This man does NOT like Jocko...

Luttrell admits he didn't write his book and claims he didn't know anything about a book. If you keep watching, it sounds like the Navy orchestrated the entire narrative.

I took that conversation and those comments differently. He was told to keep the book under wraps and didn't know info about it had become public until some of the guys told him about it. The Navy definitely had him on a publicity tour.
I took that conversation and those comments differently. He was told to keep the book under wraps and didn't know info about it had become public until some of the guys told him about it. The Navy definitely had him on a publicity tour.

Yeah, the book details his personal life fairly well, IIRC. So, I don't see how it wasn't a collaboration. But I took that it's release was what was surprising.
Is it any wonder that there has been a PR black eye for NSW? Maybe not with the bro vets and public--they love them some SEALs--but with the military community at large.

They write books with concerns of the veracity of the contents, and bend the truth or flat-out lie about the sketchy shit within their community.

Related: NSW is axing their medic program, sending the NSW medics back to SOCM at Bragg. The SOCM folks are...less than enthusiastic. As one guy told me, "SEALS...they think they know it all and you can't teach them shit."
Tim Kennedy Fabricated Stories and Stole Valor in His Book

Shocked GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Linking to an article instead of a 3 hour video, but is anyone really suprised by this?
That people in special ops lie about their career for money? No. That his book passed review? Also no. Unlike Mark Owen/Matt Bissonette who just sent stuff down range.

Remember, Kennedy is boys with the current CSMA. I like the guy, but like most special people I stopped fawning over them ages ago.
I haven't read the book and I don't know what's real or what isn't. I don't know Tim Kennedy either, although I had a chance encounter with him at SHOT last year and had a positive first impression.
Brent hasn't missed the mark with O'Neill, Luttrell, and now Kennedy. The Ranger School Honor Grad thing stuck out because of how easy that must be to fact check. AHP naming who they spoke to, individuals who could easily come forward and shut down the narrative, is also impressive.

What's interesting is they had a recent podcast where they mentioned "Shrek" McPhee (Sherriff of Baghdad) and another podcast circuit vet were being looked at for some of their claims. AHP has also gone to great lengths to break down other incidents like Ruby Ridge and George Floyd, so this isn't new ground for the podcast.

For years myself and others have voiced our concerns over bro vets and elevating veterans in general to a god like status; I'm curious if that bill is coming due. The GWOT is mostly behind us and guys are coming to grips with the last two decades of their lives. People talk about vet on vet drama, but is it that or just guys realizing they were shit on for two decades now watching their "peers" profit from lies? Guys sick of the government dumping on people, sick of things like Abbey Gate, now watching other vets make up history with fanbois hanging on their every word?

I don't know. Something that stuck with me years ago was reading a book about Medal of Honor recipients and they admitted some of their peers weren't stellar people. For some the MoH was all they had in life, they milked it and threw the medal in the face of anyone who didn't "kiss the ring" so to speak. I wonder how many vets are doing that now, minus the pale blue ribbon?

A lot of dirty stuff has gone on over the last 20+ years within mil and vet circles (Chapman's MoH comes to mind among others) and sooner or later it will all see the light of day.
Don't they have like a board where the Honor Grads are named or some such? Easy to lie about graduating from ranger school, especially if you were a drop. Seen a wild amount of dudes who got tabs added to their OMPF and ORB/ERB...also saw one get caught. I forget how it was discovered, but he was a BOLC instructor of mine, and then I saw him years later come to my squadron. 8 or so months later there was some type of investigation that brought that to light...and apparently all of his schools were fake. He also wasn't White, so I hm uh hm wonder if that's how he got protected for so long.
So I was thinking about this. Similar comment to the original podcaster. Why do the kids, profit off of tearing down other bro vets, who are low ranking pukes like myself (0-4 and below) who just wanted their piece. (Not me, no books from me unless you want me talking about testing commo equipment)

I've started thinking about this differently. The FOGOs get their 7 figure consulting jobs and board seats. The rest of us might get VA disability. So why not write a book...oh wait, trashpiles like McRaven and Betrayus also get book deals?

If these bro vets who make a career on tearing down other bro vets actually want to make a different (they don't) they would do tear downs of Milley.

That's just my thoughts. In reality this nobody wants to ride Tim Kennedy's fame. Anyways, here's at least one of Tim's Ranger buddies calling out that podcast:
The end of the Gulf War. Stormin Norman. Here was the beginning rumble of the seismic shift in public perception of the military. Suddenly we transformed from two-decades of being drug-addled baby-killers and social outcasts to something almost positive. I remember coming out of a Mexican restaurant and some guy thanking me for my service. I was speechless.

