Admin hat: Thread title changed to better reflect the discussion.
Let's say for the sake of argument that Trump's impeached. Gone. Donezies.
- How do the Republicans recover? Pence is in office, can he rebuild confidence in the GOP?
They don't. Not in this generation, if ever. The Republican Party is so disorganized, they couldn't lead a single human being out of a wet paper bag that was open at both ends while pulling their lone charge in a little red wagon. You have to give the DNC credit for mastering the art of corralling cats; they can inspire millions of SJW's to stop screaming "I'm the bigger victim than you" long enough to unify against the Evil Conservatives at the drop of a hat, with varying degrees of success. Conservatives can organize themselves, and field decent candidates at the local levels, but once they get elected nationally, their brains go into a jar of formaldehyde until such time as to achieve sufficient pliability to accept The Way Things Are Done in DC.
- You have to find a candidate for 2020. Who? Democrats can sit back and position themselves now, but the GOP can't "build" presidential hopefuls with Trump around. Not fully at least so that brings us back to the above: what can Pence do to fix things?
I would hesitate to call anyone that the Republican Party itself has fielded as "hopeful," with or without Trump's presence. Bush 43 is, at heart, a good man that meant well, but he was elected because enough people were tired of all things Clinton, and Al Gore suffered as a result. Bush 41 got the office in part because he was Reagan's VP, and Dukakis was a fucking moron. Had Bill run earlier, he'd have beaten Bush despite the love for all things Reagan related. After them, who can anyone point to that was even remotely non-borderline retarded. John McCain is an opportunist, and Bob Dole did better hawking Viagra.
- I figured the Clinton machine wouldn't return, but will she? Third time's the charm or does her own party tell her to sit the rest of them out? This is the same group that sank Sanders' chances for Hillary's and lost the farm. Will the DNC treat her like they treated Sanders in '16?
The question is, how big is the fight between machine loyalists and the rest of the party. The DNC is hellbent for leather that the next Democrat will have an XX chromosomal pair, and Elizabeth Warren is currently their best bet. If what's left of the Clinton Machine does shanghai the nomination again, the outliers would be best served in branching off and forming their own Socialist Party. No sense in sugar coating it. California has voted to legalize card carrying Communists holding state level positions, so why not? They're going to win, anyway, because the elected Republicans are fucking idiots, and nobody votes for Libertarians because "Eeeeeewwwww, pot and guns!" (That covers both sides' opposition points rather succinctly.)
Impeaching a president is a horrific proposition, but might prove to be necessary in this case. Is the GOP ready to go there and how will they recover?
The GOP is not ready, will never be ready, and will not recover. They are either too fucking stupid, or they are so wrapped up in their role as loyal opposition that they have forgotten what the party was originally founded on.