The Trump Presidency

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That actually disappointed me. Throw the best pitch you can and if you muss it, do an over-exaggerated "oh my shoulder!" move while smiling and laughing.

I have often believed that one of the things that endeared Bill Clinton and Obama to those with opposing views was their ability to be both self deprecating and available to the public. Be it Jimmy Fallon, Ellen, Oprah, etc...

If current Mr. President would take a cue and let himself be laughed at a bit, it weakens the strength and effectiveness of the liberal attacks. Right now he is taking a cue from the late Dennis Green and hiding in the bunker. It makes him appear self conscious and paranoid.

That is exactly my thinking. Why not take it as an opportunity to bridge some of the gap?
Crafting future political strategy, for one. Information doesn't have to be leaked in order to be useful.

Ok, maybe. But in that scenario wouldn't NSA Rice have needed to know (or strongly suspect) beforehand that President-elect Trump's advisors/staff would be the masked US persons? All the while, as the NSA she would be helping then-President Obama craft the administration's response to escalated Russian intelligence active measures in the US election. Even if we knew that in NSA Rice's heart she suspected the administration-elect those would still be important facts to bring to a discussion on national security policy towards Russia. I think it would be important to the NSA to know who the US persons were for that policy discussion regardless - if they were Democratic/Republican donors, members of the press, private individuals, emerging subjects of an espionage investigation. All of those thoughts would be critical and important reasons to request the unmasking. I mean, this was November/December I believe - well before the significant interactions between the Trump campaign and Russia were known - even in the IC.

I guess I still don't see - even if you could somehow peer into NSA Rice's heart, which no investigation is going to be able to do - how it could be illegal or unethical. It's exactly what I would think any NSA would do (and probably most members of the NSC) in a similar situation. I would fully expect NSA McMaster to request the shit out of some unmasking on reports of North Koreas officials talking with US persons ahead of/or after missile tests when he's about to have a bunch of meetings with President Trump on our actions there. If it turns out they were corresponding with Donna Brazile I don't think that makes him a political hack involved in a conspiracy against the Democratic party.
That actually disappointed me. Throw the best pitch you can and if you muss it, do an over-exaggerated "oh my shoulder!" move while smiling and laughing.

I have often believed that one of the things that endeared Bill Clinton and Obama to those with opposing views was their ability to be both self deprecating and available to the public. Be it Jimmy Fallon, Ellen, Oprah, etc...

If current Mr. President would take a cue and let himself be laughed at a bit, it weakens the strength and effectiveness of the liberal attacks. Right now he is taking a cue from the late Dennis Green and hiding in the bunker. It makes him appear self conscious and paranoid.

I don't know. I mean, I agree with you in the sense of how I see politicians. But, as I try to look at it from the other side even as President Trump continues to tank in daily tracking polls overall his supporters are still pretty solid behind him and the areas he continues to poll reasonably well with everyone is I think something like 'is a strong person' and 'is an intelligent person.' I think a big part of President Trump's persona and identity to his supporters is that he's a 'strong' leader who tells it like it is and doesn't take shit from [insert hated group].

I mean, I don't think he possesses those attributes but I'm biased - did not vote for him, am extremely unlikely to vote for him. Maybe he understands his base/followers better than most and understands the character he plays is vulnerable to being made to look like a fool in their eyes - so is exceptionally careful of it. He doesn't care about looking like a fool in the eyes of those who oppose him since they don't matter.

Just speculating - maybe President Trump doesn't think about that stuff at all.
@Il Duce -

Overall I agree with you and I still feel better having Trump in the White House vs. Hilary, but recent presidents have trained the general public that a president is supposed to be outgoing and have a fun personality. Truth be told I didn't like seeing presidents all over TV, but the genie is out of the bottle.

I believe that this is a very truthful statement -
He doesn't care about looking like a fool in the eyes of those who oppose him since they don't matter
@Il Duce -

Overall I agree with you and I still feel better having Trump in the White House vs. Hilary, but recent presidents have trained the general public that a president is supposed to be outgoing and have a fun personality. Truth be told I didn't like seeing presidents all over TV, but the genie is out of the bottle.

I believe that this is a very truthful statement -

Even if that is President Trump's view though - I think there will be times (maybe now) where it does end up having political consequences. The vitriolic hatred he is generating on the left really limits his legislative options. He is quickly becoming toxic politically to Democrats - giving him less leverage in things like healthcare with his own party because they know he's not going to cut a deal to get Democratic votes to make up for freedom caucus holdouts or things like that.
Democrats are becoming toxic by themselves.

What I meant by toxic politically is that Democrats who work with (or are seen to work with) President Trump would suffer severe backlash with their electorate. It's a similar phenomenon a lot of Republicans - especially Tea Party Republicans - experienced under President Obama. When you look at the AHCA, they accept a lot of parts of the ACA in the bill they couldn't even consider during the Obama administration. I think we will see - or are already seeing - the same thing with Democrats in this administration. The political hurdle a Democrat will have to traverse to support something that comes from the Trump whitehouse - regardless of the policy - is very high. It puts a lot of constraints on what can happen legislatively in terms of cross-party support.
I'm a pro governance person, I thought the obstructionist crap that was coming about when the Democrats had the majority was bonkers, but then they did the Nuclear Option. Which, was shortsighted. Now we're going to get it again because all of these nitwits that somehow got elected by us have more loyalty to party than their state and electorate. Feinstein and Franken in the hearings showed me one thing, nothing.
Now we're going to get it again because all of these nitwits that somehow got elected by us have more loyalty to party than their state and electorate.

I see where you are going with this, but I have to slightly disagree. If the same person had been nominated for SCOTUS under a different Republican (say Pence), there would not be this much disruption. Dems are going against this candidate more because of their disdain for Trump, then loyalty to party.

