The Worst "Best" Movies

I agree with Zero Dark Thirty. I watched it in theaters and got bored pretty early on.
Star Wars 7. Well, I wouldn't call it a bad movie, but compared to how great it's been hyped up to be, it sucks.
Star Wars 7. Well, I wouldn't call it a bad movie, but compared to how great it's been hyped up to be, it sucks.

I think that's a valid point: It was SO hyped up it was bound to be disappointing. I was almost expecting an orgasmic experience based on what social media was telling me, but I left like, "meh." Glad I went to a matinee and did not spend the big evening $ on it.
Star Wars 7. Well, I wouldn't call it a bad movie, but compared to how great it's been hyped up to be, it sucks.

I think that's a valid point: It was SO hyped up it was bound to be disappointing. I was almost expecting an orgasmic experience based on what social media was telling me, but I left like, "meh." Glad I went to a matinee and did not spend the big evening $ on it.

So you guys didn't like it because of the hype? Not based on the movie itself? I'd suggest learning to manage your expectations next time.

Also, to use the word hype, it typically means it doesn't perform in the box office. It's made over $2billion in the box office so far. Your argument is moot.

I think what this thread is suggesting are the worst movies that ended up winning best picture. So kind interesting that you are suggesting the movie should even be nominated if you guys don't like it.
Also, to use the word hype, it typically means it doesn't perform in the box office. It's made over $2billion in the box office so far. Your argument is moot.

I would suggest that the argument is somewhat valid; Titanic was hyped in '97 and made almost $2.2 Billion, and its a steaming pile of cinematic shit.

I think what this thread is suggesting are the worst movies that ended up winning best picture. So kind interesting that you are suggesting the movie should even be nominated if you guys don't like it.

If that's our criteria, I would call it a tie between Shakespeare In Love (steaming enough to fog my glasses) and the Hurt Locker.
So you guys didn't like it because of the hype? Not based on the movie itself? I'd suggest learning to manage your expectations next time.

Also, to use the word hype, it typically means it doesn't perform in the box office. It's made over $2billion in the box office so far. Your argument is moot.

I think what this thread is suggesting are the worst movies that ended up winning best picture. So kind interesting that you are suggesting the movie should even be nominated if you guys don't like it.

First, Roger Ebert, I never said I didn't like it. I said I thought it was over-hyped. Difference. Second, "hype" could refer to box office receipts, it could also mean how good the movie is relative to the advertising.

I wouldn't get too wrapped up in wondering about me managing my expectations. That's my wife's job; not sure she would like the competition.
So you guys didn't like it because of the hype? Not based on the movie itself? I'd suggest learning to manage your expectations next time.

Also, to use the word hype, it typically means it doesn't perform in the box office. It's made over $2billion in the box office so far. Your argument is moot.

I think what this thread is suggesting are the worst movies that ended up winning best picture. So kind interesting that you are suggesting the movie should even be nominated if you guys don't like it.
The hype isn't what ruined it for me. It was an Episode IV ripoff to me and that's why I don't like it. Hype probably wasn't the right word to use. The reactions people had after watching it and how many were claiming its one of the best movies they've ever seen is what I really had in mind.
The hype isn't what ruined it for me. It was an Episode IV ripoff to me and that's why I don't like it. Hype probably wasn't the right word to use. The reactions people had after watching it and how many were claiming its one of the best movies they've ever seen is what I really had in mind.

I don't want to derail the thread with star wars, but I would like to suggest that the reasons for it being a combination of a ripoff of ep4 and ep5 are exactly what the franchise needed after ep1-3. The movie had its moments both ways and did a great job of giving us more star wars movies in the future. So I am all for it.
I would suggest that the argument is somewhat valid; Titanic was hyped in '97 and made almost $2.2 Billion, and its a steaming pile of cinematic shit.

The only reasons to see Titanic are on Kate Winslett, my future ex-wife.


