The Trump Presidency

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Trump...a secret Democrat?? :-o

I said that for like 8 months leading up to the election. Then he chose Pence... things changed after that.

You do realize he's run for president on BOTH tickets, yes? I know I'm old, but it's pretty common knowledge among us dinosaurs. He's swapped parties quite a few times; three to five times, IIRC. He's an opportunitist.
You do realize he's run for president on BOTH tickets, yes? I know I'm old, but it's pretty common knowledge among us dinosaurs. He's swapped parties quite a few times; three to five times, IIRC. He's an opportunitist.

Swapping parties I know of. His previous run, I thought that was some reform party or something. I don't think he ran as a democrat ever.
Expectations- Observation = Frustration
This tread embodies this equation. I wasted 3 hours reading this crap. Thank you the human race. 1/2 of you need to choke yourself. Get off your high horse, right, left or whatever pedestal you think you belong on.
Also some of out of line, being personal. I will not bring up the past but going forward. Expect warnings and possible banning.
This has been discussed among the Admin and Mods.
Swapping parties I know of. His previous run, I thought that was some reform party or something. I don't think he ran as a democrat ever.

The Wikipedia article I had bookmarked used to have a chart of his presidential runs, but I can't seem to find the chart on my mobile. He may not have run as a Democrat, but he was a D up until 1987, then switched to Republican, Reform, Independent, Democrat, and back to Repub.

That backs up my point that he's an opportunist.
The Wikipedia article I had bookmarked used to have a chart of his presidential runs, but I can't seem to find the chart on my mobile. He may not have run as a Democrat, but he was a D up until 1987, then switched to Republican, Reform, Independent, Democrat, and back to Repub.

That backs up my point that he's an opportunist.

Oh for sure he is an opportunist. That was brought up many times during the run. To be honest I thought once elected he would be more liberal than he has been.
There was a theory at some stage that he was running to make Clinton look better.

If that were true he must have had a little shock lol.
Oh for sure he is an opportunist. That was brought up many times during the run. To be honest I thought once elected he would be more liberal than he has been.

Left or right does not matter. As your signature says, it is a circus. And I voted for him. Just my gut feeling, but he will not be in office this time next year.
Left or right does not matter. As your signature says, it is a circus. And I voted for him. Just my gut feeling, but he will not be in office this time next year.

I have maintained from the beginning that Trump never even considered the idea of actually being the Republican candidate, much less winning the election. Things snowballed from the beginning, and when he survived the "John McCain I like pilots who weren't shot down" comment, I remember thinking, oh shit, he might ride this out and win the damn thing.

Since the day he was elected I have believed that he would make it to the first State of the Union and declare "victory", touting how he has accomplished more in one year than Obama did in eight. Then we would "drop the mic" and resign. Mission Accomplished.

I think I may have even posted that in one of the prior election threads. Problem is...then what? He cannot easily slip back into his Hollywood lifestyle; they won't exactly be welcoming him with open arms. He's managed to piss off the executive business community so much that Trump will remain a pariah, at least for a while. What's he going to do with himself?

Last night I saw a meme on Facebook that made me laugh, it said: "For 8 years I was called a racist if I disagreed with my President; now I'm called a racist if I agree with him.". Some ironic truth to that; I did not expect to be on the defensive after Obama was out of office.

Over the years I have expressed privately to @TLDR20 that while his liberal views and challenges may piss me off from time-to-time, they've also opened my mind a bit and helped me get a peek-under-the-tent of my own Republican party. I say that to say this, (and I've used this phrase on the board before), come on guys, the Emperor is wearing no clothes. Am I glad that Trump beat Hillary? Fuck yes, that will never change. The influence she was going to have over 2nd Amendment rights (via Supreme Court nominations) and the insanity that Obama started with turning the Military into just another corporate community where you need to "HR Think" before acting, had to stop. But Trump is a disaster (to use one of his phrases) of a President. He does not listen to his advisors (the protest thread would be half the pages if Trump would have initially said, "Nazi's suck the most") and his off the cuff remarks and tweets are embarrassing at best, damaging to the relationships with our allies at worst. To borrow a phrase from the Generals when they fire an officer, "I have lost confidence in his ability to lead."
I said that for like 8 months leading up to the election. Then he chose Pence... things changed after that.

Would you rather have Trump as he is, or Pence "acting Presidential"? Personally I would prefer the latter, but I know that Pence's views concern my more liberal friends more than Trump's chaoticness does.
Would you rather have Trump as he is, or Pence "acting Presidential"? Personally I would prefer the latter, but I know that Pence's views concern my more liberal friends more than Trump's chaoticness does.

I would prefer a President that acts like the President. Doesn't tweet stupid stuff. Knows when to say the right thing to a country having problems. Agenda aside at least our government might be working if Pence was POTUS. I'd way rather complain about policy than the morally ambiguous waters that President Trump currently and regularly inhabits.
I don't personally have an issue with what POTUS said. There is blame on both sides, like always. The truth is always somewhere in the middle. The constant petty bickering, which has even made its way to this site, is exhausting. Trump is a racist, a facist, a sexist, a homophobe, orange, yada fucking yada. The left are commies, facist in their anti-facism, snowflakes, yada fucking yada. America was losing no matter who won the 2016 election. There is so much hate and vitriol spewed about both sides, violence seems to be on the rise as it relates to political issues, and more and more people are resorting to the tactic of yelling the loudest and/or accusing the other side of the most heinous things imaginable in order to win an argument. It's just disappointing these days. We're going down a bad road, and I'm not sure how the ship gets righted. Everyone taking a step back, shutting their fucking mouths, and thinking before speaking/acting would be a great start. Probably won't happen though.
Michael Jackson will do a duet with Whitney Houston before this country "comes together as one".
Left or right does not matter. As your signature says, it is a circus. And I voted for him. Just my gut feeling, but he will not be in office this time next year.

My feelings too, and I think a lot of people who voted for him expected some of the dignity of the Office to rub off on him. It hasn't and he may well be gone before his term is up. This is not to say I would've preferred "Felonia Von Pantsuit and her pervert husband" (thank you, @racing_kitty for that one :ROFLMAO:) ... but the choices we get every four years are pretty dismal. I had my issues with Obama, but for the most part he carried himself as befitting a POTUS.
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