The Trump Presidency

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Until we do, I am holding the administration accountable for those that are seeking asylum, do not mean to do this country harm, and are turned away to go back to a hell on earth scenario (like Syria right now) for no other reason than that's where their house is located.

Why are you holding this (or any) administration accountable for something that is not their responsibility?
Why are you holding this (or any) administration accountable for something that is not their responsibility?
Well, I suppose it's a completely idealist and solely personal opinion, but I would like to think a we are a nation that helps those weaker/smaller/poorer than us.

Is it legally our administration's responsibility to do right by the downtrodden of the world? Nope, I accept that. We could simply shut down the border and call it good.

But as a citizen/constituent, it's important for me to vote for/support administrations that share or represent my values, and to oppose those that don't in my personal life and through my vote/discourse.

ETA- spelling cause phone and stupid.
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The policy as a whole needs to be a bit finer grained. Everyone I'm sure gets the basic premise, but there are nuances within that, that need to be addressed.
To add, it must be frustrating for the interpreters, drivers & others who assisted the US & now find themselves on the receiving end of a blunt policy. It sends the wrong message.
Neil Gorsuch is an awesome choice for the Supreme Court. Neil Gorsuch & Supreme Court --Antonin Scalia’s Textualist & Originalist | National Review

Well, I suppose it's a completely idealist and solely personal opinion, but I would like to think a we are a nation that helps those weaker/smaller/poorer than us.

Is it legally our administration's responsibility to do right by the downtrodden of the world? Nope, I accept that. We could simply shut down the border and call it good.

But as a citizen/constituent, it's important for me to vote for/support administrations that share or represent my values, and to oppose those that don't in my personal life and through my vote/discourse.

ETA- spelling cause phone and stupid.
If the previous administration didn't provide material aid to rebel groups in Syria we may have just not been in this situation!
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re: Neil Gorsuch

I am of the opinion that America should be a beacon of light against the darkness in this world.

Do I think we should take everyone? No. Luckily our geographic boundaries prevent that for the most part. Do I think we should have a modicum of openness to the worst of the oppressed in this world? Yes.

Today there are plenty of people that need an escape. My motto was/is "to free the oppressed". If that freedom is here then so be it: I don't think we should be ok with people living in the state they are living in simply because it is more comfortable to us.

I can empathize with these people. The ones who want to escape for their families. Who want to approach that shining beacon of freedom in the darkness they inhabit.

I try and help those in need. It is why I joined the military, and why I do what I do now . I dedicate my life to caring for those in need. There are millions of those in need around the world. I don't advocate for taking all of them, the majority of them, or even a large amount of them. We should take the amount dictated by congressionally passed laws. Anything else to me is wrong.

Allowing open borders is wrong, having closed borders is wrong. Closing our borders to the worst places imaginable is wrong..
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My motto was/is "to fee the oppressed".

How much do you charge them? :D

Seriously though, I would be OK with any process that included a "we can't find enough information so we're not letting you in" clause. I also think that people that immigrate to the US should assimilate into US culture, not band into communities where they enforce/embrace the same culture they are *fleeing* from.

Want to move here from a country that is predominantly Muslim? Fine, as long as you pass the vetting and leave sharia law behind... And the same for any other race, religon or creed, not just Muslim/Islam. One standard for everyone.
Let's do a little intellectual exercise. I think it'll warm up the creative thinking muscles a little bit.

The rules are simple: if you are a Trump opposer, then you must post something that you like about the current administration. If you are a Trump supporter, then you must post something that you dislike about the current administration. Try to refrain from backhanded compliments, qualifiers, or any weasel words. I want posters to exert some contrarian thinking.

I'll start: We all know that the economic recovery isn't going so well, and a lot of people in middle America have been left out. One thing for which I give Trump credit are these stories about retaining jobs in the United States. A few hundred here, a thousand there, they start to add up, and when people see stuff like "Ford plant will stay in America" I think that it gives them a little bit of hope, which is sorely needed.

I also support the choice of Mattis for SecDef. Great decision.
Let's do a little intellectual exercise. I think it'll warm up the creative thinking muscles a little bit.

The rules are simple: if you are a Trump opposer, then you must post something that you like about the current administration. If you are a Trump supporter, then you must post something that you dislike about the current administration. Try to refrain from backhanded compliments, qualifiers, or any weasel words. I want posters to exert some contrarian thinking.

I'll start: We all know that the economic recovery isn't going so well, and a lot of people in middle America have been left out. One thing for which I give Trump credit are these stories about retaining jobs in the United States. A few hundred here, a thousand there, they start to add up, and when people see stuff like "Ford plant will stay in America" I think that it gives them a little bit of hope, which is sorely needed.

I also support the choice of Mattis for SecDef. Great decision.
See this: 3-Up, 3-Down: Donald Trump
Something I've found interesting is the "lack of Clinton" in critiques of Trump and his policies. I'm sure part of that is maybe a reluctance to speculate on WWHRCD during her first 100 days, but I only see the barest of references to the election/ popular vote anymore.

