The Trump Presidency

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I dislike his war with the press/media. I don't think his assertion that they are biased is necessarily wrong, but it is what it is and he and his administration need to be more carrot and less stick.
Disagree because the more carrot, less stick bit has been done repeatedly and gets nowhere with the media. You give an inch and they take a mile. Right now I believe he is making them work for it and shaming them as they should be. Journalism has become a joke over the last several decades. I find it quite refreshing that he is giving them their own medicine. They deserve it. This bullshit about it being below the prestige of the office makes me roll my eyes. Much like when someone is offended when they hear someone curse. Grow up. The media is getting treat as what they are, a petulant child that has been caught in many lies. It is about time someone stood up to them and made them work and reevaluate their values. Just my take on the matter. YMMV.
Disagree because the more carrot, less stick bit has been done repeatedly and gets nowhere with the media. You give an inch and they take a mile. Right now I believe he is making them work for it and shaming them as they should be. Journalism has become a joke over the last several decades. I find it quite refreshing that he is giving them their own medicine. They deserve it. This bullshit about it being below the prestige of the office makes me roll my eyes. Much like when someone is offended when they hear someone curse. Grow up. The media is getting treat as what they are, a petulant child that has been caught in many lies. It is about time someone stood up to them and made them work and reevaluate their values. Just my take on the matter. YMMV.

Ha. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Just trying to play the game.

In all seriousness, the media are idiots, but can be useful idiots. Spicer is weak sauce as press sec. he needs a better press sec who can really use the media to the administration's advantage.
Let's do a little intellectual exercise. I think it'll warm up the creative thinking muscles a little bit.

The rules are simple: if you are a Trump opposer, then you must post something that you like about the current administration. If you are a Trump supporter, then you must post something that you dislike about the current administration. Try to refrain from backhanded compliments, qualifiers, or any weasel words. I want posters to exert some contrarian thinking.
Wonderful idea. IF I had to find a complaint, it would be his position on abortion. I am ok with de-funding abortion overseas. However, I think it is wrong to defund it here at home. Matter of fact, his whole position on abortion bothers me. Up until 21-25 weeks it should be alright to get an abortion (even with tax payer assistance). Once the fetus has developed the necessary brain parts for sentience (fore mentioned time frame), then the clock runs out and it has become human and not a collection of cells.

Also, the conservative argument that "I don't want my tax dollars paying for you to fuck" is one of the most ridiculous arguments I have heard form the conservative party. Conservatives want to stop welfare queens from popping out babies and paying for social services for said babies, but don't want to be proactive in helping to stop it before it becomes a problem. Spend fifty bucks once, now, or spend hundreds every month. Simple fiscal reasoning should win the day here. Conservatives need to realize that poor people have few choices to pass the time when you're poor and can't afford to do anything. Usually the choices are drugs, booze, or screwing to pass the time. Another example for tax money going towards everyone's benefit is tax funding for schools. Some single folks wonder why should their taxes pay for a school system they don't believe they will use? Because you don't want to live in a society with a bunch of illiterate dumbasses surrounding you 24/7. You expect a certain level of intelligence when you deal with people. The same applies with basic contraceptive and pregnancy avoidance services.

This is one of the rare places where true fiscal responsibility is in their hands.
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Ha. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Just trying to play the game.

In all seriousness, the media are idiots, but can be useful idiots. Spicer is weak sauce as press sec. he needs a better press sec who can really use the media to the administration's advantage.
The problem is that this game is controlled by the media. All too often I have seen the media force an agency in improper and dangerous ways.

I totally agree on Spicer. Listening to him speak is painful, and it is obvious he is not a good public speaker. Personally, I really wanted to see Milo as press secretary. I think it would have revolutionized that game.

ETA: I am all for the concept behind the media being a check and balance for the government. However, that is no longer the case.
Wonderful idea. IF I had to find a complaint, it would for certain be his position on abortion. I am ok with de-funding abortion overseas. However, I think it is wrong to defund it here at home. Matter of fact, his whole position on abortion bothers me. Up until 21-25 weeks it should be alright to get an abortion (even with tax payer assistance). Once the fetus has developed the necessary brain parts for sentience (fore mentioned time frame), then the clock runs out and it has become human and not a collection of cells.

Also, the conservative argument that "I don't want my tax dollars paying for you to fuck" is one of the most ridiculous arguments I have heard form the conservative party. Conservatives want to stop welfare queens from popping out babies and paying for social services for said babies, but don't want to be proactive in helping to stop it before it becomes a problem. Spend fifty bucks once, now, or spend hundreds every month. Simple fiscal reasoning should win the day here. Conservatives need to realize that poor people have few choices to pass the time when you're poor and can't afford to do anything. Usually the choices are drugs, booze, or screwing to pass the time. Another example for tax money going towards everyone's benefit is tax funding for schools. Some single folks wonder why should their taxes pay for a school system they don't believe they will use? Because you don't want to live in a society with a bunch of illiterate dumbasses surrounding you 24/7. You expect a certain level of intelligence when you deal with people. The same applies with basic contraceptive and pregnancy avoidance services.

This is one of the rare places where true fiscal responsibility is in their hands.

Federal funds can't be used to fund abortions; Medicaid can, but only in very specific circumstances.
Voted for Trump

I dislike his lack of class. I don't mind the tweeting and fully support providing your message to the people unfiltered by outside sources, but don't take every mean word someone with a keyboard/camera says about you personally and then attack them right back. The office of the president should be above petty BS like that, and if not, there is way to disparage the media to invoke change with an elegant rather than boisterous touch.

