The Trump Presidency

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Wait- is Obama actively trying to protect diplomatic relationships creepy, or is the journalist who took the time to write a full story about some dudes euro vacation and his menu choices creepy?

Either way, we all know that Liverpool House used to be hot, the new 'it' place on the scene, but it's just become really politically slanted since 45 got there.

I might agree but if he is following the President, it's a bit weird. He is no longer president and it seems a bit odd that he would follow an elected president around in what could appear to be an attempt at undermining trumps authority. But we all know how things get twisted.
It's pretty simple, '44 is not the president and going on a world tour like such is undermining the ability of '45 to execute the will of the people.

In the world of stupid posts TLDR20, what was the point of yours? This is pretty significant. It's not my headline, but I think what he's doing is fucking stupid. But you know, he did start the it was all Bush's fault movement.
Saw this on Facebook and I have to say, wtf is he doing: Barack Obama’s Post-Presidential World Tour is Starting to Get Creepy

I've had to read this several times after getting distracted by the photos of asses in the column on the right. To quote the former president alluded to in the first paragraph, "that was some weird shit".
It reads more like an opinion piece, as in most of what is inferred is fleshed out by whatever the reader chooses to put in. When you boil it down, however, the main issue of the day (and months/years ahead) is not a former president seemingly/allegedly throwing shade on the current one, but the extent of Russian penetration and manipulation of American institutions and estates (including real estate, heh! Heh!). Quite the trick.

I just want the fucking pencil to disappear.
To be clear, I think heat street is a bonkers editorial site. I'm more concerned that '44 is palling around with his former peers who are currently still in power. It's poor form. He's not the POTUS.
Tuesday 9 May, the White House announces the firing of the Director of the FBI. He finds out about it by turning on the TV.

Wednesday 10 May, President Trump meets at the White House with both Sergeys, Lavrov and Kislyak, with Russian media present but no American media.

How's that for appearance and decorum?

To me, who Obama meets, what he does and how pales in significance. To paraphrase: poor form? He's not the POTUS.
I don't see where the comparisons to Trump are even relevant. Its just weird if Obama is tailgating the current President and that is what the article is about. But, I do agree that the source seems like a shady organization, so I will take it fwiw.
Your post is stupid on multiple levels, but to fully explain the retardedness I have to cross thread.

You don't seem to fully understand how context works. Say for instance on this forum we have a comedy thread, lots of jokes, memes, funny videos, you bring to it.... stories about SM's abusing animals, domestic violence, and other terrible bullshit.

Now say we have a thread about our current president, the title of which is literally "The Trump Presidency." You then use that thread to post an "article" from a very suspect source about the former POTUS's travel...

In defense of that post you say that the former POTUS blamed things on the previous POTUS...

Do you see how your posts stand out as a beacon on this site full of teenagers and wannabes as some of the dumbest? Like a shining beacon of lacking SA?

At least most of our teenage posters just ask silly questions all of us had. You on the other hand seem incapable of understanding context, and consistently resist efforts by other site members to correct your obvious lack of SA.

I would attribute it to your Cav background, but that play is too easy and your sensibilities are likely too easily offended. You are not active anymore so I don't want to drag the Cavalry through the mud any further by aligning your shortcomings with them.

Thanks for not throwing the US Cavalry all the way under the bus.:whatever::D
As previously stated, I don't necessarily see a problem with Obama having dinner with a friend. I just don't see the need to use this as an opportunity to bash the current President, which one article does. That's the opportunist media creating the undermining. That's just politics. Writing that Trump is a Boor and a Bully... Trump has lots of friends in high places whom I am sure enjoy his company. Even if Trump had caviar with Putin, maybe something good can come out of it.
So the Maryland and DC AGs are suing the POTUS. I'm pretty sure they can't do that. Here's the press conference:

I'm drawing correlation with all of those birther lawsuits as precedence for this crap.

I'm quite aware that the executive branch gets sued all the time and the Counsels office is busy as shit with depostiions. But this is comical.
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They are suing on behalf of a group of hoteliers who claim damage from Trump's properties. It'll be up to the district court to see if they have standing.

It's interesting because apparently there's very little case law regarding the emoluments clause of the constitution. This case could establish ground-breaking precedent.

Okay, you do know that this really has no meaning yet?

Rep. Brad Sherman knows Trump won't be impeached any time soon, but he's trying anyway

Sherman spokesman Shane Seaver said the congressman decided to circulate the resolution in part to gauge interest from other members. But so far, aside from Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), no other members have publicly voiced support for the formal effort to impeach Trump.

It is posts like the one I quoted above that frustrate me about you in this thread. I won't go so far as to call you a troll, but how about some commentary?

Explain the background behind the post instead of just dropping a link and scurrying away.

Other than to cause a WTF reaction, what possible purpose does that serve?
I posted it for members to read direct from the source to make their own mind.

Now, my reaction to representative Sherman is that I'm sure as shit glad he's not my representative.
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