The Trump Presidency

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Bunch of dumb cunts all around and I disagree with that nonsense, all around but like Sasquatch said, left dick head does it, it's ok, it's cool by many, great, she got fired, but because CNN or whomever did not want the backlash but when some fucking retarded right wing hick did Obama's head, it was all over the news, race issues, Sharpton was involved, the typical nonsense. Hypocrisy at it's finest. Just like the retard, Madonna and her nonsense. And keeping up with the 1st. right, it's legal to burn the flag but illegal for me curb stomp some antifa duded head with my size 10w Cippewa boot. This is all nonsense.

I knew the effigies happened.... and exactly what I stated, happened because of them. Also, LMGTFY? Pro.

She wouldn't have done it if she didn't think she'd get away with it. She's no Rosa Parks, riding the unpopular bus out of standing to convictions.
I knew the effigies happened.... and exactly what I stated, happened because of them. Also, LMGTFY? Pro.

She wouldn't have done it if she didn't think she'd get away with it. She's no Rosa Parks, riding the unpopular bus out of standing to convictions.

To me she is right up there with Ted Nugent, B list celebrities who need to do and say provocative things to remain relevant.
Wearing a mask of the sitting POTUS as a rodeo clown is not a good reason to find yourself on the receiving end of a USSS investigation. Irreverent? Fuck yes. Disrespectful of the office? A bit. Threat to national security? It is if you believe Sharpton & Co., but I vote "No." Barrel on, ya redneck cunt.

Now, let's hang the sitting POTUS in effigy as part of a protest. If you're that mad at the man and/or the institution, then you likely don't care that it's disrespectful, so there's that. Is there anywhere else but America where tying a knot a certain way is considered racist? What with such a big deal having been made in the past about using a noose (gasp!!!), would it have been less racist to tie a loop around the midsection of the dummy that they were setting aflame? Is burning a public figure in effigy only unacceptable in the USA, and only when certain people are holding the office? Pay attention to modern political protests in lesser nations, and you'll see that burning the government figurehead in effigy is not unheard of. It's only a matter of time before someone either burns a stuffed Trump or a huge ass Cheeto with a toupee. Is it going to attract the attention of the USSS? Yes, it will.

Now, let's go ahead and dress like a 75-year-old room mother with Alzheimer's at a run-down Catholic school, and go all ISIS with a somewhat realistic depiction of the sitting POTUS's decapitated head dripping blood while you look all psychotic and start chanting "In the name of Mother Earth." Yes, I know she didn't chant a damn thing, but I digress. Disrespectful? Check. Threat to national security? With the kind of lemmings in this day and age, it certainly could be construed as such. With the proliferation of self-radicalization videos, especially the beheading videos championed by the Caliphate, it could definitely set off a Jarred Loughner wannabe. The Secret Service isn't going to stop until they know how her dead grandmother's left nipple puckered in 30°F weather, and she brought it on herself.
To me she is right up there with Ted Nugent, B list celebrities who need to do and say provocative things to remain relevant.

Well, at least the Nuge's music is still worth listening to. I honestly have no recollection whatsoever of anything whats her face ever did of note... and at this point, I really wouldn't care as it's not like she's got anything going that would interest me, so there's no point other than cool points amongst the derp who consider this acceptable behavior.
But one decapitated elected official and we all lose our minds.

To me, it doesn't matter if its Trump, Obama, or Joe Shit the Ragbag. Its more than "exercising your free speech." Its disrespectful and uncalled for. We shouldn't except this kind of behavior from the left, right, or anywhere in between. We are better than a third world, middle east country with no freakin class.
She's just another showboating asshole celebrity who needs to do something outrageous in order to be heard above the roar of noise pollution.

The reaction she got is exactly what she wanted: to be the focus of everybody's media and social media conversation.
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I knew the effigies happened.... and exactly what I stated, happened because of them. Also, LMGTFY? Pro.

She wouldn't have done it if she didn't think she'd get away with it. She's no Rosa Parks, riding the unpopular bus out of standing to convictions.
lol you like that?

I agree with all the points made- @racing_kitty @Topkick et al.

Kathy Griffin is a D list celebrity that reached for something she thought was edgy and was completely and totally wrong. Objectively I think it was "wrong" and should have never seen the light of day. I don't think there's a place for it.

But the "GASP! My son Barron saw that photo it's disgusting what about the kids!" schtick sort of falls flat when it comes from a dude with 5 kids by 3 baby mamas that thinks you can grab chicks by the p*%#y cause you have money. There's a good disconnect there because of his job.

