The Trump Presidency

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I want you to take every thought and impression you have of antifascists. Just take them all and put them in the forefront of your mind.

Then watch this video and tell me if they're even remotely the same

Nazism is the worst of humanity. It is actively the worst thing we have ever seen as a species. It will forever be a blight on humanity. ANYONE who actively supports such a movement is nothing but a racist, disgusting piece of shit. The same cannot be said for those leftists calling themselves "anti-fascists". Equating them, or BLM, or even the KKK to Nazis or those that support or proclaim to support Nazi beliefs is a form of false equivalency that is hard to fathom.

Communists across the USSR, China, etc. combined have executed far more people than the Nazis. I can't/won't support Nazis at all, but context matters. If Nazis are the worst, Communism has to be in second place by fractions of whatever measuring stick anyone prefers.

You idiot. They didn't do it in an industrial and calculated way like the Nazis did.

Pull your trousers up.

The gulags, mass executions, systematic roundups of certain groups of persons doesn't compare to Nazi methods?

No, as I said.

lol, whatever. Facts and history aren't on your side, but emotion...I guess that's just as good.

Have the best day ever.
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Communists across the USSR, China, etc. combined have executed far more people than the Nazis. I can't/won't support Nazis at all, but context matters. If Nazis are the worst, Communism has to be in second place by fractions of whatever measuring stick anyone prefers.

The gulags, mass executions, systematic roundups of certain groups of persons doesn't compare to Nazi methods?

Well unfortunately for us we aren't comparing the two ideologies. AntiFas certainly has members who are communist, but they all aren't. All people who identify as Nazis are...? Nazis. Neo-Nazi=Nazi. Calling for the extermination of Jews while wearing a swastika? Nazi...

There is a big difference in Mao Chinese communism, and Stalinism and what communism is and/or could be. Nazism is based in anti-semitism. I'm not lecturing you here but...
You idiot. They didn't do it in an industrial and calculated way like the Nazis did.

Pull your trousers up.


"Of those who starved, the 3.3 million or so inhabitants of Soviet Ukraine who died in 1932 and 1933 were victims of a deliberate killing policy related to nationality. In early 1930, Stalin had announced his intention to “liquidate” prosperous peasants (“kulaks”) as a class so that the state could control agriculture and use capital extracted from the countryside to build industry. Tens of thousands of people were shot by Soviet state police and hundreds of thousands deported. Those who remained lost their land and often went hungry as the state requisitioned food for export. The first victims of starvation were the nomads of Soviet Kazakhstan, where about 1.3 million people died. The famine spread to Soviet Russia and peaked in Soviet Ukraine. Stalin requisitioned grain in Soviet Ukraine knowing that such a policy would kill millions. Blaming Ukrainians for the failure of his own policy, he ordered a series of measures—such as sealing the borders of that Soviet republic—that ensured mass death.

In 1937, as his vision of modernization faltered, Stalin ordered the Great Terror. Because we now have the killing orders and the death quotas, inaccessible so long as the Soviet Union existed, we now know that the number of victims was not in the millions. We also know that, as in the early 1930s, the main victims were the peasants, many of them survivors of hunger and of concentration camps. The highest Soviet authorities ordered 386,798 people shot in the “Kulak Operation” of 1937–1938. The other major “enemies” during these years were people belonging to national minorities who could be associated with states bordering the Soviet Union: some 247,157 Soviet citizens were killed by the NKVD in ethnic shooting actions."

Sure sounds industrial and calculated to me...
Let's take a knee and face out for a tick before this gets to be unproductive.

It's a shitty issue and we all feel strongly about it. I know I do.

Let's all move out from here, personal issues go to PM. Not gonna shut the thread down, because we all know the difference between bipartisan shouting match and calm discussion.
Khmer Rogue, anyone?! The are plenty of horrific beliefs out there. The Nazi Party doesn't have a monopoly on shit bag beliefs.

That said, I agree with's kind of like arguing about degrees of heat in Hell. Who gives a shit?! We can all probably agree that it's pretty fuckin' hot.
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Guys the point is being missed here. Were Stalinist Russian communists marching in Charlottesville this past weekend? Khmer Rouge? Mao Chinese communists?

No. Nazis were marching in the streets talking about "killing all the niggers and Jews".

Our President could not denounce them, without equating them. That sucks.
I agree and disagree with that post. Antifa was flying the "Red Banner" to protest the Nazi flag being waved around and I can guarantee a lot of individuals do not see the Hammer and Sickle and instantly think of a good time.

I mean can you really be called a patriot for America when you protest one red flag of a dictators with another ? I see it as if you're going to protest with a flag that isn't the United States, then you aren't really advocating for anything worth the American values.

These violent protests filled with hate speeches and flags of wronged times are just moving us closer to a nation without free speech.
I've met some pretty opinionated people in my life but I've never met an actual Nazi or a committed member of the American Communist Party.
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