Verified Military
So business owners don't know policies that promote growth for them...right!
And when the CDC doesn't change the vaccine schedule...we'll call this shit retarded. Call me when the bill hits congress.
Where are the emotional responses? From what I've seen it's been four or five posters laying out cogent, well thought-out arguments on myriad topics related to the PE and his incoming administration, both his strengths and his faults. Meanwhile, you've seemingly spun yourself into this strange information cocoon where the news is wrong, our intelligence agencies are wrong, academia is wrong, as is every other entity who doesn't agree with your world view. It's almost as if you've ensconced yourself in a small "chamber" wherein your constant shouting at the walls cotinually "echo" back at you. I feel like there's a name for this phenomenon, but it escapes me at the moment.If you folks stopped having such a negative emotional response to Trump's election, folks like me would stop trolling you.
However, you insist on scraping through 'academic' and 'news' sources to find something negative.
Eta- I originally stated supporting Trump due to lack of options.
At this juncture, I have decided I will be trolling Trump haters for a minimum of 4 years.
Here's one.Where are the emotional responses?
As for the rest of your post, TLDR.Again, looking into bullshit. Again, not having any understanding of vaccines or the science behind them. This guy is a fucking piece of work. Think about how many people may now think vaccines are unsafe because of him. How many children may go unvaccinated because of stupid parents thinking "the President is concerned".
Yeah yea man. Good inputs.I didn't say they couldn't be trusted. I said one pediatrician speculated to the negative and a news outlet wrote it up as a fact that had already occurred.
You've degenerated to the same level as your news outlets by completely misconstruing words to fit your narrative.
Believe what you want, I don't feel an obligation to substantiate a retort against a private intelligence firm or a pediatrician in Texas.Yeah yea man. Good inputs.
I know how people feel about a guy with a red tag saying something like this, so I just want to give people the chance to miss the post. This isn't me acting as an Admin, it's me as a guy, talking directly to another guy.
Troll whoever you want. I lost a lot of respect for you when you started taking the tack of "I'm not gonna source anything, I am just trolling you guys with my unsubstantiated personal opinions". I believe everything you say now is to get attention and to make other people mad, and I don't value your input. Go troll your facebook page.
Fair enough.Believe what you want, I don't feel an obligation to substantiate a retort against a private intelligence firm or a pediatrician in Texas.
I've lost similar respect for folks touting aforementioned reports as powerful anti-Trump evidence.
Lastly, the jokes on you- I don't have a Facebook page.
This vaccine "investigation" could be a stroke of genius too.
Take an anti-vaccine guy, feed him data (pro and con) and let him come to the conclusion that vaccines are safe.
BTW- This anti-vaccine shit is more junk science from the UK.
Here's one.
As for the rest of your post, TLDR.
The initial (now debunked) Climate Change study came out of the UK.What do you mean by "more" out of interest? I would argue the US is the world leader in junk science.
The initial (now debunked) Climate Change study came out of the UK.
That last meme is at least partial bullshit. POTUS and FLOTUS did not lose their licensesI watched the first 30 minutes of the hearings (and actually watched all day) and had to re-wind to capture this foto:........which says, and along with the PEOTUS, stop wasting our time, stop spending our taxpayer money, stop crying like "Lumpers" (left leaning liberal looney-tune dis-barred lawyers} and let's get on with policing and governing this country.
You Libs had your chance, now it's our turn. I chuckle at you @amlove21 as you post a picture of Trump with the scythe and hammer. Do you really think Trump is going to ball lick Putin? This is one of those "wait and see" moments...but we can absolutely see your slant. Read the caption.... "NO WAY OF KNOWING HOW MUCH INFLUENCE RUSSIA HAD ON OUTCOME"....and this from DNI Clapper... ZERO evidence, although my NDA has expired...I know yours hasn't........THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN....and none of your nonsense makes sense. Catch up and admit that McCain is a Rhino and needs to go, and that much of what you've read for the last year are MSM lies.
Topic of the convo" The First 100 Days: Repeal ACA....The Dims think (seriously, and with snowflake lumper tears) that the Repub Right don't have a replacement plan ready? Are you really serious right now? This is more MSM misdirection! The GOP had a replacement plan ready 6 years ago....right about the time Pelosi passed the bill in the middle of the night and stated we had to read it to see what was in it....That new repeal/replace bill will take effect soon after inaugural. THE WALL: When tractor trailers filled with new vehicles start stacking up at the US/Mexican border because the US companies refuse to pay import taxes, the Mexican government will aquiesce. When Mexican workers are put out of a job because companies that "were" moving to Mexico but are no longer, they will BEG to pay for a wall to export their wares. Mexico is on fire these days, in case no one has noticed....gas prices rising because US slowed oil exports, threats of wall re-construction, slowing exports from Mexico. The Red wall was constructed, the blue wall fell.
Get on board or lead from behind, as we, American Patriots, were forced to do for the last eight years by an ULTRA left POTUS.
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We're also the irrefutable world leader in quality science, you're welcome.What do you mean by "more" out of interest? I would argue the US is the world leader in junk science.
Is he appointed to do anything yet???? Why appoint an anti-vaccine guy in the first place? That shows a profound lack of judgement.
Is he appointed to do anything yet?
The answer is no. Trump also met with various climate change proponents only to name the EPAs greatest nemesis as his pick for head of the EPA.
Trump understands opposition research.