As someone who voted for him I expected more attempts at partnerships. Love it or hate it, it's what makes Washington tick - the Dems might not be able to stop everything he wants to do, but they can sure make his life difficult - I'm very disappointed so far.

If current Mr. President would take a cue and let himself be laughed at a bit, it weakens the strength and effectiveness of the liberal attacks. Right now he is taking a cue from the late Dennis Green and hiding in the bunker. It makes him appear self conscious and paranoid.

No one says you cannot be a strong leader and still not be a dick, which causes those opposed to you to root for your failure.

ETA - and yes, I do think it makes a difference. If Trump were more likable, the 'hatred' would have toned down by now and he'd be getting the same pushback that any president gets; especially a Republican. Trump is taking this shit personal and forgetting that it is 'normal' for Republicans to not feel the love that Dems seem to get.

This moment from 2005 during a benefit for Katrina survivors still kills me everytime I see it...especially the look on Mike Myers face after Kanye "says his peace". The network cut to Chris Tucker and he didn't know what the hell to say. The lesson being, Bush didn't Tweet (or put out a statement), he ignored it and moved on, he acted presidential. :wall:

I think Twitter is a serious problem. I think he shouldn't be on it like he is.

I guess we could have all seen he was going to go alone. I could foresee him not even working with the party and this thing burning down awesomely. He's seriously screwing up now.

But, this isn't just Trump. And although I think the vitriol would be less, it would still be effing high. Because that's where we are.

When you've got nasty people leading your party, you're just disgusting. Pelosi, Feinstein, Harris...oh and they all happen to be from California. It used to be such a nice place.

ETA: Steve Bannon removed from National Security Council in reorganization

I guess they gave someone a cookie.
I see where you are going with this, but I have to slightly disagree. If the same person had been nominated for SCOTUS under a different Republican (say Pence), there would not be this much disruption. Dems are going against this candidate more because of their disdain for Trump, then loyalty to party.

As someone who voted for him I expected more attempts at partnerships. Love it or hate it, it's what makes Washington tick - the Dems might not be able to stop everything he wants to do, but they can sure make his life difficult - I'm very disappointed so far.

No one says you cannot be a strong leader and still not be a dick, which causes those opposed to you to root for your failure.

ETA - and yes, I do think it makes a difference. If Trump were more likable, the 'hatred' would have toned down by now and he'd be getting the same pushback that any president gets; especially a Republican. Trump is taking this shit personal and forgetting that it is 'normal' for Republicans to not feel the love that Dems seem to get.

This moment from 2005 during a benefit for Katrina survivors still kills me everytime I see it...especially the look on Mike Myers face after Kanye "says his peace". The network cut to Chris Tucker and he didn't know what the hell to say. The lesson being, Bush didn't Tweet (or put out a statement), he ignored it and moved on, he acted presidential. :wall:

I think that's probably all true but, I do think the Senate Democrats are also motivated by a deep-seated anger over Merrick Garland. I think, from their perspective, the Senate totally abdicated it's responsibilities for partisan gain - exacerbated by the fact it actually worked. Looking at statements and interviews for Democratic senators who have lined up behind a filibuster - who didn't seem 100% on board at first (thinking of examples like SEN Coons from Delaware) - the anger/disillusionment/desire to leverage consequences over that breakdown is very real.

As I stated earlier I'm not sure this is the smartest way to make the point and, like anything in politics, there's plenty of hypocrisy to go around - but I think it's accurate to say the Republican tactics on Merrick Garland are a major motivating factor for Democratic actions - in addition to opposition to the President.
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So my local fishwrap wrote a pretty sympathetic article regarding the Meals on Wheels program. (the program is potentially on the chopping block).

I know people who have benefitted from the program, but did not realized that it was completely cost free to the recipient. In fact, "Meals on Wheels" is free to anyone over 60 years old who asks for it. (up to 2 meals per day).

Maybe the program does not need to go away completely, but perhaps there should be at least 'some' financial vetting ? The two people I know of who were on the receiving end had plenty of money (and children with money). Watching both my grandparents die of cancer over the past decade, I have witnessed the length at which people will go to "hide money" from the government to ensure that they can qualify for government programs. ( and not have to spend their potential inheritance on their mom/dad's healthcare).

Possible cuts to Meals on Wheels could impact 50,000 Minnesotans
Nikki Haley's speech last night at a meeting of the UN Security Council was absolutely brilliant.

Really powerful stuff.

So my local fishwrap wrote a pretty sympathetic article regarding the Meals on Wheels program. (the program is potentially on the chopping block).

I know people who have benefitted from the program, but did not realized that it was completely cost free to the recipient. In fact, "Meals on Wheels" is free to anyone over 60 years old who asks for it. (up to 2 meals per day).

Maybe the program does not need to go away completely, but perhaps there should be at least 'some' financial vetting ? The two people I know of who were on the receiving end had plenty of money (and children with money). Watching both my grandparents die of cancer over the past decade, I have witnessed the length at which people will go to "hide money" from the government to ensure that they can qualify for government programs. ( and not have to spend their potential inheritance on their mom/dad's healthcare).

Possible cuts to Meals on Wheels could impact 50,000 Minnesotans

I did not know that. Everyone I knew growing up with Meals on Wheels were folks who couldn't get out often and didn't have much. It doesn't surprise me though. There were plenty of kids getting two free meals when I was a kid in elementary school whose parents happened to be much richer than mine. Whether it was pride or ignorance we never got that food assistance, which was probably good as most school lunch facilities ran off of USDA pre-packed meals, and if you think UGRA is bad...
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