It is probably nothing, but it is like she disappeared from the face of the earth. I also don't see many, if any, counterproposals from Democrats. It seems the entire narrative is "Trump's evil" or some variation. He's rolled a 20 for initiative and no one else knows what to do.
Something I've found interesting is the "lack of Clinton" in critiques of Trump and his policies. I'm sure part of that is maybe a reluctance to speculate on WWHRCD during her first 100 days, but I only see the barest of references to the election/ popular vote anymore.

It is probably nothing, but it is like she disappeared from the face of the earth. I also don't see many, if any, counterproposals from Democrats. It seems the entire narrative is "Trump's evil" or some variation. He's rolled a 20 for initiative and no one else knows what to do.

I don't feel like the candidate that loses is normally referenced all that much. I don't think I remember many comparisons to Kerry, McCain or Romney during the first 100 days of any of those presidencies.
Let's do a little intellectual exercise. I think it'll warm up the creative thinking muscles a little bit.

The rules are simple: if you are a Trump opposer, then you must post something that you like about the current administration. If you are a Trump supporter, then you must post something that you dislike about the current administration. Try to refrain from backhanded compliments, qualifiers, or any weasel words. I want posters to exert some contrarian thinking.

I'll start: We all know that the economic recovery isn't going so well, and a lot of people in middle America have been left out. One thing for which I give Trump credit are these stories about retaining jobs in the United States. A few hundred here, a thousand there, they start to add up, and when people see stuff like "Ford plant will stay in America" I think that it gives them a little bit of hope, which is sorely needed.

I also support the choice of Mattis for SecDef. Great decision.

I like this idea, but I think it might get buried in the myriad discussions in this thread. Maybe split this one out and start another one?
I am of the opinion that America should be a beacon of light against the darkness in this world.

Do I think we should take everyone? No. Luckily our geographic boundaries prevent that for the most part. Do I think we should have a modicum of openness to the worst of the oppressed in this world? Yes.

Today there are plenty of people that need an escape. My motto was/is "to free the oppressed". If that freedom is here then so be it: I don't think we should be ok with people living in the state they are living in simply because it is more comfortable to us.

I can empathize with these people. The ones who want to escape for their families. Who want to approach that shining beacon of freedom in the darkness they inhabit.

I try and help those in need. It is why I joined the military, and why I do what I do now . I dedicate my life to caring for those in need. There are millions of those in need around the world. I don't advocate for taking all of them, the majority of them, or even a large amount of them. We should take the amount dictated by congressionally passed laws. Anything else to me is wrong.

Allowing open borders is wrong, having closed borders is wrong. Closing our borders to the worst places imaginable is wrong..

Agreed. I am pro-immigration; hell, we all have ancestors that came from somewhere. But I don't have an issue with an operational pause, a safety stand-down so to speak, to ensure we are, in fact, doing everything we can vis-a-vis security. If we are, resume the program and drive on. If we aren't, then implement a patch and drive on.
Let's do a little intellectual exercise. I think it'll warm up the creative thinking muscles a little bit.

The rules are simple: if you are a Trump opposer, then you must post something that you like about the current administration. If you are a Trump supporter, then you must post something that you dislike about the current administration. Try to refrain from backhanded compliments, qualifiers, or any weasel words. I want posters to exert some contrarian thinking.

I'll start: We all know that the economic recovery isn't going so well, and a lot of people in middle America have been left out. One thing for which I give Trump credit are these stories about retaining jobs in the United States. A few hundred here, a thousand there, they start to add up, and when people see stuff like "Ford plant will stay in America" I think that it gives them a little bit of hope, which is sorely needed.

I also support the choice of Mattis for SecDef. Great decision.

I dislike his war with the press/media. I don't think his assertion that they are biased is necessarily wrong, but it is what it is and he and his administration need to be more carrot and less stick.
I like that he is keeping some of his promises. Whether or not I agree with them, he is following through on some of what he said he would do.
I don't feel like the candidate that loses is normally referenced all that much. I don't think I remember many comparisons to Kerry, McCain or Romney during the first 100 days of any of those presidencies.

True, but I should have clarified: her supporters/ rabid anti-Trump crowd aren't throwing her in everyone's face. Given the election and the emotion involved, that surprises me.
Let's do a little intellectual exercise. I think it'll warm up the creative thinking muscles a little bit.

The rules are simple: if you are a Trump opposer, then you must post something that you like about the current administration. If you are a Trump supporter, then you must post something that you dislike about the current administration. Try to refrain from backhanded compliments, qualifiers, or any weasel words. I want posters to exert some contrarian thinking.

I'll start: We all know that the economic recovery isn't going so well, and a lot of people in middle America have been left out. One thing for which I give Trump credit are these stories about retaining jobs in the United States. A few hundred here, a thousand there, they start to add up, and when people see stuff like "Ford plant will stay in America" I think that it gives them a little bit of hope, which is sorely needed.

I also support the choice of Mattis for SecDef. Great decision.

How long do we have to play?

Betsey Devos getting confirmed pisses me off. Why was she the one he chose for SecEd?

I dislike that he doesn't PT.
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