The Trump Presidency

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The President of the United States stopped TWICE to retrieve an E-3's cover. Whatever we may think of the man, that was a classy thing to do. The Marine? He was solid.

To make up for it the President will probably tweet out a photo of a Klan meeting or something, but that was an amazing gesture by a CinC. I'm a straight asshole and even I recognize the little things matter.
To those of you whom ever chastised President Obama for being "weak on Russia", read this article. Read it and realize that our President is selling us down the fucking river to that goddamn snake.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

He's moving our military and trade alliances away from Europe and our traditional allies in ASEAN to cast his lot with Vladimir fucking Putin. And for what? Russia has an economy the size of Italy's. Their imperialist belligerence is sending up alarm bells all throughout Europe and the Middle East, and it's unlikely to stop any time soon. Oh, and before we forget, they absolutely fucked with our election AND WILL DO SO AGAIN IN 2020, but Trump neither cares about their past indiscretions nor seems concerned about the future threat that they pose. This is absolutely baffling. What do we get out of this alliance? Tag-teaming ISIS? We're throwing away our long-term national interests for a short-term military victory. It doesn't make any fucking sense.

Please, Trump fans, explain to me why we're casting our lot with Russia. I'm serious. It's incredibly worrisome to me and NOBODY seems to be able to explain why we're doing it.
Please, Trump fans, explain to me why we're casting our lot with Russia. I'm serious. It's incredibly worrisome to me and NOBODY seems to be able to explain why we're doing it.

Because thugs can be good at working those who have poor foresight and judgment.

Not a Trump fan, but that still seemed evident.
So I have a question. If you were a climate scientist, and funding is related to grants, and most grants come from the government, why not change your stance towards climate science when the tides of politics change? If it is all political, why not change? Why do so many come out against our governments shift in attitude? Why do they resign? I honestly don't get the "conspiracy" of climate change.
So I have a question. If you were a climate scientist, and funding is related to grants, and most grants come from the government, why not change your stance towards climate science when the tides of politics change? If it is all political, why not change? Why do so many come out against our governments shift in attitude? Why do they resign? I honestly don't get the "conspiracy" of climate change.

This is why: The debate is over.

The evidence supporting the "AGW/ climate change isn't happening" stance is so meager compared to the evidence that supports the fact, the matter has ceased to even be a consistent debate among experts.

So, a scientist either accepts the consensus when discussing the subject or they claim that... something else is a fact.

I admit its possible that a scientist might believe in 'something else' in the service of receiving grants from a government who are now largely science deniers on this subject.
And things just get more interesting: Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

This is a bit of a no duh, and how can you be that dumb sort of thing.
This report is being misrepresented by conservative media. Comey, in total, wrote seven memos about his conversations with the President. Of those, four contained classified information. The last three were unclassified, and it was only one of those that Comey shared with Daniel Richman, who then shared it with the New York Times. But conservative media doesn't give a shit about that. They're blaring out "CLASSIFIED MEMOS!!! LEAKING!!" to the high heavens, which just isn't supported by the facts. This is fake news.

You can read all about it here: Analysis | Trump accuses James Comey of breaking the law — based on a misleading Fox News report
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