The Trump Presidency

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Let's stop using that term you bloody old gits. It fucks me off. You old pricks aren't all the same so don't lump all of us cunts into one stupidly named group.

The same happened (is happening) with my own Gen X, mate. Newer generations are an easy target for the blame of social ills - always have been, always will be.

A cartoon by Bill Maudlin from 1950. He was 28 and a WWII vet at the time, writing an essay defending his own generation (the same one later labeled as 'The Greatest Generation') from attacks of "lacking some of the good old American gambling spirit and enterprise," among other things by older folks. So it goes...

re: 3 CNN journalists resign over retracted story about Trump's Russia Ties
re: Supreme Court gave okay for at least partial immigration ban

One could say that Trump had a very good fact if one was a Trump supporter, one could suggest the media fed house-of-cards was beginning to collapse.
Good. CNN is a garbage news outlet.

Disagree about the second part though. The republican healthcare bill is stalled, and recent SCOTUS "wins" have been incredibly minor. This administration is close to five months old and has basically accomplished nothing. His Gallup approval numbers reflect the fact that people are noticing this.
Let's stop using that term you bloody old gits. It fucks me off. You old pricks aren't all the same so don't lump all of us cunts into one stupidly named group.
I was actually offering to send one (or more) of my kids. I know you ain't that age, Francis.
C'mon, Mr. President.....really??

Trump mocks TV host: 'bleeding badly from a face-lift' ::

It's hard to defend you when you are being a douche and all....(even if we would say the same things to our buddies, 1) we ain't POTUS, and 2) we ain't putting it out for the world to see).

Shameless, shallow, and stupid people are very often more successful in business than their peers. That includes show business.

These can be difficult personality traits to abandon when they have contributed to getting one to the point they're at.
I agree with you that Trump had a good day but the media feeding frenzy will probably continue for 3.5 more years.

Maybe, but time will tell. One thing that I do like about Trump, is that you cannot just publish 'anything' and expect him to just "no comment" on it. Has Trump ever even said that before?
If you're going to publish allegations on Trump, you better be prepared to back it up.
Maybe, but time will tell. One thing that I do like about Trump, is that you cannot just publish 'anything' and expect him to just "no comment" on it. Has Trump ever even said that before?
If you're going to publish allegations on Trump, you better be prepared to back it up.

Agreed. You probably have figured out by now I am one of the "deplorable." But, he obviously does go overboard at times. The media can say whatever they want because I expect nothing but BS from them, but I feel the president of the US should probably be somewhat of a role model for civility. Mika should not have said Trump was destroying the country or called him a liar because as usual there is no evidence of this. But, I don't particularly agree with the president publicly attacking someone's personal appearance. What do the kids think of their president? When I was a kid, the president was held in the highest esteem.
Agreed. You probably have figured out by now I am one of the "deplorable." But, he obviously does go overboard at times. The media can say whatever they want because I expect nothing but BS from them, but I feel the president of the US should probably be somewhat of a role model for civility. Mika should not have said Trump was destroying the country or called him a liar because as usual there is no evidence of this. But, I don't particularly agree with the president publicly attacking someone's personal appearance. What do the kids think of their president? When I was a kid, the president was held in the highest esteem.

There is no evidence of him being a liar? In what world are we living in where that is true? I can easily find hundreds and hundreds of easily verifiable falsehoods he has spewed...

Donald Trump's file
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There is no evidence of him being a liar? In what world are we living in where that is true

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And Top, I too would consider myself a one time "Deplorable", and will continue to fall on my "anyone but Hillary sword", but Mr. President seems to be making it up as he goes along at that genuinely frightens me.
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