The Trump Presidency

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So done with this woman. I don't care if she 'misspoke" or if she used "alternate facts'. The #1 advisor to the President of the United States used the term "haters".

In an interview airing Sunday on “Media Buzz,” President Trump’s counselor called some of her critics “haters” and said she corrected her error as soon as she learned about it. The misstatement has drawn substantial media attention, given Conway’s high profile.

Conway says she misspoke on Iraqi terrorists, calls some critics ‘haters’

Wake me when the impeachment hearings are over.
Really happy to see the nom for the SECARMY step down (I thought he was a good candidate, I am happy because he was transparent and didn't take the appointment for solid ethical reasons IMO) and really happy to see there are still federal judges that have the cojones to step up and utilize our checks and balances.

I don't like Peaident Trumps immediate action drill of ad-hominem (the tweet calling the judge a 'so called judge' is the latest eyebrow raiser), but I'm hoping that calms down once he and his handlers settle in. I feel like he stokes/drives more of the fake divisive outrage when he does stuff like that.


Been a fun week!
Why are you happy he stepped down? I thought Viola would be a great SecArmy.
Really happy to see the nom for the SECARMY step down (I thought he was a good candidate, I am happy because he was transparent and didn't take the appointment for solid ethical reasons IMO)
I liked him too; I think it's a testament to the fact that he was probably the right choice that he stepped down when there was no way to dissassociate himself from his businesses and he had to turn down the nom.

Thought it was a class act.
Based on everything my girl tells me...she would know better as she's an assistant AG in her state. Guys who issue injunctions and do arraignments aren't the best judges and getting a stay is a very easy process as they are meaningless, they do have an effect, but it's not to say something is illegal.

Your arraignment judge will never be the judge on your case and the judge to issue a stay is never the judge when it gets argued in court.
Not trying to derail the thread, but whoever can figure out how to cash in on this Trump outrage will make a fortune. I mean if I had a nickel for every anti-trump sign/button/shirt/whatever, I'd make a killing.:sneaky:
I know we all feel like SNL hasn't been funny, but boy, it's getting there.

Thanks, Mr. Spicer!

ETA- I laughed like an idiot at radical "moose-lambs"
The problem with SNL right now is that it is creating an echo chamber and will further shrink it's live audience. Melissa McCarthy drop 100lbs?
Let's do a little intellectual exercise. I think it'll warm up the creative thinking muscles a little bit.

The rules are simple: if you are a Trump opposer, then you must post something that you like about the current administration. If you are a Trump supporter, then you must post something that you dislike about the current administration. Try to refrain from backhanded compliments, qualifiers, or any weasel words. I want posters to exert some contrarian thinking.

I'll start: We all know that the economic recovery isn't going so well, and a lot of people in middle America have been left out. One thing for which I give Trump credit are these stories about retaining jobs in the United States. A few hundred here, a thousand there, they start to add up, and when people see stuff like "Ford plant will stay in America" I think that it gives them a little bit of hope, which is sorely needed.

I also support the choice of Mattis for SecDef. Great decision.

I liked that the President called out the cost overruns on the new Air Force One and the Joint Strike Fighter. I feel like there are a number of processes in government that never get challenged – the waste and bad planning in defense procurement being a great example. Not sure if anything will come of it but I liked that those massive defense contractors and Pentagon lackeys had their sphincters tighten up, I wish it would happen more often.

Similarly – and not sure this is within the bounds of the game – even though I’m not a voter/supporter of the President I do have one ‘be an agent of change’ fantasy for the new administration.

The Distributed Common Ground System Army (DCGS-A) is the Army intelligence family of software and hardware/equipment. It’s the amalgamation of about a dozen Army procurement efforts from the 1990s and early 2000s. It’s a nightmare – and has been for my entire career. It’s essentially a renaming of an earlier system (ASAS) that was so disastrous (it was a paperweight in almost every unit) during the invasion of Iraq and early Afghanistan the Army had to re-name it in order to avoid the axe.

Since then we’ve spent several Billion dollars on the system and it’s deeply entrenched in the procurement complex and the careers of senior MI folks. Congressman Duncan Hunter and a software application called Palantir have made some noise in years past over how shitty DCGS-A is – probably in hopes of opening bidding for Palantir on the project. But, it never went anywhere.

But, Congressman Hunter was a reasonably early supporter of President Trump. Peter Thiel, the tech billionaire who’s been an outspoken proponent of President Trump from early on, owns a very large stake in Palantir. LTG(R) Flynn, the new national security advisor, is one of the few MI leaders to be openly critical towards DCGS-A during his career.

I don’t know if that adds up to anything – and I’m sure Hunter, Flynn, and Thiel have bigger fish to fry with the administration. But, it’s natural to imagine a new administration fixing a bunch of issues they didn’t mention on the campaign trail (a lot of people did it with the Obama administration) so who knows.

I have no idea what replaces DCGS-A, I’m sure all the costs and programs are incredibly complicated and there are tons of 2nd and 3rd order effects. Still, I think in the aggregate if something is terrible anything is better. I guess feel about DCGS-A the way a lot of people feel about the ACA.
How so?

They did it for 8 years with Bush and another 8 with Obama..., they did not.

Similarly – and not sure this is within the bounds of the game – even though I’m not a voter/supporter of the President I do have one ‘be an agent of change’ fantasy for the new administration.

Since then we’ve spent several Billion dollars on the system and it’s deeply entrenched in the procurement complex and the careers of senior MI folks. Congressman Duncan Hunter and a software application called Palantir have made some noise in years past over how shitty DCGS-A is – probably in hopes of opening bidding for Palantir on the project. But, it never went anywhere.

But, Congressman Hunter was a reasonably early supporter of President Trump. Peter Thiel, the tech billionaire who’s been an outspoken proponent of President Trump from early on, owns a very large stake in Palantir. LTG(R) Flynn, the new national security advisor, is one of the few MI leaders to be openly critical towards DCGS-A during his career.

I have no idea what replaces DCGS-A, I’m sure all the costs and programs are incredibly complicated and there are tons of 2nd and 3rd order effects. Still, I think in the aggregate if something is terrible anything is better. I guess feel about DCGS-A the way a lot of people feel about the ACA.

When the DCGS-A test got re-opened there were some data-collectors running around saying how awesome Palantir was...I just know DCGS-A takes a lot of love to work.

Both SAMS MI Planners I worked and everyone in the data collection shop I spoke with about the issue much later on said Palantir was even worse than DCGS-A based on their experience. Take that for what it's worth...but acquisition wise, we spent way too much money on the pistol program.
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