The Trump Presidency

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Interesting video that went viral from a retired USMC SSG working as a contractor in Iraq. He talks about a discussion he had with some Iraqis about the travel ban.

I like the fact check, but you've missed the forest for the trees. Also, your math in#3 isn't right. Melania (14m) plus guarding Trump Tower (30m) plus however much travel, and extra residence, extra security for those members cost (I didn't look it up cause I don't care) = >$1-$1.5m per month.

While you did highlight a disparity in the numbers; you neglected to admit that we are still only talking about a single family/person's expenditure vs. entire swaths of humans in need. You basically said, "LULZ, no, only 7000 families could be housed not 15k." and "April is probably using her foodstamps for her cell and internet". That may or may not be true, who knows.

I typically dislike silly number comparisons like this cause it gets to slippery slope territory immediately.

"Well, if we stopped funding defense/NASA/Planned Parenthood/whatever, we could solve world hunger!!!" Yeah, ok I guess.
I like the fact check, but you've missed the forest for the trees. Also, your math in#3 isn't right. Melania (14m) plus guarding Trump Tower (30m) plus however much travel, and extra residence, extra security for those members cost (I didn't look it up cause I don't care) = >$1-$1.5m per month.

While you did highlight a disparity in the numbers; you neglected to admit that we are still only talking about a single family/person's expenditure vs. entire swaths of humans in need. You basically said, "LULZ, no, only 7000 families could be housed not 15k." and "April is probably using her foodstamps for her cell and internet". That may or may not be true, who knows.

I typically dislike silly number comparisons like this cause it gets to slippery slope territory immediately.

"Well, if we stopped funding defense/NASA/Planned Parenthood/whatever, we could solve world hunger!!!" Yeah, ok I guess.

I missed the trees or the forest? :ROFLMAO:

FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

I just crunched the numbers and showed how it didn't add up....:thumbsup:

I have nothing against any of the 3 Tweeters....they were just all wrong and used ZERO facts!
Look at Aprils face in that photo, she's not hurting for food. Is there even 16000 open Section 8 homes in NYC to move these homeless families into? Why would someone want a Bio Medical Facility for 2000 yrs...Earth will melt in 10 years right.....?!?!??! :-"
I use Snopes occasionally for "non-political" things because they have been found to be a little biased in many of their "facts." When I do use them, I usually have to independently "fact check" them through other sources. I use them as a quick go to in order to find additional information to research myself.
It has been called bullshit on this site numerous times when it has been used to fact check right wing "things"
It's entirely possible that in those few instances it was bullshit. No one gets it right every time, especially when politics and agendas come into play.

As I said, I happen to find Snopes pretty useful. But I don't consider it a final arbiter and I don't single-source my fact-checking.
It's entirely possible that in those few instances it was bullshit. No one gets it right every time, especially when politics and agendas come into play.

As I said, I happen to find Snopes pretty useful. But I don't consider it a final arbiter and I don't single-source my fact-checking.

You are certainly right. No one should single source fact check anything. But often it is my first place to go when something feels fake. Plus I follow them on Facebook so I see what viral stuff is bullshit ahead of time.

Denying that Snopes is right a gigantic percentage of the time is also epically wrong.

I think it is very typical, and awfully hypocritical by some on both sides to pick and choose when a source is good or not. Snopes is the best example to me. If we are talking about a car break in phenomenon in Arkansas snopes is fine. If we are talking about debunking a child sex ring in a pizza shop, that shit is biased and part of a progressive movement to destroy America funded by George Soros.
The President and the IC are in the process of a messy breakup
The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins
reads like an unsubstatiated hit piece. "The IC" is a huge organization, and to toss something out there like the author did, that "the IC" is against the President, with (from a quick skim) no sources and no meaningful examples, is pretty irresponsible of the author.
I missed the trees or the forest? :ROFLMAO:

FACT CHECK: Does Melania Trump's NYC Security Cost Twice the NEA's Budget?

I just crunched the numbers and showed how it didn't add up....:thumbsup:

I have nothing against any of the 3 Tweeters....they were just all wrong and used ZERO facts!
Look at Aprils face in that photo, she's not hurting for food. Is there even 16000 open Section 8 homes in NYC to move these homeless families into? Why would someone want a Bio Medical Facility for 2000 yrs...Earth will melt in 10 years right.....?!?!??! :-"
Snopes isn't considerd reliabel.
A good comparison would compare security for Ms Trump to security for the Clinton's or Obama's.
But that might make Liberals cringe.
I'm not exactly sure how intel works, but wouldn't knowingly and willfully withholding intel from the sitting US President be tantamount to treason? I'm not saying that I believe they are because the article is fairly sketchy, but I would assume anyone withholding intel would spend their life in an 8x8 with no windows until rats are eating their corpse if found out.
The President and the IC are in the process of a messy breakup
The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins

I read this over the weekend and thought it a good example where a journalist's technical knowledge of a subject was just not up to reporting on it. The sources for the article were clearly - in my view - using the press to jockey for position and influence inside the administration for the DNI and the PDBs. However, they weren't well-served by the journalist who wrote up the story - one, for their obvious lack of knowledge of how the IC works and two, by opting to go for clickbait headlines and sensationalist tropes like the IC was 'withholding' critical intelligence.

'Intelligence' when you're talking about being at the level where it can be included in any dissemination chain - the President being the most significant - means serialized reporting and/or published reports. That means the intelligence is 'finished' in the sense it has gone through a QA/QC review process and has been 'released' by competent authorities inside the IC. For something like the PDB 'raw' or 'unfinished' intelligence (information that has been collected and analyzed - but not yet published in serialized reporting) is frequently rushed to publication - a process the CIA especially is very good at but the NSA does as well (for the NSA the line in terms of actual work put in between finished and unfinished intelligence is not that significant).

Sometimes, in previous administrations, if the President was particularly interested in a topic key raw intelligence might be included (usually in the briefers notes, not in the published PDB since that can be shared) and intelligence on those topics of interest would be pushed for publication and inclusion in the PDB.

So, the only 'withholding' that could be going on is because the President seems less interested those preparing the PDB are not pushing to include stuff he's interested in - because they don't know what that is (if anything).

This looks to me like someone - or group of people - in the PDB process really want it to be important to the President and the NSC so they're saying through this journalist 'you're missing out on good stuff by not paying attention to us or doing it like other President's.' However, one that's not really their role and they need to STFU and two, they've chosen a very poor messenger who made it sound like - likely in an effort to get more clicks - the IC is resisting the President. It's a recipe for reduced trust and more purges if ever their was one - which is not going to help anybody.

Related topic, though not as specific on intel, I thought this piece on the NSC showed what kind of reporting you can get when the journalist clearly understands the nuances of the NSC. Not at polemical but still very interesting:
Snopes isn't considerd reliabel.
A good comparison would compare security for Ms Trump to security for the Clinton's or Obama's.
But that might make Liberals cringe.

That wouldn't be a good comparison as they both co-located in the White House when their spouses were president. They didn't live in separate cities full time by choice.
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