The West Point Thread


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Remember a few years back the cadet with the Che t-shirt and pro-Communist remarks…and the group photo of the Black female cadets with their fists raised in the Black Power salute? Surely signs that the infection had already taken root.
Remember a few years back the cadet with the Che t-shirt and pro-Communist remarks…and the group photo of the Black female cadets with their fists raised in the Black Power salute? Surely signs that the infection had already taken root.
Wokeness is happening at USMA but its not like students are being indoctrinated to embrace radicalism. Those examples are not the norm. Its mostly about equality and social issues. Its a different world/ military than when I served. But many of the cadets are not buying the ridiculous and nonsensical aspects of wokeness. I mentioned before that I've met some of my boy's friends/classmates at WP. They are a driven but diverse group and all of his clique seem to be serving mostly out of patriotism. Without saying names, many call BS and keep driving on. These kids had values instilled at home. That being said, they are still young, impressionable minds.
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I tend to generalize when I shouldn’t. I’m sure the SJWs and Wokeness Posse are in a small minority at the service academies. Probably much less visible than at civilian universities. If my three sons are any example—like your son—there are lots of smart savvy young folk out there who don’t buy into all the nonsense.

The din created by a small minority tends to distort our perception of reality.
I tend to generalize when I shouldn’t. I’m sure the SJWs and Wokeness Posse are in a small minority at the service academies. Probably much less visible than at civilian universities. If my three sons are any example—like your son—there are lots of smart savvy young folk out there who don’t buy into all the nonsense.

The din created by a small minority tends to distort our perception of reality.

The madness is real, and you're right. Its happening to a degree, Brother. The media makes sure we know that.
I am not sure you are exactly the target audience lol. I don't know that I could do 8. Close, maybe...

The other stuff, though, you can do that!
"Can," yes. "Will I?" No.

If I'm getting up early enough to make a 0545 hit time, it's not going to be to get my feelings hurt trying to keep up with a bunch of guys less than half my age and a former Delta operator older than me.
"Can," yes. "Will I?" No.

If I'm getting up early enough to make a 0545 hit time, it's not going to be to get my feelings hurt trying to keep up with a bunch of guys less than half my age and a former Delta operator older than me.

That, I get. You have attained a level of intellectual growth to which I aspire. I still think, "Yeah, I can do that." Then sometimes I can't, and my feelings and my body gets hurt.

Edited to add, @amlove21 has a friend whom I have met and with whom I chat, and he is an absolute beast. He texts me workouts, I know the goal is to inspire and push, but I see them as a challenge. I have to remind myself I am not a PJ/CRO, and I don't get paid to work out a couple hours each day.
Its just wokeness. Leave the shit alone and use the lessons learned from the history of the civil war. Renaming shit doesn't change anything. Those leaders are a case study in leadership, regardless of which side they were forced to choose. A waste of 424k. My .02

ETA: Try as you may, you can't separate REL from West Point.
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