Then 9/11 and service members and vets are elevated into superheroes.

Then, holy freakin fuck...let the bullshit begin. Even draft-dodging ultra-leftist Viet Cong-flag-waving former hippie-fuck college turds are lying about their non-existent military service!

I heard it all. And vets--my fucking brother Vietnam vets--all of a sudden they were all "tunnel rats" and "recon" and "snipers"...all the Navy guys were SEALs or PBR riverine crews. You were a swab-jockey second class on a fleet oiler and now you're killing Victor Charles with your bare hands.

Now the bullshit's got so deep even guys who've got legit battle creds, combat histories anybody would be proud of, have to stack more icing on the cake.

It'll come crashing down one day. Goddam right, the bill comes due...always.
I listened to maybe 25 mins of that podcast. Those guys are to put it mildly, a lot.

Never heard of em, saw it was three hours and noped out of it. Figure the article was probably a good TL:DW. A fair amount of the things they bring up aren't new regarding TK.

So I was thinking about this. Similar comment to the original podcaster. Why do the kids, profit off of tearing down other bro vets, who are low ranking pukes like myself (0-4 and below) who just wanted their piece. (Not me, no books from me unless you want me talking about testing commo equipment)

I've started thinking about this differently. The FOGOs get their 7 figure consulting jobs and board seats. The rest of us might get VA disability. So why not write a book...oh wait, trashpiles like McRaven and Betrayus also get book deals?

If these bro vets who make a career on tearing down other bro vets actually want to make a different (they don't) they would do tear downs of Milley.

That's just my thoughts. In reality this nobody wants to ride Tim Kennedy's fame. Anyways, here's at least one of Tim's Ranger buddies calling out that podcast:

I'm all for tearing down shitty FOGOs as well.

I think the issue in this case, and the others in this thread thread, is dudes embellishing their pasts for profit. We (rightfully) put support dudes faking SOF statuses or guys faking awards in their place when we find out; I don't think operators should get a pass.

I won't discount the guy defending TK; everybody has different experiences with people.

Seen a wild amount of dudes who got tabs added to their OMPF and ORB/ERB
Double quoting you for a recent story this reminded me of.

State chief of staff and his entourage of FOs and staff NCOs visited our unit not to long ago. One of our AGRs ("J"-protected by retirement) saw one of the NCOs("W") wearing airborne wings, but knew the dude had been a VW.

J calls out W and is immediately told to leave the meeting by the COS. J decides to reach out to the school house to request W's records. W's records show he was a drop and NTR. J sends all of this to the COS and gets radio silence.
I saw W last week with the COS, still wearing those jump wings.

Some people just don't give a fuck and will get away with things even when evidence to the contrary is available.
The end of the Gulf War. Stormin Norman. Here was the beginning rumble of the seismic shift in public perception of the military. Suddenly we transformed from two-decades of being drug-addled baby-killers and social outcasts to something almost positive. I remember coming out of a Mexican restaurant and some guy thanking me for my service. I was speechless.

Then 9/11 and service members and vets are elevated into superheroes.

I think the shift started with the weekend wars of the 80s (adding Iran in 79), but I agree that Gulf War 1 in 91 was the turning point; it was also the first one where you had instant live feed on one of 80 channels, so it became much more personal, and GWOT amplified that.
War Stories have been around forever. Technology and access to the information superhighway has just taken them to a whole' nutha' level...

There I was - It was just me and the rest of my 12 man team - we got ambushed by at least 100 Taliban - ankle deep in hand grenade pins - 1000 Taliban bearing down on us - broken bayonet blades - 10,000 Taliban streaming through the valley towards us - knee deep in spent brass...

...What happened next Grand Pa?

Everywhere you looked - we were out numbered at least a hundred to one. I fired my machine gun so much that the barrel melted - I had to turn it in to supply and get a new one so I could keep[ fighting !!!

Jeepers Grand Pa - why didn't you guys just run for it?

Well, they had surrounded grand son. We had nowhere to run !!!

Weren't you afraid Grand Pa?

I sure was Grand Son - I was afraid some of them TallyBan would get away before I had a chance to shoot 'em all.

Now, all I need is a EweToob Channel, an InstantGain account, and a buddy to back up a few of my stories ...
...BAM "bona fide" Social Media Influencer !!!

Some people can do it with a straight face - some back-peddle when they are called out - Me: I'm just fucking just jealous that I can't figure out how to monetize my bullshit !!!

But believe this - the day I figure out out to capitalize on my ability to talk shit on the interwebz.......


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