It's just a weird thing I guess.
EVERYTIME something like this happens, I am always reminded of this classic scene from Casablanca. In regards to how 'outraged' you are, It really comes down to which side of the isle you fall on,. (by "you" I mean the average person and politician)

To be honest, this dumb cunt is a nobody and what she did is retarded. With that said, the thing that actually sticks a pencil up my anus sideways is the hypocrisy of the left. When nonsense like this is done, when it was done, the fucking world lost their shit. They claimed race, they wanted heads, so on and so on. It's is just like everything else. Antifa acts the fool, it's ok, because they are fighting facism and the nazis. But when they get slammed, they cry and bitch. I think many of us are tired of seeing the hypocritical idiots play the victim while acting un-American. That's my take, I can be wrong but I really don't think so.

To be honest, this dumb cunt is a nobody and what she did is retarded. With that said, the thing that actually sticks a pencil up my anus sideways is the hypocrisy of the left. When nonsense like this is done, when it was done, the fucking world lost their shit. They claimed race, they wanted heads, so on and so on. It's is just like everything else. Antifa acts the fool, it's ok, because they are fighting facism and the nazis. But when they get slammed, they cry and bitch. I think many of us are tired of seeing the hypocritical idiots play the victim while acting un-American. That's my take, I can be wrong but I really don't think so.

Nah, you're not wrong, you just didn't apply it widely enough. The problem at this point is both sides. I think the problem is literally everyone involved.
lol you like that?

I agree with all the points made- @racing_kitty @Topkick et al.

But the "GASP! My son Barron saw that photo it's disgusting what about the kids!" schtick sort of falls flat when it comes from a dude with 5 kids by 3 baby mamas that thinks you can grab chicks by the p*%#y cause you have money. There's a good disconnect there because of his job.
Baby Mamas are women you don't marry, and then don't provide child-support to. Most of the men who call the mother of their child a baby mama get held in contempt of court at child support hearings and sent to jail. Trump paid his child support and spousal maintenance.

Point is that Baron is the son of the president and apparently some gaping asshole that has a huge following thought it was cool to post that shit all over the internet. Whereas the gaping assholes in the south didn't have a huge social media following.

Wasn't good when the effigies happened, not good now. But I think it's been said.

Different subject though...if everyone thinks the Republicans aren't going to recover, perhaps Hilary should take the plastic bag off of the head of the Democratic Party, because she's definitely suffocating her party.
Comedians cross the line, its what they do for a reaction and as an act.

IIRC, Lenny Bruce was arrested four times for obscenity in his act, banned from England and several US cities, black listed by almost every night club in the US by the end of his life, and expelled from Australia, for instance.

The fact that a D list comedian is being paid serious attention to by POTUS himself, for any reason, is the best comedy of all here.
Baby Mamas are women you don't marry, and then don't provide child-support to. Most of the men who call the mother of their child a baby mama get held in contempt of court at child support hearings and sent to jail. Trump paid his child support and spousal maintenance.

Point is that Baron is the son of the president and apparently some gaping asshole that has a huge following thought it was cool to post that shit all over the internet. Whereas the gaping assholes in the south didn't have a huge social media following.

Wasn't good when the effigies happened, not good now. But I think it's been said.

Different subject though...if everyone thinks the Republicans aren't going to recover, perhaps Hilary should take the plastic bag off of the head of the Democratic Party, because she's definitely suffocating her party.
Well, debates on the proper use/definition of the term "baby mama" and the likelihood of jail time correlated to those that use the word aside. BTW, that's just a completely retarded statement. Par for the course for you, but it still deserves noting.

Who is saying the Republicans aren't going to recover? What do you mean by Hillary suffocating the Dems?

Yep, and his kids don't seem to be in need of anything:thumbsup:
They're in need of some ethics briefings and some guidance on holding national level positions. Heyo! Obviously talking about Ivanka, not Baron. But I am definitely talking about the other two, who look like they just got back from a Purge sort of scenario.

I think I am most excited about the Comey deal set for next week. If this political environment has made me hate the news cycle and completely jaded me, I mean, taught me anything, is that it's going to be much ado about nothing.
Well, debates on the proper use/definition of the term "baby mama" and the likelihood of jail time correlated to those that use the word aside.

Have you ever observed child-support court? It's actually a fairly accurate statement.

Trump has paid his familial obligations.

I suppose you haven't been paying attention to the coverage Hilldawg has been getting on her "I lost, it's Comey's, it's the Russians, it't not that I'm corrupt as fuck, tour."

Yeah, the Comey stuff will be entertaining, and get us nowhere.
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