The Trump Presidency

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Meanwhile at the Hilary camp....

GOP operative who sought Hillary Clinton's emails from Russian hackers killed self in Minnesota, records show

We know it was a suicide because, he said so in his note...

In the note recovered by police, Smith apologized to authorities and said that “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER” was involved in his death. He wrote that he was taking his own life because of a “RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017” and timing related “TO LIFE INSURANCE OF $5 MILLION EXPIRING

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So THAT'S why Putin has such a distaste for her - their similar methods.

:thumbsup: :D
Do you really think, as a standard, President Trump is not aware of what he says? I mean, he did get elected to the presidency.
From yesterday:


He has no idea what he says.
From yesterday:


He has no idea what he says.

Disagree, but maybe you can find a better example than whether something was on or off the record to justify your claim that Trump "has no idea what he says." I think he knows by now that everything is on the record.
Disagree, but maybe you can find a better example than whether something was on or off the record to justify your claim that Trump "has no idea what he says." I think he knows by now that everything is on the record.

Obviously some stuff is clearly off the record. Which is exactly what @Salt USMC 's post pointed out.
I just don't understand what Hillary has to do with POTUS's shortcomings. She didn't win. Comparing her supposed crimes to his are meaningless.

One person is the corrupt politician everyone hated, who lost for her corruption. The other is actively the president. Excusing the acting person due to the actions of someone who didn't win is, quite possibly, the stupidest thing I can imagine...
I get that. In theory, yes, some things are off the record. I think Trump has realized by now that anything he says might be leaked regardless of whether he says its "off the record" or not.
I just don't understand what Hillary has to do with POTUS's shortcomings. She didn't win. Comparing her supposed crimes to his are meaningless

I do agree with you on this and what I think of Hillary is completely separate from Trump. I will not sidestep any BS from Trump by referring to HRC.
I remember a time not long ago when our President wasn't allowed to blame anything on the previous president, something I found stupid then, and find stupid today. But what I see now, for the most part is comparing a bad President Trump to the possible actions of what might have been a Hillary presidency. If the only bar to get above is the fever nightmares of our most conservative, President Trump is doing great...
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Trump: His Twitter makes me cringe. His lack of tact. A bunch of other things. In fact, he says a lot of shit weekly/bi-monthly that I facepalm at.

Obama: Removed DADT, Public Land Management Act ('09), Cuban Thaw, A bunch of other things. (And to re-state for the record I voted for him twice)
This is gonna get weird- but this was a good response sir.
Disagree, but maybe you can find a better example than whether something was on or off the record to justify your claim that Trump "has no idea what he says." I think he knows by now that everything is on the record.
Did you actually read that? He had asked for the previous statements to be made off the record, then wondered why reporters weren't using said statements in their press releases the next day.
I get that. In theory, yes, some things are off the record. I think Trump has realized by now that anything he says might be leaked regardless of whether he says its "off the record" or not.

With journos though there generally is a gentleman's agreement that anything OffTR will not be reported on (or at the very least, accredited to)- because it suits both parties usually. These convos are not normally reported on because it's the same as giving up a source.

Now reporting on stuff that's been leaked *to* them is another story...
It appears that he's interpreting the wording of the ban, then rendering his conclusion based upon that.

Not an attorney, though, so could be wrong.
I get that part, what I am trying to understand is how a solo judge is permitted to over-rule the Supreme Court.

I've seen this before and am not referencing just this case in particular.
I get that part, what I am trying to understand is how a solo judge is permitted to over-rule the Supreme Court.

I've seen this before and am not referencing just this case in particular.

I don't know that it's overruling, but more deciding what the law says and doesn't say, then applying it to the case in front of him.
I just don't understand what Hillary has to do with POTUS's shortcomings. She didn't win. Comparing her supposed crimes to his are meaningless....

I generally agree, but I think comparing what she got away/didn't get away with to what he is (or isn't, depending on perspective) getting away with is fair game. If it's a crime out of office, it'll be a crime in office. I don't think the conversation is meant to be an indictment on her, and she has el zippo to do with anything Trump, shortcomings, or anything else, but how the media is handling their deference in the two is very telling. But I do think it could be in a separate thread.
They will always handle what the president does differently than what anyone else does.
They will always handle what the president does differently than what anyone else does.

As well they should. She (nor anyone else suspicious of illicit activity) should not get a free pass because she is isn't POTUS, though. I do think it has gone into a sort of anti-HRC mass hysteria, though....time to get on with business.
So help me out with something. Isn't the Supreme Court supposed to be the FINAL say on shit?
If that's the case, how does some judge in Hawaii have the power to supercede what the Supreme Court has spoken on?

Hawaii judge narrows travel ban in defeat for Trump | Daily Mail Online

It's not being overruled. You need to read the S. Court opinion again.

Bottom of Page 13.

Further, the S. Court left this open to happen and it is the reason why Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch wrote a dissenting opinion, in part.
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