The Trump Presidency

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I seriously wonder why he started documenting conversations he had with the POTUS, when it was not his common business practice with Obama. Yeah I know, some in here are going to say he was covering his ass. Yeah, probably, but it's spooky as fuck.

Is it the fact of the documentation or the reason(s) for it that is spooky? In my job if they placed someone in charge of my Department coming from say, a marketing background, I would document my one on ones in my notes.
Then again, I also document one on ones with subordinates in my notes.
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Is it the fact of the documentation or the reason(s) for it that is spooky? In my job if they placed someone in charge of my Department coming from say, a marketing background, I would document my one on ones in my notes.

The current POTUS.

The practices of a marketing professional.

I don't know if you meant to elicit an association of common techniques and angles played between those two, but solid work nonetheless.
The implication is pretty obvious - Comey didn't trust President Trump from jumpstreet. I don't see how a sane person can fault his logic. Even for his supporters President Trump was a gamble - one most have since doubled-down on and remain largely pleased.

If you're not a staunch partisan loyalist - or personal loyalist - to Trump the man or President Trump - I think the alarm bells for massive sketchiness have got to be going crazy. If you care about institutions - which, shocker, many of the people who work in non-appointed positions in those institutions do - President Trump is tailor-made to have a tough road earning your trust. The fact President Trump has gone the opposite way - essentially operating as it's everyone else that needs to earn HIS trust - makes it a bad bet all around.
It's pretty simple. Department of Justice had become extremely politically slanted under 44. So this idea of political independence is complete BS. Now, Trump basically gave him an out early on and he didn't take it.
It's pretty simple. Department of Justice had become extremely politically slanted under 44. So this idea of political independence is complete BS. Now, Trump basically gave him an out early on and he didn't take it.
Oh, word? Did not know that.

Comey is just firing the president up right now. Favorite comment thus far- "Lordy, I hope there are tapes." Cue circus music.
I'm sure if it turns out Bill Clinton had said to Loretta Lynch 'I hope you can see your way clear to dropping this whole investigation into my wife, she's a great person and it's causing me lots of headaches' Republicans would have responded exactly the same way - 'he's just talking about what he hopes would happen, nothing untoward there.'
Asking Comey to drop the Flynn investigation wasn't the smartest move.

The Dems and media will have a field day with that.

After Paul Ryan's comment that "he's (President Trump) new at government, so therefore I think he's learning as he goes, and you now know why he's frustrated, because he was told [by Comey] 'nothing is wrong here' and he wants to get things done for the American people."
I wonder if a Performance Improvement Plan is in order, but then, who'd administer it..?
If by "Performance Improvement Plan," you mean the complete purging of all federal appointees and elected officials, up to and including the Executive Office, and immediate exile, then yeah, I'd say it's in order.

Too bad the American populace is too fucking stupid to stop sticking their tongues in the same light socket, much less elect anyone with even a negligible amount of competence.
Wait- is Obama actively trying to protect diplomatic relationships creepy, or is the journalist who took the time to write a full story about some dudes euro vacation and his menu choices creepy?

Either way, we all know that Liverpool House used to be hot, the new 'it' place on the scene, but it's just become really politically slanted since 45 got there.
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