance nevertheless.
Side dish(es)? A shot of single malt, maybe? Creme brulee for dessert? You see, food unites us all.

Except dickhead vegetarians.

Appetizers was Southwest Shrimp and Wings, Green Salad, Broccoli for the side, and then split this Chocolate mousse cake. For Drinks there was a Montana Mule, It had Jim Beam so I think they were wrong on their title. But I had a Lynchburg Lemonade for the second cocktail, I'm guessing we won't be able to say Lynchburg soon enough.
He indeed did. The king played his part as a king. Doing as he pleased and ignoring the law. :troll:

Indeed!! IRS scandal, Antiquities Act land grabs, to the tune of 600+ million acres, EPA & DEQ appointee hacks who established WOTUS Act. Freakin' totally screwed people like myself who raise livestock or farm. The land grabs, and dealing with the EPA & DEQ had me to the point where I could have chewed threw a fist full of 10 penny nails! :mad:
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