The Trump Presidency

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Sources: Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake -

Washington (CNN)Then-FBI Director James Comey knew that a critical piece of information relating to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email was fake -- created by Russian intelligence -- but he feared that if it became public it would undermine the probe and the Justice Department itself, according to multiple officials with knowledge of the process.

As a result, Comey acted unilaterally last summer to publicly declare the investigation over -- without consulting then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch -- while at the same time stating that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in her handling of classified information. His press conference caused a firestorm of controversy and drew criticism from both Democrats and Republicans.
Comey's actions based on what he knew was Russian disinformation offer a stark example of the way Russian interference impacted the decisions of the highest-level US officials during the 2016 campaign.
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that this Russian intelligence was unreliable. US officials now tell CNN that Comey and FBI officials actually knew early on that this intelligence was indeed false.
Looks like Comey is going to testify- not about the actual investigation, just Pres Trumps alleged request to stop it. Cue circus music.

12 months ago, this is the biggest bombshell in the world. Now? Barely a blip on the radar.
She is getting what she earned! Words have consequences and she is suffering from hers. That is the way it is supposed to work. It's called accountability.
For exercising her 1st Amendment rights? O_o
That's the elephant in the room here- there is a large double standard here we all acknowledge as it applies to the President. Even on here, we bristle at anyone disrespecting the office- but isn't that the purpose of free speech? You should be able to voice whatever opinon you want, without fear of reprisal? Isn't that something President Trump wanted to "fix" with America- all this "political correctness" that was ruining the nation gone, and we can call radical islamic terrorists such without fear?

But one decapitated elected official and we all lose our minds.

FOR THE RECORD, everyone, I am one of the biggest advocates for respecting the office of the presidency and I think Kathy Griffin screwed up. She got fired over it and she pushed the lines, and the lines pushed back.

I just wanted to agree with @pardus and raise a though experiment for discussion. (looking back at it, I can't believe I agreed with that guy...:rolleyes:)

ETA- I was gonna edit a couple parts here; but I got lazy.
Thing is, lots of people think that's "cool"

yet if you had an obama effigy hanging from a tree, you'd think there was thermonuclear warfare and it'd be a hate crime.
Well, the "Clinton News Network" unceremoniously fired her, the country had immediate backlash, people flipped shit. I am not real sure what people thought it was "cool". Can you provide an example?

And the Obama effigies happened.
Well, the "Clinton News Network" unceremoniously fired her, the country had immediate backlash, people flipped shit. I am not real sure what people thought it was "cool". Can you provide an example?

And the Obama effigies happened.

Yeah, there's a lot of idiots out there. Wasn't cool then, sure as shit ain't cool now, especially with how many followers on twitter/instagram/facebook she has.

I bet she sells more books though.
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