The Trump Presidency

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Not the best as CinC?! I assume you're referring to Obama; he fuckin' sucked and wasn't a very good president either.

Good presidents will work to find common ground between two parties and compromise on their positions in the best interest of the American people; compromise is for politicians. Obama was a divider, a condescending idealist, and largely ineffective.

The one thing Obama has going for him is that he is an articulate bullshitter. He's a guy that really likes to give the appearance of being smarter than he really is. He really believes that he is profound. In reality, he's uninspiring and his speeches never have any real fire. That's because he's all hat, no cattle. Every time he spoke, I felt like someone should call Manchester.
As I said "in my opinion." The point wasn't to derail this and make this about our former President. Granted I find it funny you're ranting about someone being a bullshitter when the entirety of our current POTUS' administration has been one big contradiction after another.
Trump needs to stay on the golf course and leave the decision-making up to Jim Mattis. I honestly believe Mattis would make a great President. There's a lot more to him than a Warrior Monk.
Trump needs to stay on the golf course and leave the decision-making up to Jim Mattis. I honestly believe Mattis would make a great President. There's a lot more to him than a Warrior Monk.
I would vote for Jim (hey he told me to call him that) any fucking day of the week. He will go down with Secretary Powell as "best president who wasn't"
I would vote for Jim (hey he told me to call him that) any fucking day of the week. He will go down with Secretary Powell as "best president who wasn't"

I would've vote for Powell.

Problem is, guys like Powell and Mattis and many others who'd make great presidents is that they're reluctant to drag themselves or their families through the cesspit of a presidential campaign. In other words, they're too smart and too sensible to jump into the stink.

And it's a shame.
I would've vote for Powell.

Problem is, guys like Powell and Mattis and many others who'd make great presidents is that they're reluctant to drag themselves or their families through the cesspit of a presidential campaign. In other words, they're too smart and too sensible to jump into the stink.

And it's a shame.
100% agree. That's the reason I hold out hope for Sec. Mattis- the mans a bachelor.
As I said "in my opinion." The point wasn't to derail this and make this about our former President. Granted I find it funny you're ranting about someone being a bullshitter when the entirety of our current POTUS' administration has been one big contradiction after another.
Agree on the derail, so I'll put the brakes on there as well (strong non-concur with @Salt USMC's post but that's for another thread). However, you won't me see defending Trump when it comes to this either; plenty of jackassery to go around.
So what you're saying is that he failed to bring the team together. I definitely thought the ACA was a failure, all on his part. He just let it happen.

Judicial appointments...holt fawk, Kagan not only looks like a bag lady, she's a bag lady. The difference between Harriet Myers and her is that she's on the Supreme Court.

Although I voted for him a second time...that 2009 speech at West Point has left a pretty sour taste in the back of my mouth.

I wish you would just STFU sometimes. Realizing when you are in and out of your element is literally the first piece of SA. I'm not a mod or an admin anymore so I can say it.there isn't a person on this this fucking board that comes across as less informed and more arrogant than you.

Almost no one here likes you, respects your opinions, or cares what you have to say. Nevertheless here you are saying shit that doesn't make sense, has no historical backing, or is easily disputed with the simplest of research.

I'm a nice guy so I am not going to tell you to go kill yourself with chainsaw, but damnit some of the time I wouldn't be disappointed if you did. Instead of that piece of interesting news, we are left with your vague posts, lack of research, and cringeworthy ideas about government and being a leader.

And the final tally...

As the end of Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office approaches, now’s a good a time to cut through the fog of misinformation, disinformation, media propaganda, ideological bias and outright hostility that has greeted his arrival in Washington and take a clear-eyed look at how he’s really doing.

Answer: much better than you think.

Surprised this came out of the publication it did.
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I wish you would just STFU sometimes. Realizing when you are in and out of your element is literally the first piece of SA. I'm not a mod or an admin anymore so I can say it.there isn't a person on this this fucking board that comes across as less informed and more arrogant than you.

Almost no one here likes you, respects your opinions, or cares what you have to say. Nevertheless here you are saying shit that doesn't make sense, has no historical backing, or is easily disputed with the simplest of research.

I'm a nice guy so I am not going to tell you to go kill yourself with chainsaw, but damnit some of the time I wouldn't be disappointed if you did. Instead of that piece of interesting news, we are left with your vague posts, lack of research, and cringeworthy ideas about government and being a leader.



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I wish you would just STFU sometimes. Realizing when you are in and out of your element is literally the first piece of SA. I'm not a mod or an admin anymore so I can say it.there isn't a person on this this fucking board that comes across as less informed and more arrogant than you.

Almost no one here likes you, respects your opinions, or cares what you have to say. Nevertheless here you are saying shit that doesn't make sense, has no historical backing, or is easily disputed with the simplest of research.

I'm a nice guy so I am not going to tell you to go kill yourself with chainsaw, but damnit some of the time I wouldn't be disappointed if you did. Instead of that piece of interesting news, we are left with your vague posts, lack of research, and cringeworthy ideas about government and being a leader.


He represents the majority of the American swing vote.
So what you're saying is that he failed to bring the team together. I definitely thought the ACA was a failure, all on his part. He just let it happen.

Judicial appointments...holt fawk, Kagan not only looks like a bag lady, she's a bag lady. The difference between Harriet Myers and her is that she's on the Supreme Court.

Although I voted for him a second time...that 2009 speech at West Point has left a pretty sour taste in the back of my mouth.

From what I can tell from your posts, you don't know what you don't know about the SCOTUS, the qualifications necessary to become appointed to the Court, or judicial decision making at all.

Justice Kagan was nominated by a sitting President--that you voted for twice. She was confirmed by Congress to sit on the Court. And your complaint is based on what she looks like and/or how she dresses?

Have you read her opinions? Do you understand her judicial philosophy?
heh...thought this was pretty good.

Entire US Senate has been called to the White House for a briefing on NK:
Entire US Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing

This will be interesting.
This is pretty worrying. It sounds like the White House is trying to make a case for another war on the Korean peninsula. I can't really think of a time in recent memory where the entire senate has been requested at the White House for a national security briefing.

Alternatively, since the Senate is responsible for ratifying treaties, perhaps the president managed to work out something with China regarding NK and wanted to brief them. This sounds less-plausible, especially since I'm not sure why you'd want to summon them to the White House. Oh, staffers and aides are not allowed to attend. If this is regarding treaties or foreign policy, that's probably to prevent leaks.

EDIT: Just read over it again. The House will be briefed as well, though at a later date. They're definitely trying to get an authorization to declare war.
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This is pretty worrying. It sounds like the White House is trying to make a case for another war on the Korean peninsula. I can't really think of a time in recent memory where the entire senate has been requested at the White House for a national security briefing.

Alternatively, since the Senate is responsible for ratifying treaties, perhaps the president managed to work out something with China regarding NK and wanted to brief them. This sounds less-plausible, especially since I'm not sure why you'd want to summon them to the White House. Oh, staffers and aides are not allowed to attend. If this is regarding treaties or foreign policy, that's probably to prevent leaks.

EDIT: Just read over it again. The House will be briefed as well, though at a later date. They're definitely trying to get an authorization to declare war.

Can we get them to declare war for Afghanistan and Iraq first before we go marching off towards a bloodbath?
Saw this from the Washington Post and it made a lot of sense: Senate staff perplexed by unusual White House private briefing on North Korea

Instead of being some sort of ramp-up to action plan it's, according to their sources, just President Trump saying 'why don't we have Senators come to us instead of going to them' - kind of the interpersonal power politics of petty narcissism - or to rephrase 'keen business sense in order to get things done and win until you're tired of winning.'
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