The Trump Presidency

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That would be an interesting development. I'm not up with the US laws on restraining trade but I wouldn't be surprised, I'd be staggered. As to your first point, isn't Jerry Brown doing something in that area?

Thing I'm staggered about: that our POTUS hasn't made a Twitterblast about how Gov. Brown is a communist sympathizer.

Or that California is actually a Red state. Or something about secret blackmail tapes. Or other reactionary nonsense.
From an economic and regulatory standpoint, I'm on board with the intent of this comment.

We have a climate change/ AGW denier in the highest executive seat in the land, though, so the chances of moving forward on environment saving initiatives in any case is bleak.

You just agreed that a governmental angle to it is the worst way, then complained that we won't have a governmental angle to it...... C'mon man.
You just agreed that a governmental angle to it is the worst way, then complained that we won't have a governmental angle to it...... C'mon man.

I agreed with you but lamented that, in any case, it isn't looking good for environment friendly actions with the current top leadership.

I don't know the exact probability that, absent a government angle, our current admin. would be hands off if private industry made it's environmental action decisions based upon the weight of scientific evidence, but it's looking fairly small.
Civilians killed in London by terrorists... What is the logical course of action for the POTUS to take?

Go onto Twitter of course, use the civilians deaths to try point score about the travel ban, gun control and obviously have a pop or two at the Mayor of London. Oh he managed to squeeze in an offer of his condolences but not before raising his travel ban as a topic first.

How has someone not put the brakes on his Twitter antics? It does him absolutely no favours.
Civilians killed in London by terrorists... What is the logical course of action for the POTUS to take?

Go onto Twitter of course, use the civilians deaths to try point score about the travel ban, gun control and obviously have a pop or two at the Mayor of London. Oh he managed to squeeze in an offer of his condolences but not before raising his travel ban as a topic first.

How has someone not put the brakes on his Twitter antics? It does him absolutely no favours.

I agree 100% about the tweeting. It needed to end way back during the campaign.

As far as the rest, it's a sad characteristic of most politicians--including American presidents from either party--to take full advantage of opportunities, however grim or tragic they may be, to further their agendas. There's plenty of precedence on both sides of the aisle.
I agree 100% about the tweeting. It needed to end way back during the campaign.

As far as the rest, it's a sad characteristic of most politicians--including American presidents from either party--to take full advantage of opportunities, however grim or tragic they may be, to further their agendas. There's plenty of precedence on both sides of the aisle.

On the second part, I very much agree. The vast majority of politicians are shitbags. For Trump though, he's already up against it, so why make things worse for himself by tweeting the shit he does?

It would've been such an easy win for him to offer his condolences and state that the US was ready to off any help that the UK needed and leave it at that. Why decide to do things like have a pop at the Mayor of London, especially based on a quote which Trump obviously misread.

The Twitter thing is just killing him at a time when he's already up against it.
She may be cool with leaking stuff...but she certainly doesn't know to shutdown her Facebook. She's getting slammed on her last status update.
Comey's opening statement has been published by the Senate Int Committee:

ETA: Having now read it I seriously wonder why he started documenting conversations he had with the POTUS, when it was not his common business practice with Obama. Yeah I know, some in here are going to say he was covering his ass. Yeah, probably, but it's spooky as fuck. Especially when it could be said that Obama definitely politicized the Department of Justice.
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Asking Comey to drop the Flynn investigation wasn't the smartest move.

The Dems and media will have a field day with that.
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