The Trump Presidency

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And Top, I too would consider myself a one time "Deplorable", and will continue to fall on my "anyone but Hillary sword", but Mr. President seems to be making it up as he goes along at that genuinely frightens me.

What is Trump making up as he goes along?
What is Trump making up as he goes along?

We can begin with this laundry list from day 1 of his term in office.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

I am as frustrated with my Trump friends as I was with my Obama friends the past 8 years. You can be loyal to "your guy" and still admit that not every decision and statement is brilliant.

With Trump, even more than Obama, there is a direct analogy to the "Emperor Has No Clothes". I can point you to a very popular and well-run gun board where the site owner will literally ban members who dare speak out against some of the decisions/statement Trump has made.

At some point we conservatives and Republicans have to get past the "he beat Hillary" mantra, stop being sycophants, and hold our President accountable.
What is Trump making up as he goes along?
Political appointments, for one. Just look at the slate of unfilled positions in the executive branch. Donald Trump nominations list – New White House administration

He's incredibly far behind on appointments - especially in critical positions like Ambassadorships. Even in critical locations like Qatar we don't have an actual Ambassador. And it's not because the senate is being obstructionist, the administration hasn't even nominated anyone! It's incredibly clear that he and his staff are just winging it when it comes to appointments.

Oh, and let's not forget the man he tapped to negotiate the Middle East peace process - his own son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Why in the world would you appoint a 30-year-old silver spoon shithead to solve one of the most difficult conflicts of the 21st century? That's just asinine.
We can begin with this laundry list from day 1 of his term in office.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

I am as frustrated with my Trump friends as I was with my Obama friends the past 8 years. You can be loyal to "your guy" and still admit that not every decision and statement is brilliant.

With Trump, even more than Obama, there is a direct analogy to the "Emperor Has No Clothes". I can point you to a very popular and well-run gun board where the site owner will literally ban members who dare speak out against some of the decisions/statement Trump has made.

At some point we conservatives and Republicans have to get past the "he beat Hillary" mantra, stop being sycophants, and hold our President accountable.

I did just give an example of when I don't agree with everything he says or does. I am mostly concerned with his agenda and I feel he is trying to accomplish what he campaigned on.
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Shameless, shallow, and stupid people are very often more successful in business than their peers. That includes show business.

These can be difficult personality traits to abandon when they have contributed to getting one to the point they're at.

Disagree. Shameless and shallow? Maybe. Stupid? No
Shameless, shallow, and stupid people are very often more successful in business than their peers. That includes show business.

Doc, what are you basing that on?

The successful business leaders I follow, in addition to those who have mentored me in the past, are some of the the most humble, thoughtful and intelligent men and women I know of.

That a pretty damning generalization you are making.
Doc, what are you basing that on?

The successful business leaders I follow, in addition to those who have mentored me in the past, are some of the the most humble, thoughtful and intelligent men and women I know of.

That a pretty damning generalization you are making.

I'm in no way using those terms in a derogatory way here. Quite the opposite, actually.

To be fair, my perspective as an employee and owner is from a startup, entrepreneur environment.
Maybe, but time will tell. One thing that I do like about Trump, is that you cannot just publish 'anything' and expect him to just "no comment" on it. Has Trump ever even said that before?
If you're going to publish allegations on Trump, you better be prepared to back it up.

Wait, what? How have the facts of a criticism of President/Candidate Trump - or 'backing them up' - ever affected his commentary? He responds to real or perceived sleights with vitriol, innuendo, and lies on a regular basis. Then, when those responses turn out to be lies, refuses to comment at length - I'm thinking specifically of comments about unmasking, Susan Rice, 3-5 million illegal voters, Comey tapes, having his 'wires tapped' by President Obama, etc.

Also, it's really fascinating how the requirement to 'back up' allegations with facts only applies to those who criticize President Trump - they never seem to apply to Trump himself or his surrogates.
Take a look at @realDonaldTrump's Tweet: Donald J. Trump on Twitter

This is, without a shadow of a doubt, his finest work to date :ROFLMAO:

IMO, the only further down the electoral college can go in 3 1/2 years is electing an actual adolescent, or perhaps someone with a diagnosed mental disorder causing a significant inability to function in society.

In these cases, I'll kind of miss the current POTUS.
IMO, the only further down the electoral college can go in 3 1/2 years is electing an actual adolescent, or perhaps someone with a diagnosed mental disorder causing a significant inability to function in society.

In these cases, I'll kind of miss the current POTUS.

He retweeted that tweet on the offical POTUS account as well hahahaha.

He is on a different planet.
I'm starting to feel like watching Trump's presidency is like watching him play a game of Jenga.
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"I'd vote for anybody before I'd ever vote for Hillary."

You know how many times I heard variations of that theme? Insert any cartoon character's name for "anybody" and you'll know what half the country was thinking. So we got Daffy Duck. And that's what happens when there's a threat of Hillary (and Bill) Clinton back in the White House.

The Democrats have only themselves to blame for dragging that old ambitious heartless hag out again.
"I'd vote for anybody before I'd ever vote for Hillary."

You know how many times I heard variations of that theme? Insert any cartoon character's name for "anybody" and you'll know what half the country was thinking. So we got Daffy Duck. And that's what happens when there's a threat of Hillary (and Bill) Clinton back in the White House.

The Democrats have only themselves to blame for dragging that old ambitious heartless hag out again.

I love the "Trump's president because America is racist" narrative that pops up online now and then. People on both sides of the aisle can't wrap their heads around the different factors that landed him in the White House, so it is easier to distill their loss/ victory down to some emotional excuse. Both parties are so clueless and so devoid of leadership you'd think the first one to learn the lessons of 2016 could own the country.

Instead we'll get a shitshow, the leadership we deserve, not the leadership we need.
I love the "Trump's president because America is racist" narrative that pops up online now and then. People on both sides of the aisle can't wrap their heads around the different factors that landed him in the White House, so it is easier to distill their loss/ victory down to some emotional excuse.

This is applicable to so many different things. Try saying that the Civil War wasn't about slavery. Try arguing that we need immigration reform. Try advocating for the use of violence when appropriate. Try *insert a million other things*. We have intellectually devolved to, "I don't understand, so I'll just get mad and throw pejoratives around at a high volume". It's on both sides of the ideological/political spectrum too. Neither side has a majority share in the assclownery.
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