The Worst "Best" Movies


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
I'm sitting here watching Avatar and two thoughts have slapped me in the face: this movie made a ton of money and this movie sucks. While I can provide a review of this dog excrement, I'm curious what money-making or critically acclaimed movie(s) you can't stand. Avatar....fuck Avatar. There's probably a reason it's being shown on a Tuesday.
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Avatar sucked, but I have to admit those helo's looked cool as hell. Liked the space "combat robot suits" as well. But yeah, it totally sucked donkey dicks.

Hated Green Zone, Hurt Locker, Jar Head, etc, etc. Military movies that just totally dick things up with imposable story lines and jacked up uniforms, drive me nuts.
I know so many people who have said unless you see Avatar in 3-D it sucks, so I've never seen it. I also have never seen Titanic, I know how it ends already.

RP and I were watching Spiderman 3 in the Bear Tooth Theater (serves their own microbrew) and the best part was when the fire alarm went off and we had to leave. No amount of beer was making it any better.
Uh, everything with Nicholas cage, tacos and beer couldn't fix his crap. Surprised twilight hasn't been mentioned either. Sean penn movies....a lot of the shit netflix likes to mark 5 stars. Any of those sappy ass love movies that become cult classics. Endless list

LOL - this movie is known for being the target of Roger Ebert's most brutal review. A snippet:

"I hated this movie. Hated, hated, hated, hated, hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it." — Roger Ebert

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