The Trump Presidency

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It should also be noted that with the current fallout within British politics after the whole "Brexit" carry on, a whole lot of politicians who voted for Britain to remain in the EU, are gonna be super salty over Trumps relationsip with Nigel Farage.

Then add in the general outrage from people over his very existence, he was always gonna face this kind of reception. A heap of British politicians are gonna be falling over each to be seen as the "one who stood upto Trump" or some such nonsense.
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It should also be noted that with the current fallout within British politics after the whole "Brexit" carry on, a whole lot of politicians who voted for Britain to remain in the EU, are gonna be super salty over Trumps relationsip with Nigel Farage.

Then add in the general outrage from people over his very existence, he was always gonna face this kind of reception. A heap of British politicians are gonna be falling over each to be seen as the "one who stood upto Trump" or some such nonsense.

Well said!
Another irony is the 'Muslim Ban' being criticised by Google, Netflix & others is that it's costing them foreign workers in Silicon Valley. Surely that's the point.
It's not that I don't find the skits funny in a vacuum, because they are. It's that comedians who are satirists especially Stewart when he was still on and his replacement who is a pure shill aren't treating both sides the same. As has been said before: I get it, they have their own slant...but let's get a 60/40.

Now that the super bowl is not on...the shout out to Kirk Cousins in that skit is hilarious.

So AirBnB is coming out against Trump. Which I find pretty hilarious because the cities that are trying to push AirBnB out happen to be democratically controlled. So the hotel lobby's in those cities tend to be stronger it appears.

Right well one thing you're way overlooking is that Bush II and Trump give/gave them *tons* of material through their behaviour and mannerisms that Obama just did not have to give. Regardless of what you might think of his Presidency, he was an eloquent speaker who rarely tripped up verbally (Bush) or had exaggerated behaviour (Trump) that could themselves be exaggerated for comedic effect.
It looks like President Trump may not be allowed to address Parliament during his visit to the UK

Donald Trump will not be allowed to address Parliament on UK state visit, Speaker says

I'm conflicted. You all know my views on the President, but the (apparent) refusal of the House of Commons to allow Trump to speak seems like a huge slap in the face. I'll have to look and see if there's any precedent for this refusal, but if not then it may signal a serious degrading in relations between us and the UK. Well, the President's relationship with Theresa May is unaffected, but other legislators may not be as warm to him as the PM.

I forsee a big rally-style press conference coming instead of a Parliamentary address. Hell, the President would probably prefer that anyway!

Maybe Bercow needs a reminder of that Junk Punch in 1781. Get some, 'Merica! :D8-):sneaky:

Maybe you guys need a reminder of how the White House looks with fire damage ;)

I was gonna post something that was relevant several posts ago. I will post again if it bubbles to the surface.
Right well one thing you're way overlooking is that Bush II and Trump give/gave them *tons* of material through their behaviour and mannerisms that Obama just did not have to give. Regardless of what you might think of his Presidency, he was an eloquent speaker who rarely tripped up verbally (Bush) or had exaggerated behaviour (Trump) that could themselves be exaggerated for comedic effect.

He was eloquent until he had to shoot from the hip. The "ummmm's" and "aaaaaaah's" made him unbearable for me to listen to, content be damned. I got to the point where if I wanted to find out anything he said that wasn't on a teleprompter, I just found the transcript and read it for myself. All the mmmmm's and aaaaaaah's did not make it to print. Much easier on my inner grammar Nazi's blood pressure that way.
Right well one thing you're way overlooking is that Bush II and Trump give/gave them *tons* of material through their behaviour and mannerisms that Obama just did not have to give. Regardless of what you might think of his Presidency, he was an eloquent speaker who rarely tripped up verbally (Bush) or had exaggerated behaviour (Trump) that could themselves be exaggerated for comedic effect.
He was good on teleprompter and nothing else.
He was eloquent until he had to shoot from the hip. The "ummmm's" and "aaaaaaah's" made him unbearable for me to listen to, content be damned. I got to the point where if I wanted to find out anything he said that wasn't on a teleprompter, I just found the transcript and read it for myself. All the mmmmm's and aaaaaaah's did not make it to print. Much easier on my inner grammar Nazi's blood pressure that way.

Which is all well and good but it doesn't detract from my point about giving SNL material through them exaggerating behaviour.
@Salt USMC I really enjoy their second paragraph attacking the Daily Mail, it really helps them a lot ;-). Belovedly, the Daily Fail is a newspaper, not a tabloid. A Shitty paper, but not remotely along the lines of Der Spiegel. It's interesting, could be the source from the Daily Mail is just a lover scorn, or their could be more to it.

Interesting stuff out of Austin: 'Sanctuary cities' bill advances in Texas, despite outcry

And this one is sort of weird: House Republicans Just Voted to Eliminate the Only Federal Agency That Makes Sure Voting Machines Can’t Be Hacked

The Nation seems to be the only good source on that, but they really loved their sensationalist headline.
NOAA researchers respond to Bates' accusations
Here's another view by a policy guy, not a scientist, which points out some of the factual errors in the Daily Mail's article. It should be noted that this contributor works out of a climate research center out of LSE.

To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of this issue.

Me neither. But since so many trillions of dollars are at stake it wouldn't surprise me if data is being manipulated by everybody, both pro and con.
Trump is an easy target for parody.

That's what I'm saying. So was Bush and the internet wasn't then like it is now so I never got to see anything but I suspect that Clinton got the same treat for his womanising/manner of speech.
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