The Trump Presidency

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Yeah, the Comey stuff will be entertaining, and get us nowhere.
Let's say there IS a massive bombshell, that Comey can prove. A tape, a certified letter, a note, something that no kidding nails down obstruction of justice.

At this point, I have no faith in the system to hold Pres Trump accountable and I have never had any faith in President Trump to hold himself accountable.

That's a hypothetical though, I don't think the Comey hearing is going to produce anything but flail.
A lot of Israelis sure seem to like President Trump. Seeing all kinds of positive posters and signs about him.

A case of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? I've no idea.
Times change, Ivan used to be Ivan and now maybe calls himself Sergey, seems like there's more of them going by that name. One story I'm more keenly interested in is the intent and extent of Jared Kushner's attempt(s) to establish secret channels with the Russians. This opinion piece has terms I might consider sensationalist (not really), but it is interesting.

Jared Kushner’s Growing Stench of Treason

Above all, let's not lose our sense of humor and proportion, dreadful business that.
A lot of Israelis sure seem to like President Trump. Seeing all kinds of positive posters and signs about him.
Going to the Western Wall and being respectful will get you a lot of good will
A case of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? I've no idea.
Times change, Ivan used to be Ivan and now maybe calls himself Sergey, seems like there's more of them going by that name. One story I'm more keenly interested in is the intent and extent of Jared Kushner's attempt(s) to establish secret channels with the Russians. This opinion piece has terms I might consider sensationalist (not really), but it is interesting.

Jared Kushner’s Growing Stench of Treason

Above all, let's not lose our sense of humor and proportion, dreadful business that.
FP's headline writer is pretty awesome at clickbait. But you know, treason requires something like Betrayal.
The fact that a D list comedian is being paid serious attention to by POTUS himself, for any reason, is the best comedy of all here.

This was a publicity stunt. A D-lister needing a career boost to the C-list. Honestly, I haven't seen Kathy Griffin in anything except an old Seinfeld episode, and she was irritating then. Today, she's playing the victim, whining about "Trump family bullying."

She's squeezing the balls of temporary notoriety for all they're worth.

And incidentally, POTUS is not completely innocent here. He's been very free with his jabs at showbiz personalities and others. By his own demeanor he's lowered the bar. A president should be above this shit.

And Clinton and Obama did the rock star president thing, going on late night talk shows, etc., and IMO they also contributed to the loss of respect for the Office.

Dignity. WTF is that?
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This was a publicity stunt. A D-lister needing a career boost to the C-list. Honestly, I haven't seen Kathy Griffin in anything except an old Seinfeld episode, and she was irritating then. Today, she's playing the victim, whining about "Trump family bullying."

She's squeezing the balls of temporary notoriety for all they're worth.

And incidentally, POTUS is not completely innocent here. He's been very free with his jabs at showbiz personalities and others. By his own demeanor he's lowered the bar. A president should be above this shit.

And Clinton and Obama did the rock star president thing, going on late night talk shows, etc., and IMO they also contributed to the loss of respect for the Office.

Dignity. WTF is that?

My daughter is close to Barron's age. If KG had elicited the response from my daughter that she got from Barron Trump, I'd snatch Hillary's crown of White Trash First Lady and KG would be a fucking corpse. This isn't a defense of the CinC, this is me speaking as a parent. Melania is a better woman than me.

KG deserves every ounce of derision and scorn heaping upon her head.
Wasting all of this energy on Trump when the country should focus on the real evil in this world:

George R.R. Martin's laziness

Mr. Martin feels that POTUS is a petulant child and has called him a con artist, saying, "I think Joffrey is now king in America."

And he's an atheist to boot. I may call and invite him over for dinner.
Trumps climate change stance is interesting as it will take four years to unwind for a start. Protect jobs? I think everyone realizes, particularly in the auto industry, that automation has replaced jobs, and it's small sector of the US economy (1.2%, my guess...service industry anyone?). This one decision, based on an election promise, so called, is an enormous opportunity for China which they will undoubtedly seize, for they understand the consequences of unrestrained economic growth as their government has had to unwind the effects of pollution, thus their strong and continuing support of the Paris Accord. The switch in China to wind and solar has been steady for one reason, they understand that the punters get annoyed when their air and water is fucked. The Party rules and rules well in this regard, and no I'm not a commie, just calling it. As I've said before, POTUS may well resign. This now seems more likely to me anyway, a casual observer as, to put it bluntly on this issue, he's trod on his cock. It has implications internationally in the rise of China and more importantly for the most of you guys domestically.
Trumps climate change stance is interesting as it will take four years to unwind for a start. Protect jobs? I think everyone realizes, particularly in the auto industry, that automation has replaced jobs, and it's small sector of the US economy (1.2%, my guess...service industry anyone?). This one decision, based on an election promise, so called, is an enormous opportunity for China which they will undoubtedly seize, for they understand the consequences of unrestrained economic growth as their government has had to unwind the effects of pollution, thus their strong and continuing support of the Paris Accord. The switch in China to wind and solar has been steady for one reason, they understand that the punters get annoyed when their air and water is fucked. The Party rules and rules well in this regard, and no I'm not a commie, just calling it. As I've said before, POTUS may well resign. This now seems more likely to me anyway, a casual observer as, to put it bluntly on this issue, he's trod on his cock. It has implications internationally in the rise of China and more importantly for the most of you guys domestically.

I will be very surprised if China doesn't sieze this opportunity, along with the EU and other Asian nations.

I can also see US companies and R&D involved in environmentally friendly technologies relocating to countries in need of foreign money and expertise to advance environmental goals.

Next up on the awesome decision timeline: the current administration taking action to block individual state's environmental initiatives.
I actually support bailing on the accord. It's effect, with selfset goals, and monitary expenditure wouldnt do much but hurt us as a nation. People apprectiate greener companies. Hell, I will be as green as I can be once I start my own transportation business. Being green is economically intelligent when fuel use is the largest expense in a business.

I am all for private industry throwing money around and individual initiatives towards environmentalism versus EPA directed stupidity. Anything .Gov ends up being hamstrung and mediocre (see VA, ATF, EPA, FMCSA) with little true understanding of what needs to happen and how to actually get to a position that benefits the taxpayers while promoting compliance.
I actually support bailing on the accord. It's effect, with selfset goals, and monitary expenditure wouldnt do much but hurt us as a nation. People apprectiate greener companies. Hell, I will be as green as I can be once I start my own transportation business. Being green is economically intelligent when fuel use is the largest expense in a business.

I am all for private industry throwing money around and individual initiatives towards environmentalism versus EPA directed stupidity. Anything .Gov ends up being hamstrung and mediocre (see VA, ATF, EPA, FMCSA) with little true understanding of what needs to happen and how to actually get to a position that benefits the taxpayers while promoting compliance.

From an economic and regulatory standpoint, I'm on board with the intent of this comment.

We have a climate change/ AGW denier in the highest executive seat in the land, though, so the chances of moving forward on environment saving initiatives in any case is bleak.
I will be very surprised if China doesn't sieze this opportunity, along with the EU and other Asian nations.

I can also see US companies and R&D involved in environmentally friendly technologies relocating to countries in need of foreign money and expertise to advance environmental goals.

Next up on the awesome decision timeline: the current administration taking action to block individual state's environmental initiatives.

That would be an interesting development. I'm not up with the US laws on restraining trade but I wouldn't be surprised, I'd be staggered. As to your first point, isn't Jerry Brown doing something in that area?
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