And my intent for this thread before it TWA 840'ed out of here was "The worst films despite box office or award success."
Also, to use the word hype, it typically means it doesn't perform in the box office. It's made over $2billion in the box office so far. Your argument is moot.
Incorrect. His use of hype is accurate.
verb - promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance or benefits.
The movie's success in sales is not what hype refers to, it is the building of expectations through marketing thereby encouraging people to buy a ticket and go see the movie. The fact it made so much money is not an indicator of how good the movie is. Using your own assessment of ep 1-3, Episode 1 is the third highest overall grossing star wars film (adjusted). Is it not fair to say that the reason such a poor movie made so much was because of the hype generated leading up to its release? The force awakens was an over-hyped mediocre film, that while entertaining, did not live up to the wonder and awe of the original trilogy.
Incorrect. His use of hype is accurate.

The movie's success in sales is not what hype refers to, it is the building of expectations through marketing thereby encouraging people to buy a ticket and go see the movie. The fact it made so much money is not an indicator of how good the movie is. Using your own assessment of ep 1-3, Episode 1 is the third highest overall grossing star wars film (adjusted). Is it not fair to say that the reason such a poor movie made so much was because of the hype generated leading up to its release? The force awakens was an over-hyped mediocre film, that while entertaining, did not live up to the wonder and awe of the original trilogy.

So it was a victim of it's own phenomenon. There is a good article out there suggesting that every sci-fi movie ends up being compared to Star Wars and generally doesn't do well.

To you first comment. I would only say that it's about earnings over time, not just the raw numbers. context makes everything. Also. The hype was fan based. I don't believe that the studio over-exaggerated any marketing. If anything, Deadpool was way more marketed, but at least lived up to the hype. It just won't make the money that ep7 will make. There are of course such things as market measured metrics, and ep7 exceeded performance expectations.
So it was a victim of it's own phenomenon. There is a good article out there suggesting that every sci-fi movie ends up being compared to Star Wars and generally doesn't do well.

To you first comment. I would only say that it's about earnings over time, not just the raw numbers. context makes everything. Also. The hype was fan based. I don't believe that the studio over-exaggerated any marketing. If anything, Deadpool was way more marketed, but at least lived up to the hype. It just won't make the money that ep7 will make. There are of course such things as market measured metrics, and ep7 exceeded performance expectations.
Caution, the fan boy is strong with this one. Look, I get it. You are a fan and don't like negative comments towards it. We all have our fandoms and strive to protect them. Mine are Deep Space Nine, Farscape, and the HALO franchise. We will defend our fandoms to the end.

However, Star Wars is not science fiction. It is fantasy set in a science fiction setting. So the idea that every other sci-fi movie ends up being compared to SW is ludicrous. How can you say the studio did not exaggerate marketing? There were kids toys on the shelves before the movie even came out, people bought movie tickets to movies that only showed a two or three minute trailer and ignored the feature film. I won't deny that they did a fantastic job on marketing. However, the movie itself was hyped, partly as its own phenomenon and partly because the studio flooded the market. The movie, based on the hype, failed to meet expectations. If our unit mandated a perfect PT score of 300, and the army standard was 150 (not really but for simplicity's sake), and we scored 250, then we did well. However, we still fell short of expectations. A crude comparison I know, but it helps to illustrate the point.

You are correct about context. You also cannot make a logical argument that it was a good movie based on the metrics and performance expectations. If we were executives reviewing the movie, then we could objectively agree that the movie did fantastic. As science fiction fans, we can subjectively disagree as to the film's success based on its content and not on its box office performance. Example, John Carter, Jupiter Ascending, Edge of Tomorrow, Oblivion, and others were fantastic science fiction movies that did not do well at the box office. However, their stories were excellent as was the execution of the movies.
However, Star Wars is not science fiction. It is fantasy set in a science fiction setting. So the idea that every other sci-fi movie ends up being compared to SW is ludicrous.
It seems like most people don't understand the difference, unfortunately. They are ships in space and lasers and automatically label it as science fiction.
It seems like most people don't understand the difference, unfortunately. They are ships in space and lasers and automatically label it as science fiction.
I meant to say
"All they see are" in the second sentence. Proofread fail on my part.