The Trump Presidency

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It's not being overruled. You need to read the S. Court opinion again.

Bottom of Page 13.

Further, the S. Court left this open to happen and it is the reason why Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch wrote a dissenting opinion, in part.

Thanks for the link and the additional info. I'll go back and read later this afternoon.

There are days I learn more here by accident, than other places by design.
Thanks for the link and the additional info. I'll go back and read later this afternoon.

There are days I learn more here by accident, than other places by design.

I am also wrong a lot and this time is no different. I went to one of my Profs who is a sitting NH judge and asked her how this event could happen. I will be writing out a full response soon. Sorry about that.
I'm no lawyer, but the US Code looks pretty clear to me on immigration. The POTUS can shut down immigration from anywhere based on a fart. This is getting dumb.

What does Judge Watson define as "other relatives"?

Also, I'd like to point out the last official to be impeached was a judge during the Obama administration. Could happen here.
I'm no lawyer, but the US Code looks pretty clear to me on immigration. The POTUS can shut down immigration from anywhere based on a fart. This is getting dumb.

What does Judge Watson define as "other relatives"?

Also, I'd like to point out the last official to be impeached was a judge during the Obama administration. Could happen here.
Also not a lawyer, but if you have some time you can read the amicus brief filed on behalf of the plaintiffs in the fourth circuit case: CA4 AMICUS BRIEF - IRAP v Trump.pdf

TL;DR version: The EO is predicated on animus towards Islam, and there is precedent in both case law and the constitution that prohibit that.
This is a great breakdown - given what we now know about the false denials from the Trump administration, family, and President Trump himself. Timeline Of Trump And Russia In Mid-2016: A Series Of Coincidences Or Something More?

It strikes me as particularly damning and I find it hard to believe Mr. Mueller and crew aren't putting together something even more substantive. Still, given the job he did on the NFL Ray Rice situation I don't think anyone should count their chickens with the investigation.
Even Drudge is turning on this administration
Even Drudge is turning on this administration

Drudge hasn't been a big fan of Congress since that particular body started giving away all its constitutionally delegated powers since at least Bush 43's turn in office. I can't blame him. Capital Hill makes Mos Eisley look a lot like the streets of Heaven, maybe two blocks down from God's office.

Wretched hive of scum and villainy, indeed.
So in summary, if Trump were impeached or resigned, Mike Pence would be President, followed by Paul Ryan and then a long list of conservatives. Any thoughts?

Pence/Ryan take the crazy down a few hundred levels and keep some of The Donald's programs in place while killing others. The GOP scrambles to repair its image ahead of the 2020 election. Pence bows out, Ryan and Cruz become the frontrunners. The Democrats could trot out a garbage can or box of Girl Scout cookies and remain within 7 points before selecting a VP candidate.
On a major issue and Trump campaign promise, Ryan has been chomping at the bit to cut SS and Medicare programs and even military retirement pay without even looking for alternative solutions. I am not sure how Pence stands here but I think Ryan gets his way. They lose votes here in 2020.
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So do people just love the ACA? Or are people just too dumb to know they had it? It is funny to me that when it was election season people hated ACA, then they realized they would lose their insurance and were like, "wait a damn minute..."
So do people just love the ACA? Or are people just too dumb to know they had it? It is funny to me that when it was election season people hated ACA, then they realized they would lose their insurance and were like, "wait a damn minute..."

I have quite a few patients who begrudgingly got ACA Marketplace insurance because they legally had to, and now use the shit out of it.

Even when it covers extremely little, or has a deductible that will never be met unless their entire family has brain surgery or something.

The illusion of help from an insurance company can be a powerful thing.
So do people just love the ACA? Or are people just too dumb to know they had it? It is funny to me that when it was election season people hated ACA, then they realized they would lose their insurance and were like, "wait a damn minute..."
Healthcare costs doubled here in Arizona overnight due to the ACA, so I don't get your comment. Aetna left the marketplace in Virginia.

I know a small business owner who's healthcare costs doubled for a shittier package. ACA sucks. Republicans aren't providing a solution though.
So in summary, if Trump were impeached or resigned, Mike Pence would be President, followed by Paul Ryan and then a long list of conservatives. Any thoughts?
Pence is a bog-standard, if competent, republican. That actually makes him scarier than Trump, as he's the kind of guy who could leverage a GOP-dominated congress and executive without stepping on his dick every day. Then again, I'm not sure if that would cause the really disgusting elements of the Trump base to go elsewhere or if they would follow him anyway. I'm talking about the Bannon wing of alt-right fuckos who yell "MAGA!! CUCK!!" as they slip into an oxy haze.

Really, after a certain amount of months I would rather Trump not be removed from office if impeachment proceedings go through. But if it happens around, say, mid-2018, then the re-election campaign is on and all bets are off.
The weird thing about President Trump is that the things he is saying he might do in regards to ACA would further kill him and his approval rating. Removing people's subsidies? That will go over really well with people who vote... 30 million or so people, at the minimum use those subsidies, people who don't even understand they have ACA subsidies. It will be a lot of very upset folks.

President Trump is all about him, how he is seen, how he is liked. This will hurt him more than help him.
Meanwhile at the Hilary camp....

GOP operative who sought Hillary Clinton's emails from Russian hackers killed self in Minnesota, records show

We know it was a suicide because, he said so in his note...

In the note recovered by police, Smith apologized to authorities and said that “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER” was involved in his death. He wrote that he was taking his own life because of a “RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017” and timing related “TO LIFE INSURANCE OF $5 MILLION EXPIRING

View attachment 19163

Even if the Clinton's have no connection whatsoever with the dozens of suicides and accidental deaths of their former associates, rivals or acquaintances, if I were planning to go up against them, that would be an unsettling thought in the back of my head. And I'd bet the Clinton's don't mind that a bit.
Even if the Clinton's have no connection whatsoever with the dozens of suicides and accidental deaths of their former associates, rivals or acquaintances, if I were planning to go up against them, that would be an unsettling thought in the back of my head. And I'd bet the Clinton's don't mind that a bit.

I had read that a statistician calculated that the odds were better of winning the powerball three times than having that many acquaintances or people you know die. I don't know if it was true since I don't know my chi-square from my two-way ANOVA, but it was pretty funny nonetheless.
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