And yea, he could have done way better than Betsy DeVos.
Let's do a little intellectual exercise. I think it'll warm up the creative thinking muscles a little bit.

The rules are simple: if you are a Trump opposer, then you must post something that you like about the current administration. If you are a Trump supporter, then you must post something that you dislike about the current administration. Try to refrain from backhanded compliments, qualifiers, or any weasel words. I want posters to exert some contrarian thinking.

I'll start: We all know that the economic recovery isn't going so well, and a lot of people in middle America have been left out. One thing for which I give Trump credit are these stories about retaining jobs in the United States. A few hundred here, a thousand there, they start to add up, and when people see stuff like "Ford plant will stay in America" I think that it gives them a little bit of hope, which is sorely needed.

I also support the choice of Mattis for SecDef. Great decision.

I'll buy in. I voted for Trump and there's a lot I don't like. Most of my dislike centers around his personality and his frag-the-room approach to just about everything. I like the fact that he has balls...but holy hell, there are times when a little tact, a little finesse would work better. He had the chance to do some unifying post-election through tweets and statements etc that might've smoothed the transition...but he went full-bore right out the gate like some badass alpha rodeo bull....
Something I've found interesting is the "lack of Clinton" in critiques of Trump and his policies. I'm sure part of that is maybe a reluctance to speculate on WWHRCD during her first 100 days, but I only see the barest of references to the election/ popular vote anymore.

It is probably nothing, but it is like she disappeared from the face of the earth. I also don't see many, if any, counterproposals from Democrats. It seems the entire narrative is "Trump's evil" or some variation. He's rolled a 20 for initiative and no one else knows what to do.

I hear she's planning a comeback. The CDC is stocking up on penicillin.
... we all have ancestors that came from somewhere.
I think this is a ridiculous quote that is often thrown around. The same can be said for most of the world, it is a self-evident truth.

The difference lies in the intentions of the individuals. A lot of ancestors arrived here to give themselves to America, I would argue that many of the Middle-Eastern immigrants would like to come here to take from America.
I think this is a ridiculous quote that is often thrown around. The same can be said for most of the world, it is a self-evident truth.

The difference lies in the intentions of the individuals. A lot of ancestors arrived here to give themselves to America, I would argue that many of the Middle-Eastern immigrants would like to come here to take from America.

Ridiculous, but true. But we are a nation of (immigration) laws, every generation a little more complex than the previous. I agree regarding the intentions, and if you read my quote in context of my entire post I was merely saying I am pro-immigration, but within the confines of the laws.
As policy I think this is a terrible abuse of power and does zero to mend fences. But...the Dems made the decision to have a temper-tantrum and boycott the hearings.
It's not really an abuse of power, voting to suspend the rules happens all the time, even before the Democrats changed the rules on the number of votes required to confirm someone. If the Democrats don't want to do their job, I'd vote to suspend their pay while we're at it.
I would have voted for Trump if I was a citizen. I dislike his cards close to the chest approach to everything. National Security and Foreign Policy, completely understand but a little transparency goes a long way. I think the Temp "pause" could have been implemented a lot better. Inform departments ahead of time and more detailed information on implementation. It may have prevented some of the backlash.
Wonderful idea. IF I had to find a complaint, it would be his position on abortion. I am ok with de-funding abortion overseas. However, I think it is wrong to defund it here at home. Matter of fact, his whole position on abortion bothers me. Up until 21-25 weeks it should be alright to get an abortion (even with tax payer assistance). Once the fetus has developed the necessary brain parts for sentience (fore mentioned time frame), then the clock runs out and it has become human and not a collection of cells.

Also, the conservative argument that "I don't want my tax dollars paying for you to fuck" is one of the most ridiculous arguments I have heard form the conservative party. Conservatives want to stop welfare queens from popping out babies and paying for social services for said babies, but don't want to be proactive in helping to stop it before it becomes a problem. Spend fifty bucks once, now, or spend hundreds every month. Simple fiscal reasoning should win the day here. Conservatives need to realize that poor people have few choices to pass the time when you're poor and can't afford to do anything. Usually the choices are drugs, booze, or screwing to pass the time. Another example for tax money going towards everyone's benefit is tax funding for schools. Some single folks wonder why should their taxes pay for a school system they don't believe they will use? Because you don't want to live in a society with a bunch of illiterate dumbasses surrounding you 24/7. You expect a certain level of intelligence when you deal with people. The same applies with basic contraceptive and pregnancy avoidance services.

This is one of the rare places where true fiscal responsibility is in their hands.

quoted to use in the future.
I think this is a ridiculous quote that is often thrown around. The same can be said for most of the world, it is a self-evident truth.

The difference lies in the intentions of the individuals. A lot of ancestors arrived here to give themselves to America, I would argue that many of the Middle-Eastern immigrants would like to come here to take from America.

Too many arrive here with an attitude. They hate America but they love it's money and the advantages they'd never get at home.
What makes you think this? Legitimately curious.
Specifically speaking to Muslim immigration and refugees- the loudest voice I hear from them is a demand to stop profiling, a cry for human rights, and cries of racism and biggotry. These usually go hand-in-hand with a socialized endstate and haven't been legitimate in the US for decades.

It may be a case of the screaming minority vs. the silent majority, but comparable to Islamic extremism, the silent majority is largely irrelevant.
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