The Trump Presidency

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I see your point, but I disagree. Other politicians/political parties don't have much foresight beyond trying to place a certain person in the seat of power because "it's their turn". The Democrats and Republicans don't give a shit about America, as long as they personally benefit from their time in office. Putin, on the other hand, actually does something with his power. Doubtlessly, he's not in it for selfless reasons, but he has a genuine interest in turning Russia back into a premier superpower. I don't have much faith that any of our current politicians would care what America's overall status is in the world, as long as they personally are taken care of.

My point is that there are no random sets of events any more- putting himself in power is not unique to Putin. It's not an example of him playing the long game- rigging elections and manipulating the laws around presidential terms to get himself back into power isn't a 'long game' it's an example of absolute corruption.

Every political party on the planet plays a "long game" when it comes to getting into power, at least in proper democracies like ours. From selecting the "right" people to polling to adjusting policy based on those polls, kneejerk policy depending on the shifting winds right through to the dirty tricks side of things- the blackmail, the dirt files, the leaks, the patsies in the media. These are not random coincidences- they are engineered. The outcome might not be what they want but the process is certainly artificial and not random by any stretch.

You could say he plays the long game in a couple of ways- it's a common trope with him. But how he got into power, stayed in power and revolved back to the face of Russia is not it.
Putin has been in politics since 1990, after almost 20 years in the KGB. Since he's been in politics he's been at the federal level since 1999. His KGB career (at least the open source stuff) is kinda 'meh' but between the KGB and his 18 years as a politician at the federal level, the man has shown flexibility, resiliency, intelligence, and cunning. The man is dangerous, and as @TLDR20 said, he may be getting what he wished just by pitting our own political apparatus against itself.

At the end of the day I am not as concerned about collusion in attempting to sway an election (it is what it is....because I am no hypocrite and we have been fucking others over for 200+ years and now we are victim of our own con) as much as I am concerned that as we are spending so much time and money we aren't focusing on what's happening outside. That is not to say what's going down is cool, I just want to put it in context and move on.
I never thought that irony could be weaponized. But they did it. They did it and it killed me. I am dead from this tweet.

I never thought that irony could be weaponized. But they did it. They did it and it killed me. I am dead from this tweet.


Yeah. Crazy. That and calling most news fake news while simultaneously watching the fake news, either it is real, or the POTUS spends his (very important and limited) time watching fake news...
No, that was Podesta.

I voted for Trump.

I am still glad he beat Hilary.

At some point it is okay to admit that the emperor wears no clothes.

You don't have to name a comparable democrat, every. single. time.

You can still support your president (I do!) and no one will take your "young Republicans" badge away.

@ThunderHorse , try this without being sarcastic or attempting to be funny:

Name one thing about Obama you liked and respected, OR one thing about Trump that makes you question his fit for the job.

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I voted for Trump.

I am still glad he beat Hilary.

At some point it is okay to admit that the emperor wears no clothes.

You don't have to name a comparable democrat, every. single. time.

You can still support your president (I do!) and no one will take your "young Republicans" badge away.

@ThunderHorse , try this without being sarcastic or attempting to be funny:

Name one thing about Obama you liked and respected, OR one thing about Trump that makes you question his fit for the job.

<edited for spelling>

Trump: His Twitter makes me cringe. His lack of tact. A bunch of other things. In fact, he says a lot of shit weekly/bi-monthly that I facepalm at.

Obama: Removed DADT, Public Land Management Act ('09), Cuban Thaw, A bunch of other things. (And to re-state for the record I voted for him twice)
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Do you really think, as a standard, Trump is not aware of what he says? I mean, he did get elected to the presidency.

He was elected because he was very good at saying he didn't like what many other people in this country didn't like, or his handlers were good at feeding him information on what a lot of people didn't like, IMO.

That aside, you're right - change "awareness" to "genuine thoughtfulness."
It doesn't feel as if anyone is particularly serious about wanting to actually charge Junior with any FARA violation (and, of course, it's way to early since no one knows definitively if he broke the law). It feels more like the Loyal Opposition want to have a kangaroo court and drag things out, which can be politically just as costly as any real legal proceedings.

I have read the law and I am not convinced he is guilty. That said, a lawyer (Jonathan Turley) says he did not break any law; another (I can't find his name or article) said he did, so who knows.....
Meanwhile at the Hilary camp....

GOP operative who sought Hillary Clinton's emails from Russian hackers killed self in Minnesota, records show

We know it was a suicide because, he said so in his note...

In the note recovered by police, Smith apologized to authorities and said that “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER” was involved in his death. He wrote that he was taking his own life because of a “RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017” and timing related “TO LIFE INSURANCE OF $5 MILLION EXPIRING

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