The Trump Presidency

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I lol'd. It's like a guy talking about baseball at the bar.


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I talked about America with a friend of mine only today & pretty much we've dropped off debating certain points. I glad someone on the home team can be critical as from outside it would look like sour grapes writing an article like that.

I saw an article yesterday (Newsweek I think) that something like 65% of Republicans think it's unpatriotic to complain about the President to anyone from another country (up from about 20% of Republicans when President Obama was in office). The data on Democrats was about the same (only about 20% think it's unpatriotic to do so - relatively unchanged over the Presidents). It's just one poll - so not necessarily the last word on how people feel.

Still, aside from the partisan angle I think it's an interesting point. I definitely think it's a different matter to criticize your countries' policies and leaders to folks from another country - or while you are in another country. I'm not sure how I feel in terms of how 'patriotic' or not it is - I just think it is a different dynamic and should be approached differently.
Thanks for your reply. You may be thinking of the Economist Special Report on Trumps America which has some interesting stats on who actually pays attention to the policies of either party.
It can be somewhat difficult to cut through the static with some & my aforementioned friend has walked away from online discussions. Other friends have found similar difficulties with your countrymen face to face in some discussions which aren't aggressive but its that the flexibility of thinking can be restrictive, as exemplified by the Atlantic article & health care. I do hope that the US finds its way as currently I'm not so sure.
For crying out loud, I think Trump is bipolar. To go from his awful tweets re: that chick from Morning Joe to an outstanding speech in Poland. If they can take away his twitter (I know, not gonna happen) the man has a shot...
Saw this post on my Twitter feed this morning. I cannot ever recall seeing anything this aggressive on The Corps tweets before. It's as if there is a new sheriff in town or something....:-"

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The Corps can be aggressive is no longer the force that "runs toward the sound of people in need" nor is the Navy limited to calling itself "a Global Force for Good..." both of those Obama-era kumbaya recruiting slogans. The Corps can now be the shit-stomping American shock force it was meant to be.
The Corps can be aggressive is no longer the force that "runs toward the sound of people in need" nor is the Navy limited to calling itself "a Global Force for Good..." both of those Obama-era kumbaya recruiting slogans. The Corps can now be the shit-stomping American shock force it was meant to be.

"The armed forces exist to serve the United States by providing the military wherewithal to deter war and, should that fail, to fight and conclude war to the advantage of the United States. The armed forces do not exist for themselves, as a source of employment, as a market for American industry, or as a social welfare tool for social engineering." - Air Force Officer's Guide
So y'all been following the whole 'United States Space Corps' thing?

I told y'all I'd be the theater commander for operation Mars freedom!

My platoon of intergalactic death ray gunners, shall stab our freedom flag into the high plains of Mars and declare it the space territories of the United States of America.

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So y'all been following the whole 'United States Space Corps' thing?

I told y'all I'd be the theater commander for operation Mars freedom!

My platoon of intergalactic death gay gunners, shall stab our flag freedom into the high plains of Mars and declare it the space territories of the United States of America.


Fixed it for you :sneaky:;-):ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
The Corps can be aggressive is no longer the force that "runs toward the sound of people in need" nor is the Navy limited to calling itself "a Global Force for Good..." both of those Obama-era kumbaya recruiting slogans. The Corps can now be the shit-stomping American shock force it was meant to be.
What has it been for the past 14 years? Did we win Fallujah by singing songs and holding hands? Marjah? Come on man.
What has it been for the past 14 years? Did we win Fallujah by singing songs and holding hands? Marjah? Come on man.

I'm not that big of an idiot. I disagreed because you misunderstood me. It doesn't have to pussy-foot around with it's advertising, it's public persona. With a man like Mattis as SecDef no one has to dilute or downplay the fact that Marines exist to kill and destroy our enemies. Unquestionably, under the Obama administration, the destructive and lethal nature of the armed services was downplayed in public in favor of a kinder, gentler image, which frankly, made me want to puke.
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