The Trump Presidency

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Best of success to you General Kelly.
John Kelly is trying to organize the flow of information to the president.
White House chief of staff's mission: Impose order

This is priceless...
Kelly’s predecessor, Reince Priebus, sent some similar guidelines around early in the administration, according to two officials, but they were never taken seriously. Kelly, a retired Marine general, has been treated with a different level of deference inside the building, those aides said. Staff members discovered early on that they could defy Priebus, the officials said, but crossing a Marine is a different matter.

(Emphasis is mine.)
He is just emptying the swamp of people he brought in to empty it back out...:rolleyes:

Elect a clown expect a circus folks. That is what our President is, a clown. Not too long ago there were posts on here and in other places about "bread and circuses.". All we have now is the circus. Unless of course the bread is our constant need to be offended, and transgressed against...
He is just emptying the swamp of people he brought in to empty it back out...:rolleyes:

Elect a clown expect a circus folks. That is what our President is, a clown. Not too long ago there were posts on here and in other places about "bread and circuses.". All we have now is the circus. Unless of course the bread is our constant need to be offended, and transgressed against...
It's quite clear that John Kelly is getting it done. It's sad that we needed to bring in a 4 Star General to put together a good staff. But this is the kind of shit you get to deal with when you hand out positions via patronage and not merit. Oh and don't worry, I'm quite sure Obama had to deal with the same shit in his first 6 months, Bush before him, Clinton before him. Pretty much every president.
Yeah, the Arpaio pardon was telegraphed pretty heavily. Sheriff Joe was one of candidate Trump's first endorsements, and with the value he places on "loyalty" it was pretty much inevitable.

As an aside, I'm super glad that Gorka is out. Now all that's left is Steven Miller and Jared Kushner. Maybe this administration will begin to look like a real presidency instead of a collection of Breitbart circus freaks.
It's quite clear that John Kelly is getting it done. It's sad that we needed to bring in a 4 Star General to put together a good staff. But this is the kind of shit you get to deal with when you hand out positions via patronage and not merit. Oh and don't worry, I'm quite sure Obama had to deal with the same shit in his first 6 months, Bush before him, Clinton before him. Pretty much every president.
Like, in isolated incidents (as in, other presidents have replaced people soon after election) or are you saying those presidents turned over staff like Pres Trump has? Because I don't believe I remember that happening nearly at all- let alone what has to be double digit firings at this point.

Found an article outlining those that were fired, quit, replaced.

It's a lot, and I don't think it's on par with other recent presidents.
Like, in isolated incidents (as in, other presidents have replaced people soon after election) or are you saying those presidents turned over staff like Pres Trump has? Because I don't believe I remember that happening nearly at all- let alone what has to be double digit firings at this point.

Found an article outlining those that were fired, quit, replaced.

It's a lot, and I don't think it's on par with other recent presidents.

A couple things, I'm sure it's usually a grip. But like this? The amount of Microscopes on this administration Vs. others is immense. Partially because of outrage and mostly because of our current times. The amount is only magnified by the microscope. However, I think the true difference is the positions these people were in versus the actual quantity of personnel.
A couple things, I'm sure it's usually a grip. But like this? The amount of Microscopes on this administration Vs. others is immense. Partially because of outrage and mostly because of our current times. The amount is only magnified by the microscope. However, I think the true difference is the positions these people were in versus the actual quantity of personnel.
I don't agree with that at all. The initial statement, "I think this happens with every administration", I think is incorrect. I think the amount of firings, replacements and resignations is way higher than anything we have seen.

The "sign of the times" argument doesn't really work. Pres Trump's entire campaign revolved around being a political outsider, someone who was going to put the right people in the right places, political norms be damned. He did that and (it appears) failed miserably. Unless you want to admit that Pres Trump is EXTREMELY concerned with American opinon of him and not so alpha male as everyone insists. Slightest bit of pushback and he hits the eject button.

To the bolded; do you mean the quality of personnel was good, but the positions they were put in were wrong? I am willing to agree only because that means we get to agree Pres Trump has no idea what he's doing and lost great people because of his shitty management.
Verbiage was wrong. I would say type of position. I think that in any organization that gets staffed through patronage you will have significant turnover, when those people fail they get fire. Donnie Ts problem was that he gave positions to complete baffoons whom had no business being there and now he's taken a play out of Jed Bartlett's administration and installed a cabinet secretary as CoS.
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